
  1. G

    KL Review

    A late review but never the less i am here to say we are pleased.Big ups to the rep for dealing indirectly with my girl's shit.She dont fuck around when it comes to her stash being low.It is a dramatic and exciting year for us with her womens wellness and my own endeviors.We love the winny❤️ as...
  2. N

    Geneza Pharmaceuticals Blood Test Results

    We will be posting blood test results here performed by Volunteers (All volunteers are fellow forum members). All blood test results have been taken after minimum 2 weeks of administration. If you want to volunteer for blood tests, please get in touch with one of us via PM.
  3. jasonhill800

    Geneza Pharmaceuticals Blood Test Results

    We will be posting blood test results here performed by Volunteers (All volunteers are fellow forum members). All blood test results have been taken after minimum 2 weeks of administration. If you want to volunteer for blood tests, please get in touch with one of us via PM.
  4. H

    10mg Anavar and Depro Vera shot

    Hi everyone. I am new here. I started a cycle on anavar about 6 weeks ago. During two of those weeks I also decided to add clenbuterol for a two week cycle. I am a track athlete ( was professional many moons ago) now just run socially and do endurance running and marathons as well as strength...
  5. MegaDaveMustang

    Naps Contest Order TD

    Hello all, just wanted to mention the Naps contest order has been received with no issues. Good packaging, customer service and quick T/A at 6 days including non-business days. It will be a while before I'll be able to update on product effectiveness as I started my current cycle just the day...
  6. Presser

    Anavar: The #1 Oral for Quality Muscle Gains/Retention During a Diet! - John Doe Bodybuilding

    Anavar: The #1 Oral for Quality Muscle Gains/Retention During a Diet!by John Doe Bodybuilding Long ago were the days of cheap cycles with shit like Dbol. I know, I know, it's what all of the “golden era” bodybuilders used right? But you have to understand that old school guys didn't use Dbol...
  7. Steroidify Rep

    👊🏻 Mythbusters: HGH Special Edition - Powered by Steroidify

    There are many rumors about growth hormone, we are going to bust some of them today. 👨🏼*🔬Myths - You can't shake growth hormone: FALSE, growth hormone can be shaken once reconstituted, it has been proven that it can withstand up to 200,000 shakes 👋🏻 without losing its purity. - Pharmacy...
  8. drtbear1967

    Starting a new program.

    I am starting a new program. The first three weeks are basically a nutritional detox of your entire diet. The program doesn't recommend that you train during the first three weeks. This is due to your body getting use to all the changes that it is going through. It is my goal to get as shredded...
  9. drtbear1967

    How long does it take to lose muscle?

    During the holidays, it's common for people to miss a few workouts. In the grand scheme of things, this won't hold you back. Muscle loss does not occur overnight. There is good evidence showing muscle is quite resistant to reductions in size and strength [1]. - A 2017 study found that when...
  10. Metal85

    2020 is almost wrapped up!!!

    It has definitely a rough year for most of us, for me it's just been picking back up to back to normal the last couple weeks financially. I got 33% more hours back at my main job (at 66% now), I received a good offer for a 2nd per diem job & got a couple weeks done there as well. Here's to a...
  11. Metal85

    Update 3 weeks into TRT

    OK so back on real shit again I started w a loading dose of 2ml of test cyc next week 1.5ml this last week 1.25ml 1 shot a week. Libido almost back to crazy My eyes are no longer burning every day from being so overly lethargic. More motivation to do every/anything. I never want to be off...
  12. Boomer

    What would U do with left over gear

    So I'm just about to start up again and am waiting for my stock should get it in about 2-3 weeks, although I am ready to start now. Thing is I have some left over test.e and Decca from my last cycle. I have a bout 5ml left of the test (250mg/ml) and about 7ml left of the Decca (100mg/ml) I'm...
  13. drtbear1967

    What you need to know about your Lats.

    The lats are one of my favorite muscle groups to train and they’re also extremely fascinating to research. - 💥 Biomechanical and electromyographical studies have shown that the lats probably have three unique regions that play different roles in shoulder adduction and extension throughout a...
  14. Boomer

    My experiences, cycling with and without pct

    I thought some may be interested in my observations. I have a handful of cycles under my belt but the last one I was on for almost a year technically it was a blast, cruise and blast. So this time I was taking exogenous hormones for the longest period of time maybe about 10months. Previous...
  15. Boomer

    From when do YOU start counting when you "come off"

    I was wondering when people start counting the weeks as to when they are off. Say you want to take 8 weeks off cycle. Do you start counting from last injection, from start of pct from end of pct ... ? I want to cheat and say I have been off for 4 weeks already but still at the tail end of my...
  16. gandhisays

    Proper Ostarine Dosage and Cycles

    Proper Ostarine Dosage and Cycles Those who take Ostarine do so for one of three reasons: bulking, cutting, or body recompositioning. The doses and cycle lengths vary based upon your specific needs. For Bulking: Ostarine is arguably at its best when used during a bulking cycle as a...
  17. N

    My clen and cardadine experiences so far

    So have used clen before Doing the 20 µg and then pyramiding up to 100 µg but I never really liked it above 20 µg because I would see trembling and my heart rate would be so high that cardio was extremely difficult for me. And I know a lot of people will recommend doing that pyramid but I...
  18. drtbear1967

    Beta-alanine - what you need to know

    Beta-alanine is a special aminoacid. It helps produce carnosine which is stored in muscles. Carnosine reduces the quantity of lactic acid in our muscles so it improves athletic performance. When we exercise acid accumulates in muscles which can lead to difficulties regarding muscle contraction...
  19. J

    Tren ace and lethargic

    Guys, I have a question regarding tren ace and feeling lethargic. Is it common? How many of you have felt lethargic with tren ace? Tren ace never affected me like this. I love it, it was my go to "supplement". I've been running 700mg of test prop a week, 350 of tren ace a week, and 350 of...
  20. drtbear1967

    Train Biceps daily for growth. Here is how.

    Train Biceps Every Day for Fast Growth? – Yes, you can train biceps every day… if you’re smart about it. This works very well for people who have always struggled with biceps growth. Here’s how. . Pick one biceps exercise, the one you feel the most. I like the preacher curl, but you might prefer...