
  1. Presser

    Brooke Ence is Returning to CrossFit Competition in 2020

    Brooke Ence is Returning to CrossFit Competition in 2020 After taking time to work on her businesses and rehab injuries, Ence is back. In popular culture, Brooke Ence may be one of the better known CrossFit® athletes, due in part to her well publicized appearance in the Wonder Woman movie, the...
  2. drtbear1967

    Eucommia Ulmoides (EU)

    This is a very interesting paper from 2007 involving a plant species called Eucommia ulmoides(EU) and its ability to act as a phytoandrogen and potentiate sex hormones in the body. EU contains triterpenoids, which were shown to weakly activate the androgen receptor. However these unique...
  3. B

    HGH conversion mg to iu

    So I have just been prescribed some HGH by a new doc. I had been testing low for years, but the other docs would not give it to me solely based on the fact that I was muscular. Didn't matter what the test said. Anyway, so now I have a script. I was prescribed Omnitrope 5.8mg, and I'm...
  4. Presser

    Q: A Lot Of My Guy Friends Are Taking Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Is It Worth Considering? Is It "Cheating?"

    Q: A Lot Of My Guy Friends Are Taking Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Is It Worth Considering? Is It "Cheating?"Both free and total testosterone levels tend to decline with age. This is totally normal and natural, but at the same time, it's no fun. And when you also like to train hard and lift...
  5. Presser

    Testosterone Propionate Enhanced Performance in 3rd week of Steroid cycle

    Even a low dose of testosterone can give athletes a big performance boost – and in a fraction of the time thought necessary, a study initiated by New Scientist has found. The finding will reinforce calls for drug-testing regimes to be radically stepped up. The received wisdom is that...
  6. L

    help,My client's question

    I’ve been having trouble with Arimidex the last few times I tried low doses. So my pharmacist introduced me to EstroDIM today. Anyone have experience with this? And what is your experience? My estrodial* is at 54 with the e2 sensitive test. I take 120mg of Testosterone Cypionate Weekly...
  7. Presser

    My New Crypto-Currency Visa Debit Card! I Love It!

    So I am not sure how many other Crypto companies are out there right now that have Visa spending power but I do know the company I am with I absolutely love! I signed up quite easily, I deposited bitcoin into my wallet which was converted into real world dollars on my new visa card! Boom...
  8. drtbear1967

    Relieve Allergies with a workout.

    by Matt Weik Allergies have the ability to knock us on our butt when we least expect it. We are left with itchy eyes, a stuffy nose, pressure in our sinuses, fatigue, and even sometimes pain. The first thing we think to do is either go to the doctor or go in search of an over-the-counter...
  9. jimbosmith316

    What Every Man Should Know About Finasteride (FINESTRA) for Hair Loss

    What Every Man Should Know About Finasteride (FINESTRA) for Hair Loss You’ve been suspecting it for some time but now it’s undeniable – you’re losing your hair. Whether your hairline is receding, you’re developing a bald spot, or your hair is thinning all over your head, hair loss is never a...
  10. Presser

    Sarm Ostarine mk 2866 for female fitness usage

    When it comes to taking anything to get results women definitely have it harder than men. The problem is that almost anything that provides faster results for women also has defeminizing effects as well. Don't let some of the figure models fool you, take away the makeup, hair extensions...
  11. Presser

    Diuretics for Bodybuilding

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; font-size: 16px;">Diuretics for Bodybuilding </header>It’s no secret by now that bodybuilders have been using diuretics to help get drier and more defined leading into a bodybuilding competition and/or...
  12. drtbear1967

    Need to be Smarter these days!!

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: inherit; margin-right: 57.0156px; margin-left: 0px; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-family: Merriweather, Georgia, serif; font-size: 16px; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75);">Need to Be Smarter </header> b Matt Weik Somewhere in America...
  13. jimbosmith316

    Actress Liv Tyler, 42, reveals she takes CBD oil daily to treat her anxiety

    Liv Tyler Takes CBD oil Daily Liv Tyler, 42 reveals that she is a regular user of CBD oil and takes it everyday to treat her anxiety, as she confesses she suffers from severe nerves that are easily triggered by her ‘stepping out of the comfort zone’. Liv Tyler revealed she uses CBD oil...
  14. drtbear1967

    To Train or Not when you're sick.

    Getting sick is a part of every day life, however, many bodybuilders want to train through their illnesses. For mild symptoms, this is probably fine and simply requires some fine tuning in your workout. More severe illnesses will more than likely force you to take a day off. Training with a...
  15. H

    First Time IGF - Side Effect Help

    I am taking 2x250mg test E and 2x200mg tren E jabs a week. I am taking IGF1-lr3 (SOMEDIN-LR3) 200mcg 1 jab in the stomach every day, 1/4 of the vile (2ml water added to the vile, 1 vile = 4 days). I plan on doing this for 4 weeks, stop for 4 weeks, then again for 4 weeks. I've never used IGF...
  16. drtbear1967

    3D Printed supplements?

    by Matt Weik With so many supplements out on the market, how do you know what will work for you and your specific needs. For instance, I could use creatine monohydrate and get great results, but if I tell you to use it, you might be a non-responder and not get anything from the product and...
  17. J

    OTC Fat Burners

    What's everyone thoughts on fat burners? My friend has been taking lipodrene and he has lost alot of weight over the past couple of months and pushing it on me to try. I have tried other ones before and it has helped with energy and appetite.Has anyone tried this lipodrene: Lipodrene(R) (w/ 25mg...
  18. Presser

    Andarine S4 2.0 ( SARM S23 )

    S23 is a newer and more powerful version of S4 (Andarine) and without the negative visual impairment side effects caused by S4. S23 was developed as a potential male hormonal contraceptive, so like any other SARM it binds in the androgen receptor. Using S23, you will see a hardening of muscle...
  19. S

    Estrogen high?

    Been doing Test only 200/week. Haven't been taking adex probably like it should be taken. Been Feeling light headed and sort of dizzy. I read up on high estrogen side effect and sure enuff that was one, from high levels causing low blood sugar. One site recommended eat something sweet. I did and...
  20. P

    Advice for The first cycle?

    Hello guys. im going to take dbol, deca and testE for the first cycle. I’m not sure how much I should take and when. can anybody advice me about those gears? also I’m taking pct arimidex/ nolvedex. do I need others? Thank you.