
  1. gandhisays

    Short Duration Steroid Cycles Should Only be Used With Short Ester Hormones

    Short Duration Steroid Cycles Should Only be Used With Short Ester Hormones Some people do not like the idea of running for 4 weeks. They think that what amount of gains will be obtained from such a particular short cycle. This idea is not approved by some because right after that, you will get...
  2. drtbear1967

    Understanding the Science.

    It is important to remember that a study finding almost always is an AVERAGE result of a group. This means that a certain individual on a workout or diet might have effects ABOVE or BELOW average. . People will use this as an excuse to why they don't trust science, claiming that they are...
  3. H

    IGF lr3, Ligandrol, Stenabolic, oh my...

    Hi everyone, I’m J. Really impressed with the knowledge, dedication, and help that this community stands for. Been reading through everything that I can for a couple weeks and just as I thought I knew something, it’s starting to jumble in my mind. If anyone has a moment, I could use some...
  4. drtbear1967

    Creatine - Enhanced ATP Synthesis

    A large body of evidence shows creatine supplementation is beneficial for *slightly* increasing muscle growth in strength training individuals [1-3]. This likely is the result of a sustained improvement in training performance through enhanced ATP synthesis. - ATP is a source of energy for...
  5. Presser

    The Best Steroid Stacks For Short Cycles. Trenbolone Acetate - Testosterone Propionate - Winstrol - lr3 IGF 1

    The Best Steroid Stacks For Short Cycles. Trenbolone Acetate - Testosterone Propionate - Winstrol - IGF 1 lr3 A short anabolic steroid cycle is generally considered to be no longer than 6 weeks. Short steroid cycles have many benefits over the longer duration anabolic steroid cycles which...
  6. Presser

    Types of Insulin and How They are each Used In Building Muscle

    Types of Insulin and How They are each Used In Building Muscle Link Below to a seperate guide on bodybuilding with insulin: https://www.musclechemistry.com/upload/bodybuilding-steroid-and-training-articles/72312-ultimate-insulin-protocol-mike-arnold.html John Doe Bodybuilding With Insulin...
  7. C

    3 weeks in my honest review.

    Started MC IGF-1 LR3 3 weeks ago with my Test + Deca cycle at the same time, so the Deca - Test probably have not really hit yet... Week 1 - 40 mcg pre workout sub Q, First time doing chest I noticed an unusual pump from just flat bench which I NEVER get a pump from so this shit does work...
  8. Ox 51

    LeBron Has Coach On Hot Seat

    Lakers coach Luke Walton appears to be on hot seat after Magic Johnson meeting Ben Rohrbach,Yahoo Sports•November 2, 2018 It took all of two weeks for Luke Walton to learn the hard way what it means to coach LeBron James, the one NBA player who comes with immediate and often unreasonable...
  9. K

    First cycle problems

    Hi everyone, I'm a white male in my 30s. Early this year I tried my first test cycle. I read tons of articles and watched a lot of videos about steroids before I started. I did labs before I started, a few weeks in, and after (all normal). Also I know the test I bought was real because it had...
  10. A


    Hi im 36 and 5 foot 11, have done plenty of cycles since my 30’s but have never used hcg. i do pct after cycles but after my last cycle back in April my testies never really went back to a normal size like usual after a pct. my next cycle which I’ll start in November is test and deca at 600ml...
  11. V

    IGF-1 how long does it stay good?

    Hello, I have had an IGF-1 for 2year unopened in frig do yall think its still good? However, I injured my keed with a minimal nondisplaced plateau lt knee fx I'm out of my 6week cast only allowed to put 50% of my wt on the leg for another 3 weeks. also, some ligament issues just thought this...
  12. V

    IGF-1 how long does it stay good?

    Hello, I have had an IGF-1 for 2year unopened in frig do yall think its still good? However, I injured my keed with a minimal nondisplaced plateau lt knee fx I'm out of my 6week cast only allowed to put 50% of my wt on the leg for another 3 weeks. also, some ligament issues just thought this...
  13. drtbear1967

    How to Calculate Your Calories to Grow.

    In a perfect world, eating more food would directly correlate to more lean muscle mass. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Except for those on steroids who are able to elevate protein synthesis around the clock, natural lifters need a moderate surplus to avoid gaining too much fat. What...
  14. D

    Muscle Chemistry Igf-1 LOG and Questions

    Bought 2 bottles of Igf-1 from muscle chemistry advanced supplement store. I was planning to use 20mcg a day for 50 days pining IM in chest, delts and arms. Package arrived fast and the bottles were in foil and tapped to an icepack which was still slightly cold to the touch. I was impressed by...
  15. Musclebeauty

    MK 2866 (Ostarine)

    Ostarine, also known as MK-2866 is a*SARM(selective androgen receptor module) created by GTx to avoid and treat muscle wasting. It can, later on, be a cure for avoiding atrophy (total wasting away of a body part),*cachexia,*sarcopenia*and Hormone or Testosterone Replacement Therapy. This type...
  16. Presser

    Creating a Pro Bodybuilding Physique with George Farah

    Creating a Pro Bodybuilding Physique with George Farah I’m going to take an example of a 200-pound guy who is planning to compete in a bodybuilding contest, or just wants to look good for the beach. How will we work on his diet and training? • First, his daily caloric need will be based on his...
  17. Presser

    AnabolicSteroidForum.com Pre contest Preperation Steroid Cycle

    AnabolicSteroidForum.com Pre contest Preperation Steroid Cycle For Cutting The Last 12 weeks prior to stepping on stage TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE, TRENBOLONE ACETATE, Masteron & IGF 1 lr3 You can visit Oral and Injectable Steroid Guide for a more complete understanding of these anabolic...
  18. P

    HGH, Sermorelin, CJC 1295 (DAC) - looking for feedback

    Looking for feedback on my "repair" cycle. 2-3iu Eurotropin HGH every morning fasted, eat 3-4 hrs later. 250mg-400mg Sermorelin at night 2 hours after dinner just before bed. Thinking about doing weekly CJC 1295 (dac) shots. Not sure if it's necessary but have it on hand to experiment...
  19. drtbear1967

    Your hormones as you get shredded.

    People often associate a shredded physique (low body fat) with strength and athleticism. While you may look like ‘you don't even lift’ with your shirt on, being shredded exudes power and physical prowess when you're bare-chested. __ 🎛But what's going on beneath those carved-up muscles? __ 🔬To...
  20. S

    Question on how much pct to take.

    I had all my cycles I've done in my iphone saved but lost all of it when I jumped ship to a droid . I'm 510 195 around 12% bf . So this is my cycle I'm about to do. 700 mg/ week test e 1-16 weeks 150 mg eod npp 1-14 75 mg eod tren This is my first cycle with tren though. I've ran 500 test...