10 sets of 10 - Deadlifts


New member
last week i wrote about how it felt doing 10 sets of 10 for squats..

this week i have done it for Deadlifts.. posting this maily for Presser who was keen to see how this went..

This time around i used a timer for my rest invervals the first 5 sets i kept my rest intervas at 60 sec after that i just couldnt catch my breath in time so i extended the rest time to 90- sec. .

If it wasnt for the short rest intervals i would say doing deads 10 x10 was a little easier interms of getting the guts to hit that bar again and again. . the mind fuck wasnt as bad as squats.

But wouldyou fukn beleive it i popped a rib! i seem to have strained the muscle which sits between the ribs .. the lower rib towards the back .. i still trained through it but today i seem to be paying the price...

doing this "german volume" training seems to make my sorness the next day feel like i am training for the first time. the muscle ache is insane. feels good to really change my routine.
last week i wrote about how it felt doing 10 sets of 10 for squats..

this week i have done it for Deadlifts.. posting this maily for Presser who was keen to see how this went..

This time around i used a timer for my rest invervals the first 5 sets i kept my rest intervas at 60 sec after that i just couldnt catch my breath in time so i extended the rest time to 90- sec. .

If it wasnt for the short rest intervals i would say doing deads 10 x10 was a little easier interms of getting the guts to hit that bar again and again. . the mind fuck wasnt as bad as squats.

But wouldyou fukn beleive it i popped a rib! i seem to have strained the muscle which sits between the ribs .. the lower rib towards the back .. i still trained through it but today i seem to be paying the price...

doing this "german volume" training seems to make my sorness the next day feel like i am training for the first time. the muscle ache is insane. feels good to really change my routine.

That does suck and hurts like hell when you hurt the area between ribs, Sounds like a great workout, especially the short intervals, I always train to failure with short intervals and i really think its the short intervals that kept me lean as i sweat like a pig like this, but i dont think i could hand with 10 x 10 deads,lol

What kind of weight did you use?
The weight was light as this type of training revolves around volume and short intervals rather than heavy weight . i was using a weight i could do 20 reps with (225)

This is another reason i got the shits with this injury, i could understand if i was going for some PB and doing heavy ass weight, but i wasnt. the weight was light, my form was good, i was well warmed up.... maybe its because im no longer in my 20's ? lol
10x10 of dead lifts makes my back ache just thinking about it. 4-5 sets of dead lift and I'm toast. I can barely do any other exercise afterwords.
if you did it and timed your rest periods at about 60-90 sec you should be able to complete it in only 25mins.

I did bies afterwards, but with not that much intensity
The weight was light as this type of training revolves around volume and short intervals rather than heavy weight . i was using a weight i could do 20 reps with (225)

This is another reason i got the shits with this injury, i could understand if i was going for some PB and doing heavy ass weight, but i wasnt. the weight was light, my form was good, i was well warmed up.... maybe its because im no longer in my 20's ? lol

Ok is this an Aussy Term Im not familiar with, or did you really get diarhea? lol, sorry it just sounds funny.

And yeah i wasnt sure if you used like medium weight or light weight, but makes sense to use weight u can do a solid 20 reps with for the 10 x 10 workout

I also cant believe you even attempted to workout biceps afterwards,lol, and yes it sucks when your not in ur 20's any more!!! NO DOUBT but we hit our bodybuilding prime in our 30's anyhow!
hahahahaha!!! yeh "i got the shits" is an aussie term for "it angers me"

i seem to still be able to train with this injury but nothing to heavy or very core reliant. . isolated movements seem to be ok.. so its going to be bies, tries, calves, forearms, traps for a few weeks
I've done that to a rib. It was excruciating and took forever to heal. I would also get hurt doing something like that regardless of weight. The main working muscles may be able to take it, but the supporting muscles can not. At least that is the case in my body.
hahahahaha!!! yeh "i got the shits" is an aussie term for "it angers me"

i seem to still be able to train with this injury but nothing to heavy or very core reliant. . isolated movements seem to be ok.. so its going to be bies, tries, calves, forearms, traps for a few weeks

LOL thats too funny! And go easy bro otherwise those cartalidge/muscle rib injurys take FOREVER TO HEAL.
LOL thats too funny! And go easy bro otherwise those cartalidge/muscle rib injurys take FOREVER TO HEAL.

This is what i am really afraid of. . its been 4 days and as i thought i may be getting a little better... i sneezed!! the pressure and ab contraction from my sneeze destroyed me! brought me to my knees in an instant.
This is what i am really afraid of. . its been 4 days and as i thought i may be getting a little better... i sneezed!! the pressure and ab contraction from my sneeze destroyed me! brought me to my knees in an instant.

OUCH! Yeah I know that EXACT pain brutha and its no fun! Take it real easy brutha and you'll be just fine!!
Injuries like this are always exasperated by a seemingly innocent sneeze or cough. I have had it happen too many times to count.
Injury is still there...it seems to b a little better but I still can't sneeze or cough.. I'm still training but can't seem to do any pulling exercises so back is out of the question n squats is a no no.... I'm thinking it will take 6 weeks
Take it easy bro, rib injuries are no joke, I cracked a rib when I was grappling and I wrapped my ribs with tape to compress everything and it seemed to help, but not something you want to do on a daily basis. It'll heal, but like everyone has said it takes a lot of time and gentle lifting