
  1. jasonhill800

    5-HTP: A “Cure” For Sleep, Depression, and Weight?

    5-HTP L-5 hydroxytryptophan, commonly known as 5-HTP, is a compound produced in the body from the essential amino acid tryptophan. After tryptophan is converted into 5-HTP, it can change into serotonin, aka the happy chemical. Serotonin plays an essential role in depression, anxiety, sleep...
  2. Steroidify Rep

    🔖 Training tip: Is locking your knees harmful?

    It has always been said that locking the knees in any type of squat or press exercise is harmful ... but is this statement true? 👨🏼*🔬Evidence ❕The knees 🦴 are prepared to lock effectively, the muscle that surrounds them is enough to protect them 🛡. ❕With the knee lock you can increase your...
  3. N

    Get Serious About Bodybuilding

    Write Down Your Goals – and BE SPECIFIC! The probability of achieving a goal that isn’t specific or measurable is just about as likely to happen as a goal without a plan. So you want to get jacked? How so - how many inches do you want to gain within the next year? Want to lose weight - how many...
  4. jasonhill800

    Explode Your Muscle Growth with Fascial Stretching

    Stretching is a fitness staple, unfortunately for many bodybuilders, stretching is just an afterthought to their training regimen. Many people don’t see the value in stretching unless they actively want to improve their flexibility or mobility. But did you know that certain types of...
  5. N

    Grow Your Guns By Incorporating These 5 Exercises

    In recent years, direct arm training has declined in popularity with the rise of functional training. While you should still be focused on compound lifts and other functional training, you can still incorporate some direct arm training into your program. We all love to have big guns, and the...
  6. jasonhill800

    Building Muscle: Common Sense That Most People Forget

    Nowadays it seems like everyone and their brother is starting some sort of health & fitness lifestyle. For many people that is weight loss, but for many, it’s all about the gains. Unfortunately, when it comes to both weight loss and weight gain, the market is saturated with equipment...
  7. N

    Why Does Stress Make You Fat?

    If you’ve been gaining unwanted weight and can’t pinpoint why, the answer could be as simple as being stressed. Dealing with acute stress, episodic acute stress, physical stress, and chronic stress have all been linked to weight gain, especially in the abdominal area, and what might look like a...
  8. jasonhill800

    Ways to Mix Up Your Routine to Enhance Your Physique Development

    While some methods of training are tried and true, the truth is that not every training method works the same for everyone. Many people seek a certain physique for themselves, but sometimes their body just does not respond to the common types of training. The most common training systems...
  9. drtbear1967

    Rep Tempos Science

    Rep Tempos Science - Some believe you need train explosively to maximize how many reps. Whereas others train with a slow rep tempo to increase time under tension. What's more beneficial? Swipe left for details on rep tempo science. - When gaining muscle is the goal, a range of rep tempos work. A...
  10. N

    Naps Knowledge Article: High Volume Training: Is It Better?

    A study from 2017 looked at the recovery from a session of high-volume lower load (so eight sets of 10, at 70% of one rep max) resting at 75 seconds between sets, versus a lower volume, high-intensity group which was 8 sets of 3 reps 90% of a one rep max, resting 3 minutes between sets. It...
  11. jasonhill800

    Naps Knowledge Article :Eating Carbs at Night Won’t Make You Fat

    There’s been a myth going around for years and years that eating carbs at night will make you fat. Well today I’m telling you its just that: a myth. Eating at night in general has been associated with weight gain, you hear advice such as “don’t eat after 7:00 pm” all too often. Fact of the...
  12. drtbear1967

    Back Training Quick Tips

    Back Training Quick Tips - If you find it difficult to target your back muscles, this post is for you! I will give 3 back training form tips. Swipe left for more details. - First of all, be sure to prevent your shoulders from rolling forward at the end of a row. When the weight gets too heavy...
  13. drtbear1967

    One Plate. Big Shoulders.

    <header class="entry-header" style="box-sizing: border-box; margin-bottom: 10px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: din-2014, sans-serif; font-size: 17px;">One Plate. Big Shoulders.Most people say shoulder presses and lateral raises are your meat and potatoes for delts. And if you truly want...
  14. Dean Destructo

    Var and Halo Cycle-Combat Sports

    You guys know me. To recap about myself. I am a middle weight-ish combat sports athlete. I am on a constant starvation diet as I am trying to keep my weight down. Currently on 75mg Anavar ED and 25mg Halotestin on sparring and hard gym days. Should I absolutely add a small amount of test...
  15. J


    Hello guys, i am a new member here. Hope you are all good. I think this forum will be of help because i want to reduce my weight.
  16. drtbear1967

    How often should you train to failure?

    ⭕️How often should we train "to failure" ? Introducing the Pheasyque Effort-Volume Model⭕️⁣ ⁣ I created this model by putting together the data available on the topic but also the understanding that we have on volume and its correlation to hypertrophy, and fatigue (more importantly CNS fatigue)...
  17. drtbear1967

    Bodyfat Setpoint

    BODYFAT SETPOINT⁣ ⁣ Today we talk about the “Bodyfat set point theory”, and how -- based on genetic factors -- our brain may adjust our energy expenditure and hunger, depending on how far from the center we move the needle, to the left or to the right.⁣ ⁣ The research is not definitive on the...
  18. drtbear1967

    Training in a fatigued state!!

    Fatigue is probably one of my favorite topics of resistance training science, and although we know something about it, there's definitely a alot of room for new research to enlighten us here. ⁣ ⁣ In today's post, I want to talk about whether or not it's a good idea to train while experiencing...
  19. D

    T3 to grow muscle tissue

    Never stops to amuse me that there are soo many people using t3 and barely a handful of them know how it works and why it is doing what it is doing and how their choices are in a majority of cases directly responsible for their complaints glycogen - a simple fix with a good carb up, this...
  20. D

    My rules experience to training

    Rules to training and my thoughts 1.get stronger 2.full range of motion 3.find movements that works 4.less is better 3 on 1 of 5. 4-5 days per week What I believe is once you reach let’s take bench for example getting up to a 315lbs (140kg) there is no benefit to chest muscle development...