
  1. B

    Steroid use and stroke

    I’m 43 and am 2 weeks into recovery from a stroke. The biggest contributing factor was my steroid use. Has this happened to anyone else? I am trying to figure out how to navigate, any suggestions or stories would be appreciated.
  2. Presser

    Best Steroids To Add To Trenbolone Cycle

    What can Trenbolone Acetate be used with?n practice, the combined use of Trenbolone Acetate with other steroids when in a bulking phase to gain weight actually does not make sense, It is better to use trenbolone enanthate or hex when bulking because these are the two longer acting esters of this...
  3. H

    Anyone order from Medlabsupply recently?

    Placed an order with them for over $600 worth of supplies and still haven't received any shipment confirmation 2 weeks later... No response over email either. I have ordered from them previously and everything has always gone smooth up until now..
  4. A

    NEW MEMBER ALERT! Mini Bio Included!

    Hey guys, I'm excited to have newly joined the forum! I am an up and coming bodybuilder, 24 years old... I have done a few test cycles, have found some bunk gear and have had some very good gear. I have messed around with some other things such as prohormones, dbol, and some natural test...
  5. B

    30 Day DNP Cycle Log

    I'll be doing a 30 day DNP Cycle Starting Today Experiment: May 10-17 200mg May 18-25 200mg May 26-June 2 200mg June 3-10 200mg Will be taking Electrolyte solution and multivitamin. Dropping coffee. Diet/workout info: Body fat percentage 25-30 percent Height 5'11.4 Weight 215lbs Calories...
  6. drtbear1967

    Knots and Fever for days

    Ok team I got one for you. I am no newbie to this game but I have had something going on for the last month that has me stumped. Let me set it up for you. Since this virus mess I have only been running my TRT. 250 test 1x week. 3 Weeks ago = Injects in right delt. Next morning a know that...
  7. I

    PCT & HCG Help

    I apologize in advanced but need input and opinions... My wife and I decided to have another child and for any man that has been on AAS for a significant amount of time...this is not the easiest process to come off and restart. Any information is appreciated...here goes... Ive been on AAS for...
  8. Presser

    I'm Back! Answering Private Messages Now!

    Been away for a couple weeks due to family related covid 19 issues. All Store Orders Are Shipped, and have been going out on time while i was away. However if anyone has any issues at all please Private message me! and I will respond right away. Our live chat in store is a direct line to me...
  9. Presser

    I'm Back! Answering Private Messages Now!

    Been away for a couple weeks due to family related covid 19 issues. All Store Orders Are Shipped, and have been going out on time while i was away. However if anyone has any issues at all please Private message me! and I will respond right away. Our live chat in store is a direct line to me...
  10. Presser

    I'm Back! Answering Private Messages Now!

    Been away for a couple weeks due to family related covid 19 issues. All Store Orders Are Shipped, and have been going out on time while i was away. However if anyone has any issues at all please Private message me! and I will respond right away. Our live chat in store is a direct line to me...
  11. Presser

    Getting back into the swing of things once this corona virus pandemic subsides and how to do get there faster by Front-loading your gear to get to pea

    Getting back into the swing of things once this corona virus pandemic subsides and how to do get there faster by Front-loading your gear to get to peak levels faster A: It’s not unusual, when not frontloading (taking a calculated, especially high dose on the first day), for results to be...
  12. A

    8 weeks on progress

    So family I am back with my dumb opinions, questions,. On for 8 weeks now , first 4 weeks were shitty as was not using AI and hit by lump but that's resolved now , so now I am on 750 test/ 400 npp / 0.125 mcg prami, 25 mg aroma on pin days else 12.5 , diet is very strict high protein...
  13. chihuahua

    Stock Market

    Well it looks like there was an ass raping today on wall street. Dow lost over 1000. I would strongly advise not to look at your 401k or IRAs for the next couple of weeks. Investors are overreacting over the coronavirius. Once a vaccine comes out the markets will bounce back. If you don't have...
  14. Boomer

    Just my 2c and experience with Tren

    Just thought I'd share my experience so far with tren. So I actually started with 30mg dbol daily and 500mh test e for the 1st 5 weeks then dropped the dbol and upped test to 750. . I did gain fast water weight as expected with bp headaches. .to be honest I didn't like the dbol...ran test at...
  15. L

    My gH My Results

    I'm into my 7th week of taking HgH and the results are really not good. I started taking 2iu in the am and 2iu in the pm for 2 weeks then went to 3iu for week 3 and for week 4,5,6 and now week 7 taking 4iu. I've noticed nothing. No change in BF no strength gains, not even any hand/wrist pain...
  16. A

    E2 high and noodle doodle

    Hello folks , I got the blood done and E2 was little high opposed to wat I was thinking that I crashed it, anyways I am on 360 test / 180 npp week ,0.5 arimidex, 0.10mg prami and 20 nolva ( as a little lump started bcoz I was not using any AI for first 2 weeks) the libido is good, I get...
  17. Presser


    <yt-formatted-string force-default-style="" class="style-scope ytd-video-primary-info-renderer" style="word-break: break-word;">SERGIO OLIVA JR.-FLYING UNDER THE RADAR-6 WEEKS OUT FROM 2020 ARNOLD CLASSIC.</yt-formatted-string> Really good video! <iframe width="400" height="400"...
  18. drtbear1967

    IGF-Lr3 and bad shoulder

    Been rehabbing a bad shoulder for the last couple of weeks. Started to add IGF at 100mcg per day. Shoulder pain has greatly reduced and feeling much better. Just have to take it easy for a few more weeks. This stuff is the real deal.
  19. Presser

    Nolvadex: For the Sake of Muscle Gain

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(33, 37, 41); font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 14.4px;">Nolvadex: For the Sake of Muscle Gain</header>Bodybuilding is a kind of sport which often requires some medicines to be taken to achieve good...
  20. drtbear1967

    100 Rep Leg Press - Just do it.

    100 Rep Leg Presses, Every Training Day – Start every workout (not just leg workouts but all of them) with 100 reps on the leg press. Use a very light weight. You might even want to start with the empty sled and try to get all 100 reps unbroken using a moderate speed and tempo. Don't go slow...