
  1. drtbear1967

    HCG - Love it.

    Guys, I have to let you know that if you have not tried HCG, you are missing out. I will be 52 this year and have to tell you that since I have been taking HCG, I have been having the best sex of my life. Orgasm's are the best and super intense. Have to say that I feel like a porn star and the...
  2. drtbear1967

    Magnesium - Why you should be taking it.

    theguerillachemist One of the most overlooked supplements that everyone(athletes or not) should be taking is magnesium(Mg). There are over 300 bodily processes in which Mg is involved, including tons of enzymes. This study showed a direct correlation between serum Mg levels and biomarkers for...
  3. drtbear1967

    Training Heart Smart

    by Matt Weik Those who exercise regularly generally do it for weight management reasons. Many forget how important it is to train in such a way that it improves cardiovascular functioning (heart health). Heart disease is our nation’s number one killer and is something many of us can prevent...
  4. Presser

    Server update and site maintenance

    We are very sorry this is taking longer than expected and realize the site keeps crashing so we are now on a 3rd server to narrow down the problem and whether it’s our end or our hosts end thank you
  5. Presser

    Finesteride Impact On Your Hormones.

    Finesteride Impact On Your Hormones. The number of prescription medications used to treat or prevent steroid related side-effects is vast. These compounds consist of aromatase inhibitors, diuretics, and 5a-reductase inhibitors just to name a few. The typical bodybuilder that uses anabolic...
  6. Presser

    2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) – Fat Loss Wonder-Drug or Death Trap

    DNP – Fat Loss Wonder-Drug or Death Trap? Like many of the chemicals used today by bodybuilders and athletes in all sporting codes, 2,4-Dinitrophenol (DNP) was introduced to the market by the late steroid guru Dan Duchaine. After researching a compound and basing a theory on his findings...
  7. fullytorqued

    Cycle log using Pharmacom gear

    Last week I started my run-up to spring with a tren-e test-c cycle with what I had left over from last year. This will be my third tren cycle with the first two being 200/wk Tren E and 250/wk Test E. I didn't feel stable at that interval so I'm going to e5d. Can't run Tren A due to frequent...
  8. D

    Help please

    So I am brand new to all of this...I am looking for some advice. I am not a bodybuilder and i dont do any crazy lifting,but I am trying to slim down. I am 5'5 145 pounds and last time I checked I was 30% body fat. I try to workout at least 4 days a week which consists of 25 minutes or cardio and...
  9. CH3NO2

    CBD Oil?

    Who takes it? What do you take it for? My wife has anxiety and is interested in taking it. There is a shit ton of hype and a million different pop up companies. Is this stuff for real? Does it help with anxiety? What dose do you take? What brand do you use? I did a search on here and did not...
  10. drtbear1967

    What helps to lose and keep the weight off?

    This study looked at 388 Portuguese people who lost at least 5kg and kept it off for at least a year (average was 18kg loss maintained for 28 months). This is what they found helped... . •Regular exercise (average of 5 hours a week, although exact amount was very individual) •Healthy foods...
  11. M

    Igf-1 Lr3 in abs

    Igf-1 Lr3 will work good taking it in abs??? Also should I take before or after workouts and do I take everyday?. Sorry so many questions , first timer. Thanks
  12. drtbear1967

    Train while you sick?

    Training when you’re sick is a tricky scenario as it’s much easier to overtrain given the amount of stress that’s already on the body. Follow these recommendations to continue training without risking overtraining while you’re sick. For severe infections like the Flu, taking time off is the best...
  13. H

    Acne - Need Alternative

    I am on test 500mg/week (2 jabs spread out) and 0.5 tablet (so 12.5mg) Arimidex EOD. For 2 weeks my skin went very oily and then dried out leaving acne scars on my face. I’ve never had acne on my face in my life. My upper arms got inflamed and bumpy and I used all sorts of off the counter...
  14. A

    Few more days

    Taking a break on the 21st. 10% off 25% off after 1000 Ak [email protected]
  15. T

    My Dr wants blood labs done and I'm on cycle! :( any advice?

    OK so I'm seeing a Dr for my diastasis recti and atrophied left tricep, hes been cool as shit to me so far, Now he's sending me to PT for both these and he wants a blood panel done. I think he;s pretty anti steroid (as most Drs) and hes asked me if I'm taking them, and thinking my insurance...
  16. A

    Auto reply list is back up

    Questions can also be asked at the same email. Also take note If taking advantage of promotional items please note the bottom of O promo 2 test e etc. Ak [email protected]
  17. drtbear1967

    Thyroid Update Info.

    theguerillachemist Update: after 6 weeks at 100mcg/d, I had some blood work done to test my thyroid levels, including thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH). My TSH levels were NOT suppressed while taking GC-1, just like the research suggests. This is huge as it may be a viable option for competitors...
  18. I

    Igf1 and carb sensitivity

    I just ordered some IGF-1 from MC today. I was reading some of the articles on the front page and came across the newest one that states IGF prevents glucose from entering the cells. This seems to be contradictory information since I understood previously that it actually shuttled nutrients into...
  19. drtbear1967

    New Goals for Motivation.

    Not feeling motivated anymore? Then use variety or set new goals. There are endless possibilities when it comes to variety, but many people won't utilize their options because they get stuck in their ways. When you start to plateau or feel unmotivated by a lifting program, use the internet to...
  20. Ox 51

    LeBron Passes Wilt Chamberlain On All-Time Scoring List

    LeBron James put up 44 points last night in a win over the Portland Trailblazers and in the process passed Wilt Chamberlain to move into fifth place on the all-time scoring list. He is now 867 points behind Michael Jordan for fourth and 2,218 behind Kobe Bryant for third place. After the game...