
  1. N

    Avoid These Diet Mistakes: Part 1

    Fitness advice from the "mainstream" is full of nonsense and misinformation. Despite significant advances in the field of nutritional science, the majority of fat reduction hopefuls continue to make the same basic mistakes over and over. Mistakes that excessively complicate their diet have a...
  2. N

    Napsgear Get Intentional with Your Workouts

    You must be intentional if you want to see benefits from your workouts. It's not only about developing consistent exercise habits; it's also about whether you're doing the workouts that will help you reach your fitness goals. The type of workout you engage in will depend on whether you want to...
  3. N

    Body Recomposition: Burn Fat and Build Muscle Together

    Contrary to popular assumption, it is possible to increase muscle mass while simultaneously reducing body fat. Here's how to do it. When it comes to increasing muscle tissue, many men's bodybuilding and fitness articles recommend bulking up. However, many women (and some men) have no desire to...
  4. N

    5 Things You Must Know About Tren

    You've just completed your first Testosterone cycle and are eager to begin your second cycle with Trenbolone. Or maybe you've just been administered TRT and want to try a few things out. Tren appears to be almost perfect… This is something we've heard so many times that it no longer surprises...
  5. jasonhill800

    Clean Eating Meal Plan for Beginners

    The appropriate food plan can help you gain weight, reduce weight, or simply be healthier in general! This beginner’s guide offers everything you need to get started with meal planning if you’ve never done it before! Whether you’re trying to bulk up, lose weight, or simply stay healthy...
  6. jasonhill800

    5 Biggest Chest-Training Mistakes And How to Correct Them

    It takes a lot of effort to develop a chest. It’s even more difficult if you’re doing it incorrectly. Take these reminders into consideration if you want to avoid being flat for a long time. Don’t get me wrong: a good set of abs is attractive (particularly on a woman). However, for most...
  7. drtbear1967

    Verified Marriage & Fat Loss

    Verified Marriage & Fat Loss, Ted and Diane have been together for 6 years. Both are overweight. But Diane gets into the gym, changes her diet, and loses weight. Now, what do you think will happen to Ted and Diane's relationship? Does it... 1️⃣Get better because Diane is healthier, happier, and...
  8. N

    The Best Thing You Can Eat Before Bed

    Have you ever wondered what you should eat before going to bed? Or even if you should eat anything at all before going to bed?! We hear, see, and read a lot of contradictory information, which might leave you perplexed and make it difficult to respond to questions like: What is the best...
  9. Exo-Gen

    MK-677 explained by Exo

    MK-677 / Ibutamoren made simple by Exo What Does MK-677 Do ? MK-677 will make your body produce the growth hormone naturally as opposed to getting the hormone from shots like HGH. How ? MK-677 is an orally active human growth hormone secretagogue. This means that MK-677 forces the pituitary...
  10. jasonhill800

    5 Reasons Why Your Arms Might Not Be Growing

    Not seeing the progress you want in your biceps and triceps? The reason could be simpler than you might think. Here I’ll share five possible reasons that might explain why you’re not seeing the gains you’ve been working towards in your arms. ONLY DOING COMPOUND MOVEMENTS A frequent...
  11. N

    Can You Make Gains With Only 2 Workouts Per Week?

    For most typical lifters, 3-4 weight training workouts per week is the benchmark when it comes to increasing muscle size and strength. This is the "sweet spot" that I recommend to most trainees since it's a high enough frequency to optimize the overall effort for each muscle group without...
  12. jasonhill800

    6 Ways Foam Rolling Improves Your Workout

    To get the most out of your session, work out any tension. Work Smarter, not harder. Being too painful and stiff is possibly the only guilt-free justification for skipping gym sessions. However, if you're consistently skipping workouts due to painful muscles, it's time to think about doing some...
  13. N

    The “Scoop” on Protein Powders and Meal Replacements

    Getting enough protein is by far one of the most difficult challenges for most people seeking to live a healthy lifestyle. It's also one of the healthiest things you can do, whether you're trying to lose weight, increase muscle, or simply improve your general health. Because no matter what your...
  14. N


    SKINNY GUYS HAVE TWO OPTIONS. There are two options for skinny guys: Accept their fate and spend the rest of their lives looking skinny and feeble. Take action to correct the situation. Consume extra calories. Work hard in the gym. Gain weight and turn their body into a suit of armor. The...
  15. N

    Is It True That Alcohol Slows Your Metabolism? Alcohol's Effect on Your Body

    It is common knowledge that a nutritious diet combined with regular exercise is a tried-and-true approach to lose weight. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the importance of both the food they eat and the liquids they consume. The liquids you consume on a daily basis have an impact on your...
  16. jasonhill800


    Calorie restriction is often associated with weight loss. However, what if we told you that another way to lose weight is to eat more? There is such a thing as lowering too many calories and damaging your weight loss attempts. In some situations, you may need to consume more to lose...
  17. jasonhill800

    Napsgear, Grow Massive Triceps with These Techniques

    Triceps, like the other muscles in the back of the body, are frequently overlooked. Lifters who want to create enormous guns, whether for competitive bodybuilding or merely to impress members of the opposite sex, have a major difficulty. The terms biceps and triceps, as you can see, teach...
  18. N

    Napsgear: Prioritize Protein

    If you're a little too fluffy, you're probably overeating carbs and fats instead of emphasizing protein and eating with intention. As your metabolic health deteriorates, the situation worsens. What is the solution? Make protein a top priority. THE PROTEIN TEST The simplest approach to tell...
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    Napsgear Knowledge Article: Want 3D Shoulders? Ditch the Delt Flys

    Let’s be frank. A lot of us struggle with our rear delt development compared to the rest of our shoulder. Whether it be neglecting them in general or just inefficient training, if you want to build bigger rear delts and have that 3D shoulder look, the first step is to ditch the reverse dumbbell...
  20. Steroidify Rep

    🔖 Training Pro Tip: Intra-series load contrast

    This method takes advantage of the post-activation empowerment of heavy lifting. By doing a heavy lift at the beginning, you activate the nervous system and the neuromuscular junctions, recruiting more fibers. If you immediately switch to hypertrophy work using the same movement pattern, you...