
  1. M

    Igf lr3, creatine, beta alanine and gear synergy

    Have any of you guys notice a difference when using supplements and gear? I’ve done creatine on it’s own, gear in its own and igf in its own and now I’m doing all 3 and i can feel hardness on muscles even. I know about anavar and creatine is There any synergy with what I’m taking since it feels...
  2. Presser

    Mens Physique 8 Week Contest Prep Cycle. Bromocriptine Not Suggested

    8 week precontest cut cycle that includes: Test Prop 75mg ED Tren Ace 50mg ED Winny (looking at last 4 weeks, 40 - 50mg ED) Adex (0.5mg EOD, possibly ED or trading out for Aromasin or Letro if it will help cut down on potential gyno on stage) Bromocriptine (I need to find my spreadsheet for...
  3. 5

    Prolactin issue and Anti-P

    So I have never ran any anabolic or growth before in my life; trained naturally for 10+ years; recently I took a supplement Follidrone 2.0(epicathen) and Hi-Tech laxogenin; they are considered natural anabolics but have really dont nothing for me in terms of strength and body composition...
  4. P

    Do I need to take Clomid/Nolva after cycle if I took Arimidex during cycle?

    Beginning first cycle at age 45, so looking for some advice. Taking 50 MG of Anavar for 8 weeks.Do I need to take Clomd/Nolva after cycle if I took Arimidex during cycle?
  5. Ox 51

    LeBron Versus Trump

    LeBron James: 'This race thing is taking over' as Donald Trump uses sports 'to divide us' Jason Owens ,Yahoo Sports•<time class="date Fz(11px) Mb(4px) Fz(13px) C(#9ea2af)" datetime="2018-07-31T00:23:25.000Z" itemprop="datePublished" style="color: rgb(158, 162, 175); font-size: 13px...
  6. blacktail

    EAA or BCAs

    What do you personally prefer and why? I have read good for both. Currently taking EAA. Thanks
  7. T

    Clenbutoral makes me feel like crap!

    I just started it, only 20 mcg tabs, and now I remember why I discontinued last yr, the shakes and just generally feel like crap, the stuff I had many yrs ago didnt do this. Anyone else?? (kind of reminds me of taking those stay awake OTC pills that truckers would take from long time ago)
  8. drtbear1967

    Coaching Overload

    I'm all for coaches taking courses to learn the nuances involved in using different tools, like suspension straps (TRX etc) and kettlebells. But you can often tell when a trainer has recently come back from taking a kettlebell or suspension training course because almost every exercise he has...
  9. drtbear1967

    The Mental Progression of Coaching

    nicktongstrong There’s a reason I choose to pursue coaching full time. It started as a small side job during my undergrad, with my ultimate thought being that it would always remain a small side thing; that my career was waiting. Six years or so later, that has never come to fruition. ▫️ There...
  10. drtbear1967

    Lose the Bro Herd and Train

    by Chris Shugart • Guys, we hate to interrupt your fifth chest/bi's workout of the week, but here's the thing. When you train with eight of your bros, you're taking up one piece of equipment for over an hour. You're also getting a pretty crappy workout given the fact that you rest 22 minutes...
  11. drtbear1967

    Vitamin D3 Mega Dose

    Vitamin D3 has a multitude of health benefits, including increasing testosterone levels in older populations. However, I think that most people have been supplementing with D3 in a subpar manner. This study, a meta-analysis, compares the healthy individuals taking different amounts of D3 to see...
  12. Iron Game

    Reaction to PEG carrier oil or MK-677?

    I got some MK-677 from someone I trust and a couple hours after I started it I started having bad diarrhea, stomach rolling etc. I usually have an iron clad stomach. I didnt worry to much about it so I continued taking it for a few days. After 5 days spending way too much time in the bathroom I...
  13. Iron Game

    Compounded PDE-5 Inhibitor Basics Cialis, Viagra...

    Compounded PDE-5 Inhibitor Basics Phosphodiesterase-Type 5 Inhibitors Mechanism:During sexual arousal, nitric oxide (NO) is released from nerve terminals and endothelial cells in the corpus cavernosum. NO activates guanylate cyclase to convert guanosine triphosphate (GTP) into cyclic guanosine...
  14. drtbear1967

    Stimulants and Pre Workout - What the Future Holds

    by Matt Weik We live in a world where people who use pre-workouts are focused only on one thing — stimulants. That’s right, they want to feel jacked up. They want to feel as if ants are crawling under their skin, that tingly sensation telling them their pre-workout product is working. If...
  15. drtbear1967

    Testosterone in a Choke Hold!

    by Josh Hodnik I can’t imagine that there is any other substance found naturally in the human body that’s been more controversial than the hormone, testosterone. Even though it’s naturally produced in men, and in low amounts in women, its synthetic version is a Schedule III narcotic. To put...
  16. drtbear1967

    17 Mistakes that You Need to Avoid.

    17 Mistakes that You Need to Avoid!! 1. Lack of General Steroid Education: what you don't know can hurt you! You need to know what certain types of steroids do, how to stack and cycle for max results with minimum risks, injection procedures (you CAN kill yourself if you don't do this...
  17. Iron Game

    Do SARMs build muscle without training?

    I laughed so hard when I seen this post on another forum. They of course sell SARMs. I figure they posted it for the Search Engine's "You here a lot of guys "complaining" that "it is not fair" you build more muscle on steroids without training than a natural working out hard. Studies have shown...
  18. Iron Game

    Sniffing Insulin

    New Study - Sniffed Insulin: Can Cut Your Appetite! For bodybuilders, appetite suppression is key. Now a new study released in Scientific Reports, a nature research journal, by researchers at the German Center for Diabetes Research in Tübingen, shows that intranasal insulin can help you to...
  19. 9

    The Male Romper Is Taking Over The UFC

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5Rqr3T1ohRM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  20. drtbear1967

    Don't Be a Gym Marker

    Don't Be a Gym Marker It's inconsiderate and everyone thinks you're a wanker. by John Romano “Markers" are people who will occupy three or four pieces of equipment and mark their territory with a towel at one station, their gym bag and some straps at another, a sweaty shirt at another, and...