The waiter acted like a bitch. You were better than him in every way that he could see. You were bigger, leaner and more fit and you had a perfect family all sitting in front of him and you had the means to eat expensive food and call people like him your server. He was an insecure pretz and he acted like a woman who sees someone more beautiful than she. So he called out the only thing that would make him feel more secure. That way steroids made everything false in front of him and he could stop that horrid feeling of insecurity.
that's exactaly what it is. same reason kids(like myself) would talk shit about the kid in school with the nice car or whatever saying his parents bought it for him. we were just jealous and were looking for a way to put him down to make us feel better.
Most people who talk like this think its easy to make muscle just start juicing and after ur first cycle u will be in competing shape lol only if they could understand what pain u have to go through day in day out dealing with work , diet lucky people who have someone to cook for them lol
bingo. they say, "I'd be like that if....". truth is buddy is you're going to need a lot more "ifs" to get where I'm at pal.
6 10 12... 6 Shows that lazy asses don't understand the amount of time & dedication it takes to compete. W/ or W/O AAS. Number 10 LMAO doesn't apply. Now in comparison to some guys monsterous quads it may LMAO I freakin' hate when ppl say AAS shrink ya dick Ughhh & 12 I feel disrespected & bloodthirsty. grrr LMAO
they don't have a clue. it's like anything. if you want to be outstanding amongst your peers you have to do more work at it than your peers. big thing is with the training is the vast majority of people have literally no idea what it takes since they've never stepped foot in a gym before. unlike other things such as work and making more money. almost all of us have had a job at some point.
Any mention of the phrase "roid rage".
Like Presser stated it's damn near impossible to make me lose my cool. Nothing jars me.
The Dude Approved
ugh, I know a few people that will say, "rutro watch out for the roid rage" any time something happens or they do something that might piss me off. it instantly nullifies any validity to me being upset and thus nullifies the responsible parties responsibility for the issue at hand. worst part is I almost never get visibly angry. hell I can't remember the last time I had to raise my voice. It takes a ton to piss me off. in fact I think sometimes being super calm scares people even more. I know it's worked with drunks at the bar on more than one occasion.
One thing I've really grown to love is that normal non bodybuilders spend thousands on clothes trying to look good when they go out. I wear a 2+ year old pair of jeans (the only pair I have that fit) and a $5 Old Navy shirt and I look great.
The amount of respect given to big bodybuilders is amazing at times. Silk and I made an impromptu visit to a nice upscale strip club several weeks ago with some people. Unfortunately the two guys that trailed along with the girls were the "get drunk and want to fight" type. I was pissed and kept telling them to settle down (they didn't want to upset me). The manager then came up to me and said that they were getting way out of control and a bunch of the girls had complained about inappropriate touching.... He didn't want his staff making me angry so he asked me if I could help. I apologized and packed them all up and we left. Next time we came in, he recognized me, free entry, free first round of drinks, and half off our meal!! Just for getting rid of the trash that I brought in! Money doesn't buy that kind of respect
The Dude Approved
bingox2. clothes just look better on me now than when I resembled the hanger they were on when I bought them and you can't buy that.
I swear I have 1000x more rage off then on. On my hormones are regular bc they are regulated lol I My own testosterone makes my blood boil, test in a bottle make my B/P sky rocket though...
couldn't agree more. when I came off completely a while back and was doing PCT I was one grumpy SOB.
They all wanna make coments like that because deep down they know they dont have what it takes to be as bad ass as you are.
more bingo! couldn't agree more. just trying to cover up insecurities. problem is anyone with half a brain can see through the BS.
I tore my bicep muscle a couple years ago, I was showing my buddy that's an RN, the HUC (desk secretary) looks over, interupts our conversation and said "it's because you are putting steroids into your arms" I replied with "oh ok, you're just going to shout out in front of everyone that I take illegal substances bc you on a whim think my torn bicep is from using illegal drugs? Hey everyone, the women at the desk does heroin, and just asked if I want some!"
I've got to remember this next time someone says some shit like this to me. thing is Meth is all over some areas down here so maybe I can strike a nerve with someone.
When people say shit like that, caveman rules should be allowed for approximately 20 seconds. Walk up to her fat ass grab her head, smash it into the desk in front of where she sits, and go back to my conversation. If this was a law, there would be a lot less shit talking haha
indeed. what sucks now is it's almost like I'm not allowed to get mad. like if I get pissed people will point and say, "told you so". it's like damn it can't I be mad? then I get mad because I can't get mad. it's a vicious cycle. :laugh: