
  1. Presser

    Testosterone Cypionate/Propionate Injection for TRT. COMBO = 200mg per ml. HRT

    TESTOSTERONE CYPIONATE / PROPIONATE INJECTION <nav class="action-links" style="box-sizing: border-box; list-style: none; padding: 0px; margin: 1em 0px;"></nav> <article data-history-node-id="266" role="article" about="/drugs/testosterone-cypionate-propionate-injection.html" class="node...
  2. Presser

    Testosterone cypionate injections for men over 40

    TESTOSTERONE CYPIONATE / PROPIONATE INJECTION <nav class="action-links" style="box-sizing: border-box; list-style: none; padding: 0px; margin: 1em 0px;"></nav> <article data-history-node-id="266" role="article" about="/drugs/testosterone-cypionate-propionate-injection.html" class="node...
  3. drtbear1967

    Nebido - Profile

    Nebido History and Overview Aside from an interesting name, Nebido has some interesting uses and properties that make it one of the most unique testosterone based hormones in existence. It is essentially a long-form ester derivative of hormones normally used to treat men with low testosterone...
  4. drtbear1967

    Anabolic Steroids and How they are Toxic to your Liver.

    by Anthony Roberts Are anabolic steroids liver-toxic? How toxic are they, potentially? And why? Back when John Ziegler first introduced Dianabol (aka methandrostenolone or metandienone) to American athletes, a dose of 5-10 milligrams per day was cautiously suggested as an effective dose…and...
  5. drtbear1967

    Parabolan - History to Application.

    Overview and History of Parabolan Parabolan is the brand name and trade name for the anabolic steroid Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, commonly and informally abbreviated as Tren Hex or Trenbolone Hex. It is a longer acting esterified variant of the anabolic steroid Trenbolone, which is the...
  6. Pushtoday

    PSL Deca and Test Undecanoate

    Long Esters....
  7. Presser

    Men with testosterone deficiency and a history of cardiovascular diseases benefit from long-term testosterone therapy: observational, real-life data f

    Men with testosterone deficiency and a history of cardiovascular diseases benefit from long-term testosterone therapy: observational, real-life data from a registry study Background/objectivesLong-term testosterone therapy (TTh) in men with hypogonadism has been shown to improve all components...
  8. Iron Game

    Andriol (Testosterone Undecanoate)

    Anabolics 101 - Andriol (Testosterone Undecanoate) Description Andriol® is an oral testosterone preparation that contains testosterone undecanoate (in an oil base) in a soft gelatin capsule. This drug is very different than most oral anabolic steroids, which are usually c-17 alpha alkylated to...
  9. Iron Game

    Boost Testosterone & Losing Body FaT

    How to Lose Fat & Boost Testosterone Every bodybuilder or athlete understands too much body fat can be detrimental. For the bodybuilder, too much body fat detracts from the physique. The athlete can’t carry too much body fat because it decreases speed and quickness, thus diminishing athletic...
  10. Iron Game

    Testosterone Acetate & Painful T400 Q&A

    Testosterone Acetate? My source has testosterone acetate. I think the company was ATD China; it had a green label and came in 70 mg/ml and in a 10 ml vial. Is this a real product? What do you think of testosterone acetate in general? This product is most likely not a real pharmaceutical, in...
  11. drtbear1967

    TRT Latest Study - BS

    The Latest Study on Testosterone says it doesn’t work by Anthony Roberts The Public Library of Science (PLOSOne.org) recently published a metastudy (a study that looks at other studies) titled: “Treatment of Men for “Low Testosterone”: A Systematic Review.” If you’re anything like me, you...
  12. Iron Game

    Testosterone Types and Delivery

    Testosterone Types and Delivery Overview In testosterone therapy , testosterone (often called "T" for short) can be administered into the body in a number of ways. The most common method is intramuscular (IM) injection with a syringe. Other delivery methods include transdermal application...
  13. Iron Game

    Taking d-bol, Anadrol, or Anavar for best results? By Iron-Game

    Q. Should I take my oral AAS (D-bol, Anadrol, or Anavar) with food or on an empty stomach? A. Oral Anabolic Steroid Hormons must be able to pass the stomach and liver to be of any use to us as bodybuilders / powerlifters. There are two common methods: 1) 17 alpha alkylation (17aa) is the...
  14. S

    Test undecanoate Advice Needed PLEASE HELP GOING TO JAIL FOR 3 MONTHS TREN FIT

    Hello, I fucked up on a TREN cycle. Caused me to catch an assault charge from beating on a couple punks in the city. Anyways as a result im being sentenced to 3 months. I blast and cruise and have been doing so for the last 4yrs. In not going to be able to PCT by the time im sentenced. By...
  15. Iron Game

    The Latest Study on Testosterone says it doesn’t work…

    The Latest Study on Testosterone says it doesn’t work… by Anthony Roberts The Public Library of Science (PLOSOne.org) recently published a metastudy (a study that looks at other studies) titled: “Treatment of Men for “Low Testosterone”: A Systematic Review.” If you’re anything like me, you...
  16. Iron Game

    PED : The Truth Part 3 of 3

    TEAM MD Third of a three-part series Muscular Development covers the bodybuilding industry better than anyone else on the planet, because we educate readers on how to build muscle, burn fat and enhance performance through all means possible. Chemical enhancement is no chump-change player in...
  17. Iron Game

    Performance Enhancing Drugs: The Truth Part 1 of 3

    Chemical Enhancement: The Truth37 Facts You Need to Know - Part 1 TEAM MD First of a three-part series Muscular Development covers the bodybuilding industry better than anyone else on the planet, because we educate readers on how to build muscle, burn fat and enhance performance through all...
  18. DefMetalLifter


    STEROID HALF LIFE CHART Steroid Half life's - anyone new to steroids may be wondering what this means, even some steroid users may also be wondering what this means. So here in simple terms you can read and hopefully understand all about steroid half life's and what this term means. Basically...
  19. Iron Game

    Another Look at the Basic's of Testosterone

    Testosterone the basics By by Dana Ohl, M.D. Associate Professor of Surgery University of Michigan I. Introduction Androgen use is very prevalent in society. Much of this is due to androgen abuse among athletes and bodybuilders, where black market androgen abuse has reached epidemic...