
  1. Presser

    Sarm Ostarine mk 2866 for female fitness usage

    When it comes to taking anything to get results women definitely have it harder than men. The problem is that almost anything that provides faster results for women also has defeminizing effects as well. Don't let some of the figure models fool you, take away the makeup, hair extensions...
  2. jimbosmith316

    Testosterone replacement enhances bone remodeling in type 2 diabetes

    Testosterone replacement enhances bone remodeling in type 2 diabetes Ghanim H, et al. J Endocr Soc. 2019;doi:10.1210/js.2018-00426. July 8, 2019 Men with type 2 diabetes and suboptimal free testosterone levels experienced an increase in osteoblastic activity with a concomitant increase in bone...
  3. S

    Clear sperm after cycle

    I finished my test p cycle in like feb. It was 700mg/week for 12 weeks. I took some deca at 500mg/week for the first 10 weeks. Ive done that cycle about 5 or so times and never had any complications. Always took at least 12 weeks off between and always did my pct. Well this time i did my pct...
  4. C

    Anyone use Ganabol's liquid orals

    Just wondering what people's experiences with Ganabol's liquid orals are. Been on Liquid Anavar for 3 weeks now and don't feel anything. Did a Roidtest and definitely tested as Anavar. Perhaps it is underdosed?
  5. drtbear1967

    Lean Bulk with a Mini Cut

    "Lean bulking" can help you build more muscle by facilitating anabolic processes [1, 2]. But since you need to be in a slight caloric surplus to achieve these benefits, you will inevitably gain some fat that can add up over the months. - To control fat gain, it can be useful to have a short fat...
  6. S

    The safest first cycle for beginners !

    The first cycle collocation: 1-12 weeks: testosterone enanthate or testosterone cypionate 250mg-500mg per week. 13-14 weeks: stop injection. PCT after cycle: 15-16 weeks: Tamoxifen Citrate 40mg/daily 17-18 weeks: Tamoxifen Citrate 20mg/daily The first cycle must be simple! The vast majority of...
  7. H

    First Time IGF - Side Effect Help

    I am taking 2x250mg test E and 2x200mg tren E jabs a week. I am taking IGF1-lr3 (SOMEDIN-LR3) 200mcg 1 jab in the stomach every day, 1/4 of the vile (2ml water added to the vile, 1 vile = 4 days). I plan on doing this for 4 weeks, stop for 4 weeks, then again for 4 weeks. I've never used IGF...
  8. Tuffie

    Gold & Bitcoin

    Has anyone compared the monthly chart of Gold and Bitcoin these recent weeks?? They are moving toe-to-toe. Pretty impressive if you ask me. Ill upload a picture here soon to show what im seeing.
  9. LeatherHead

    Been a while!

    I'm back! After winning my last show in light heavyweight bodybuilding last year, life threw me every curve ball it could think of, but dammit I'm back and 12 weeks out from my next show. I missed you guys!
  10. J

    HCG while on cycle

    Hi there. Great info here but definitely would like to make sure this would be ok. I have 5000iu HCG and 10ml vial. 30ml biostatic water. Going to mix 10ml so should put me at 500iu per ml. Using 3cc 23 gauge 1.5” pins for both Test E and HCG. So I would need to do .5cc for 250iu of HCG a dose...
  11. S

    Notes after completing a cycle

    Firstly, the first thing to do is anti-estrogen. In general, preparations should be made in the weeks before the end of the cycle, and the anti-estrogen should continue. 20 mg tamoxifen and 25 mg proviron per day can generally prevent the overflow of estrogen. Methadone can significantly reduce...
  12. Presser

    Andarine S4 2.0 ( SARM S23 )

    S23 is a newer and more powerful version of S4 (Andarine) and without the negative visual impairment side effects caused by S4. S23 was developed as a potential male hormonal contraceptive, so like any other SARM it binds in the androgen receptor. Using S23, you will see a hardening of muscle...
  13. Presser

    S4Sarm.com Ligandrol Study

    Ligandrol LGD 4033 SARM LGD 4033 S4SARM.com LGD-4033 is expected to produce the benefits of testosterone with improved safety, tolerability and acceptance due to tissue-selective mechanisms of action and oral routes administration. In a study done with 76 healthy men(21-50 years) LGD was well...
  14. drtbear1967

    Protein Blends

    Protein blends are becoming a popular choice for protein supplements, and for good reason. This study found that blending whey and casein proteins led to better gains throughout a 10-week training protocol compared to just whey protein alone. This could be due to the combination of the large...
  15. Ox 51

    Raptors Beat Warriors in Game 3

    The Golden State Warriors were facing an uphill battle. Even at home and despite 47 points from Stephen Curry, the game was never really close. Klay Thompson was out with a strained hammy and Kevin Durant was still out with a strained calf that has kept him out for a few weeks now. The...
  16. B

    Anabolics Only Cycle

    I've been thinking of doing a cycle of just anabolics, i.e, var, tren, etc. I've used the more androgenic ones in the past, and for whatever reason, my body chemistry just doesn't respond well to them, but I DO respond to the more anabolic compounds. What would be some suggestions for a cycle...
  17. W

    hows this look?

    trestolone ace 12.5mg/40 days, tren e 600 mg a week for 10 weeks, test e 500mgs for 12 weeks
  18. drtbear1967

    New Product from theguerrillachemist

    theguerrillachemist I’m very excited about this product! It’s a selective type 1 11beta-hydroxysteorid dehydrogenase inhibitor(you DO NOT want to inhibit type II) that has been shown to lower cortisol via inhibiting it’s conversion from cortisone(inactive), as well as aiding in glucose...
  19. drtbear1967

    What you need to know about Studies.

    It is important to remember that a study finding almost always is an AVERAGE result of a group. This means that a certain individual on a workout or diet might have effects ABOVE or BELOW average. . People will use this as an excuse to why they don't trust science, claiming that they are...
  20. gandhisays

    Shredded Physique With HIIT Training

    This HIIT Training Routine Will Leave Your Physique Shredded! Stick to the following workouts for a full six weeks while keeping your diet clean, and that shredded body you could never achieve through endless cardio sessions will be yours very soon...