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  10. K

    Just to say hello

    I'm making this post to introduce myself to the comunity, hopefully i can exchange more about subjects that are assesed in this forum and that interest me. First of all, excuse my poor english as i may sometimes use words or sytaxes that may seem unfamiliar to you (I'm French so bear with me...
  11. Presser

    Muscle and strength gains during testosterone therapy are greater with testosterone injections than gels

    Reduced muscle mass and strength, commonly accompanied by increased body fat, are common signs in all forms of hypogonadism (primary, secondary, classical or functional).1,2 One of the best documented effects of testosterone therapy is an increase in lean body mass3-6, which is mostly attributed...
  12. Vision

    Do different carrier oils really matter with my gear? (Some interesting facts)

    Yes it does matter for "some".. Carrier oils release at different rates, thus this will effect the serum levels of the parenting hormone, however the carrier really has little effect on a scale that you or anyone would even notice aside from its " kinetic profile under clinical...
  13. drtbear1967

    Cough after Injecting

    Cough after injecting (The truth and science behind it) (Refresher for newbies) Why does this take place? What is the causes and effects? Can this be avoided? There’s a few variables that can be taking place here in regards to the symptoms that one feels almost immediately post IM, ranging...
  14. Vision

    Does carrier oils really matter? (The things that make you go hmmm)

    Yes it does matter for "some".. Carrier oils release at different rates, thus this will effect the serum levels of the parenting hormone, however the carrier really has little effect on a scale that you or anyone would even notice aside from its " kinetic profile under clinical...
  15. drtbear1967

    Shortest Esters for Less Side Effects.

    GO WITH SHORTER ESTERS FOR LESS SIDE EFFECTS AND SUPPRESSION! Very interesting study that compares short vs long esters of testosterone and how it affects peak plasma levels, suppression, and aromatization. This study compares test enanthate, test undecanoate, and test bucilate at equal doses...
  16. drtbear1967

    Understanding Different Esters.

    One of the most common mistakes is improper dosage and injection timing due to the lack of understanding of steroid esters and their half-lives There are many misconceptions regarding the use of anabolic steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. The internet has become a dumping ground...
  17. drtbear1967

    Male Birth Control? Mass Builder

    There is a promising new oral male birth control drug that just went under a large study including 100 male subjects 18-55. The drug is Dimethandrolone undecanoate, a nandrolone derivative with an alpha methyl group on carbon 7 and a beta methyl group on carbon 11. This compound is a strong...
  18. Presser

    Intramuscular Steroid Injection Guide & Why Ampules Are Shaped The Way They Are.

    <main itemscope="" itemtype="https://schema.org/WebPageElement" itemprop="mainContentOfPage" id="main" class="site-main" role="main" style="box-sizing: inherit;"><article id="post-63" class="content-single-page post-63 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry...
  19. big in vegas

    Administering Different types Of Testosterone Replacement Therapy. Pellets, Cypionate Injection and Gel or Cream

    http://www.istestosteroneasteroid.com​ TRT Administering Guide. Time Release Testosterone Pellets Testosterone Cypionate Injections Testosterone Gels and Cream By Patrick Arnold Dr. Pete asked “Patrick, I’m assuming it’s not feasible to inject...
  20. drtbear1967

    Short vs Long Ester Testosterone

    theguerillachemist Very interesting study that compares short vs long esters of testosterone and how it affects peak plasma levels, suppression, and aromatization. This study compares test enanthate, test undecanoate, and test bucilate at equal doses of pure test(20mg/kg of test, adjusted for...