
  1. Presser

    Finally Buying a 3d Printer! Been wanting this thing for ages!

    I have been wanting a 3d printer for some time now, and well i am ready to go buy it, i was gonna grab the cheaper one for now, just to get a feel for how it works, then upgrade to a really good one, does anyone have a 3d printer and if so how do you like it, what do you suggest in terms of...
  2. Iron Game

    Supplementing Your Muscle Growth With Creatine

    Creatine is easily the most widely recognized nutritional supplement on earth. But ironically, while people outside the bodybuilding community think it's some type of anabolic steroid, the bulk of the people inside the bodybuilding community think all it does is put water in your system just to...
  3. Iron Game

    The Big Benefits of Cialis for Bodybuilding

    When a lot of guys think of a drug like Cialis, the first thing that comes to mind is trouble getting an erection. They probably think it’s some pill that is made for old men or guys with erectile dysfunction. This is probably a thought that would come to mind even quicker if they saw it...
  4. M

    Been gone for a while But I am back

    Couple tough years for me, back surgery my 4th one in 2014 floored me for like 6 months. I had one month that I couldn't even go get the mail. How lame is that. Then last year I sold my home in california and got out of that pit. Finally convinced the wife to move. All my bitching finally paid...
  5. Presser

    Who Sells The Best Real SARMs Ligandrol, Andarine Ostarine. Best Brands, RND Solutions a SARM SCIENCES Company

    WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE WITH OUR SarmSciences Ostarine mk-2866 PRODUCT? How is Our Ostarine different from our competition? Too many companies and Sarm websites do NOT have legitimate SARMs products that they market! After researching on these so called "SARMs" sites. We have found that most of...
  6. Presser

    September 1st means one thing! Football baby

    Man I am stoked for the season! and I love me some cool autumn weather, i hate the heat
  7. Powderguy

    Leaving for Russia

    Hey Fellas, I will not be on for a few weeks. I will be leaving for Russia to handle some business. A few guys have picked up formulas and recipes and you can search the forum for what you need. My favorite thing about Russia is its like Mexico, if you have money you can buy anything and if...
  8. P


    Does anyone here understand this Bitcoin thing? If so, could you please explain it to me, lol...
  9. 9

    Duane Ludwig vs Shad Smith Jun / 24 / 2000

    <iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe> always loved this fight. if u don't watch the whole thing at least start it at 4:42 and enjoy. love the way bang busted out the crane lol.
  10. B

    Ashley Madison dating site hacked.

    Saw on the internet today that the Ashley Madison adult affairs dating site was hacked. They threatened to put all the personal info about the members up on the internet unless the site shuts down. 2 months ago, the same thing happened to the adult sex site Adult Friend Finder. I would be...
  11. Presser

    Anyone ever Gamble in that Draft Kings League on TV?

    I was curious about this Draft Kings thing i see commercials on tv for all the time, and I also seen HBO real sports did a piece on this online fantasy gambling as well, and i am thinking about playing but not sure how it works exactly , anyone??
  12. Presser

    CanAm Spider, Anyone own one or has anyone driven one?

    These bikes look pretty fun, I'm not into motorcycles at all, but this 3 wheel thing looks like a blast. ANyone ever ride one or own one?
  13. crash

    Compettive edge M-DROL is there a clone out there

    For guys that have tried M-Drol I was wondering if there is any thing comparable too it out now ? That shit gave me crazy strength
  14. K


    Hello guys i just wanted to take time and introduce myself, been reading alot here over the pass years but now i finally registerd . I'am 19 years old lifting for about 4 years started of when i was 16. I'm 5'9ish (176cm) and 166 (75kg) at roughly 11% bodyfat id say. From Nothern Europe. I am...
  15. freakinthegym

    Musclechemistry igf!

    I just put my order for mc igf and letro great products and cant wait till they get here! One thing i can always count on being top notch products from mc supps
  16. beeflover

    New years resolution!!

    So whos ready for the gym to be packed with the new 2 week members? I like seeing people who come and beat them selfs up only to get sore and then quit. Only thing i like about this is it gives you a few different women to look at. Happy new year to all the peeps out their.
  17. Get_Swole

    NCAA Bowlmania?

    NCAA Bowlmania Betting 250credit buy in!!! Has anyone joined any groups to participate? I have not this year, normally my friends from work will all put money down and see who makes out the best. This year I got nothing, would anyone be interested in starting one for MC? I can look into it, not...
  18. guardianactual

    Q&A IFBB Pro GH and 3rd shift

    Q. If I work third shift what is the best time to take my gh, I sleep from 7a.m to 1:30 p.m, get up eat and train at 2;30? A. if i am taking 4 or less IU, i take it all at once, first thing when i wake up. if i am taking more, i will often split the dose, first thing when i wake up and right...
  19. A

    Having kids while on AAS or TRT?

    I met a guy last evening in the gym around 50ish and had a good conversation with him over AAS,he claimed that he had a kid even after being on TRT for 3 yrs continuous , is that possible?I know my mentors (2) were both pro weight lifters and international medal holders in early 90's and i know...
  20. guardianactual

    Missed this feeling.

    Hell of a year so far started w/ a layoff the the government cut unemployment in my state from a year to 6 months, & all the bs & drame I could handle. I'm not the emotional type but quick thanks to Presser for the rep opportunity, bro I appreciate it & I'm sticking around. </br> </br> 1 thing...