
  1. blacktail

    Igf1 lr3 is amazing

    Ok add igf to my current cycle of test e 600mg and deca 400mg a week after reading about it for a year. I will tell you that 3 weeks in and I'm shocked at how my muscles stay hard all day long. And I'm not saying hard when I flex, I mean hard when relaxed! The best part and correct me if I'm...
  2. drtbear1967

    Libido, Gear and the Ladies

    If you are on Test and keeping your E2 in check then chances are your sex drive is through the roof! But what if your significant other isn’t on the same level as you? It can become frustrating! Right? The ages of members vary on here from young guys still chasing tail to us older married guys...
  3. thx

    "Hot flashes" what should I do?

    I recently got off my test prop + tbol and examestane/aromasin cycle. I was really happy with it. Got really good results from it. Got sick at the end so had to quit early. I kept taking aromasin though. After I quit my cycle I started to take aromasin ed (12mg) instead of eod. I kept getting...
  4. blacktail

    8 week update

    So I have made it 8 weeks on test E at 600 and deca at 400 and i can tell you that this is my best cycle by far! In the past I have only ran test at 500 and deca at 300. This definitely seems to be the sweet spot for me. Been eating between 3500 4000 calories a day so I'm not blowing up but I'm...
  5. Presser

    Deca- Durabolin (Nandrolone decanoate, ND) treatment causes damage in the male reproductive system

    <h1>Deca- Durabolin (Nandrolone decanoate, ND) treatment causes damage in the male reproductive system. </h1> Rutin (RT) is a naturallyoccurring flavonoid glycoside that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This study aimed to investigate effects of rutinagainst ND-induced...
  6. Presser

    OX, I Have a Couple Questions about This Sundays Opening Week Spreads

    First, DID you post the spreads for Tomorrows Games? I didnt see them? And what site are we using for the weekly spreads? So incase your unable to get the spreads up in time for whatever reason, i can do it, i just wanna know whos lines were using , the site i can grab the copy paste from? And...
  7. blacktail

    What to expect

    Ok I'm finally going to run some igf-1! I'm currently on week 8 of test 600 a week and deca at 400 a week. Still waiting on my Tbol I was going to run the last 8 weeks but that is another story. So knowing what I'm currently taking what do you think from your experience I should expect from...
  8. drtbear1967

    Winstrol Overdose.

    theguerillachemist I recently was shown a well-known coach’s generic 16 week prep protocol and it blew my mind. Obviously the doses were high and there were a lot of compounds, but what really struck me was this: after already being on oral winstrol for 4 weeks at 50mg/d, the last 4 weeks...
  9. Jumbo Shrimp

    Stefi Cohen

    Sorry for the delay guys. Been a busy few weeks! Lets get this shit crackin
  10. Muscle mechanic

    First Steroid Cycle

    I know this has been talked about alot and different options on what to do.... If u asked me I what tell u this. Start with testosterone 400mg a week for 10-12 weeks. So week 1-12 test e or c 200mg Monday 200mg Thursday Start adex at week 2 or 3 at 0.5mg Monday and thurs Some are less likely...
  11. drtbear1967

    Extreme 30 week diets cause damage for years.

    themusclephd &#55357;&#56485;"The biggest Loser" is a famous show in which individuals with excess body fat go on a extreme diet to lose as much weight as possible over 30 weeks. This study showed that this type of crash dieting can leave our metabolisms slow for years to come! Tomorrow’s...
  12. blacktail


    Ok been on test E 600mg week and deca 400mg for 5 weeks now with a 4 week prop kick start but tonight I noticed a huge difference! Did chest and tris tonight and holy shit the pumps where outrageous! I have used deca in the past but this is unlike what I have experienced prior. Last run with it...
  13. Ox 51

    Super Bowl Rematch Thursday

    Patriots QB Tom Brady expects to play Thursday vs. Eagles Kirstie Chiappelli, Sporting News New England fans can expect to see Tom Brady in action Thursday. During his Tuesday appearance on WEEI, the Patriots quarterback said he "absolutely" plans to play against the Eagles in the team's...
  14. Presser

    This Weeks Premier Pharmaceutical & Muscle Thredz 6 Prize Lottery Winner Was.......

    The winning numbers to the official New Jersey Pick 3 Lottery Evening Drawing on August 8th: 9-7-7 No One Hit All 3 Numbers In perfect Sequence No One Hit All 3 Numbers In Any Sequence So We Move To Rule #3 Which Ensures A Winner Every Week by Way Of The Member With The Closest Numbers...
  15. Presser

    This Weeks Premier Pharmaceutical & Muscle Thredz 6 Prize Lottery Winner Was.......

    The winning numbers to the official New Jersey Pick 3 Lottery Evening Drawing on August 8th: 9-7-7 No One Hit All 3 Numbers In perfect Sequence No One Hit All 3 Numbers In Any Sequence So We Move To Rule #3 Which Ensures A Winner Every Week by Way Of The Member With The Closest Numbers...
  16. Presser

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains

    Superdrol Results versus Dbol Gains If you thought adding dianabol ( dbol ) to your steroid cycle was unbelievable then adding superdrol will blow your mind! I have run dbol with testosterone only cycles, and thought it was pretty kick ass! The first time i ever ran dbal was alongside...
  17. Presser

    I’m disappointed thus far with Sarms Warehouse Cardarine & Ligandrol

    Sarms warehouse feedback: I went ahead and ordered 2 bottles of each Lingandrol and Cardarine. Both shipped in reasonable time however no lab test results were provided, yet it sounds like they used to do this (perhaps they no longer test, maybe new product/owners, but this was a red flag for...
  18. Presser

    Phil Heath 8 weeks out video.

    Phil Heath video 8 weeks out from 2018 Mr. Olympia <iframe width="1280" height="720" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8WIvuWTDBEs" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. Presser

    Mens Physique 8 Week Contest Prep Cycle. Bromocriptine Not Suggested

    8 week precontest cut cycle that includes: Test Prop 75mg ED Tren Ace 50mg ED Winny (looking at last 4 weeks, 40 - 50mg ED) Adex (0.5mg EOD, possibly ED or trading out for Aromasin or Letro if it will help cut down on potential gyno on stage) Bromocriptine (I need to find my spreadsheet for...
  20. Presser

    Cytomel - Thyroid, Clenbuterol and stanozolol . Bodybuilding Cutting cycles.

    Cutting Steroids - Winstrol, Clenbuterol, and CytomelAthletes who are looking to get lean, or "ripped", usually will incorporate winstrol, clenbuterol or cytomel into the schedule. Even though clenbuterol and cytomel are not anabolic steroids, because they are prescription drugs, and popular in...