1st cycle recommendations with sustanon 250 and deca


New member
G'day peeps, I'm planning my first cycle ever. I'm cutting with a sub 1000 calorie diet at the moment.
Once I've reduced flubber levels to non vomit inducing proportions and I've pumped iron for a few months
I'll be pinning for the first time. I have 40mls of sus 250, should I run just with that for my first time or could I stack with deca
I'll be purchasing a heap of pct before I start, just in case I react to the test.
Planning on nolvadex for pct, I wanna see if I can get proviron for anti aromatisation in case of boobies.
What pin schedule would the pros recommend for first time sus user? 500mg a week? Split through 4 pins Mon, wed, Thurs and Saturday?
Not planning on running anything for a while, just trying to get everything organised and preparedway before I start.
Cheers for any info.
G'day peeps, I'm planning my first cycle ever. I'm cutting with a sub 1000 calorie diet at the moment.
Once I've reduced flubber levels to non vomit inducing proportions and I've pumped iron for a few months
I'll be pinning for the first time. I have 40mls of sus 250, should I run just with that for my first time or could I stack with deca
I'll be purchasing a heap of pct before I start, just in case I react to the test.
Planning on nolvadex for pct, I wanna see if I can get proviron for anti aromatisation in case of boobies.
What pin schedule would the pros recommend for first time sus user? 500mg a week? Split through 4 pins Mon, wed, Thurs and Saturday?
Not planning on running anything for a while, just trying to get everything organised and preparedway before I start.
Cheers for any info.

I will move this to the proper forum so you get more help with your questions, as you posted in the Articles forum.
If you have a traditional sustanon 250 blend with the two long testosterone esters and 2 short, then i would inject the sustanon every other day for the first 3-4 weeks. then you can back off to injecting it only twice a week.

and yes you can stack your sustanon with deca, being your first cycle though, youll grow like a weed from the sustanon alone and i wouldnt bother over complicating things with the addition of deca durabolin , nandrolone decanoate , or anything else for that matter, but to answer your wuestion yes its safe to add the deca if you so choose to!
As Presser stated. Sust 250 was my first cycle and I got strong as hell and grew crazy fast from twice a week injections for 12 weeks. Follow his protocol above for the first few weeks EOD then go to a monday thursday schedule. You are going to explode.
If you have bad joints or lift super heavy you could use 150mgs of Deca a week. That is the therapeutic dose. That way you could get the good effects with really no sides and you wouldn't have to add caber.

Don't start off with AI if Nolva is enough. You do not want to crash your E right off the start, especially if you are in a calorie deficit, this is where experience comes in. A lot of guys panic when their nips get sore or big, or both, then they super dose AI and crash their E. This is a point I would research a lot before a sustanon cycle. Also check out the profiles for each compound you are using , they have injection schedules and dosing advice, as well as 3J's guide.

Good luck and have fun!
Dude, your pics show that you need to do a considerable amount of dieting and lose quite a few fat lbs. before you start taking anabolics. Right now they would be just wasted.
Yeah I know this beach body. I stated in my post I'm a fat shit lol. I'm currently on a 1000 calorie per day diet.
Yeah I know this beach body. I stated in my post I'm a fat shit lol. I'm currently on a 1000 calorie per day diet.
my god. There is so much wrong with this I don't know where to start. Why are you starving yourself?
No worries guys, thanks for the info. Will do sus only for first cycle.
Dean destructo, what signs am I supposed to act on? I thought the itchy swelling nips is when you're supposed to start dosing nolvadex.
Or is it most dose super high? What's your recommendations buddy?
It'd be around 1000 3j. I know I'm taking in roughly 900 calories of broccoli, chicken, muesli, seeds and nuts. Protein shake as well.
Plus my missus cooks dinner and is not diet oriented. So a little over. Trying to drop some fat off before I start bulking. And to prove to myself I can diet hard if I need to.
I'm not exercising vigorously yet either, just sit ups push ups and push Downs.
Dude if you are way over weight, then AAS could do some serious damage...

That being said, IF I had a lot of adipose tissue then I would use nolvadex from day one at 20 mg, all the way through the cycle to the last day of PCT. If you have a fat gut you will be making tons of aromatase. It may not even be economically feasible to take enough AI!
I looked at your pics and I can't guess what you BF% is. You need to bump up your calories to maintenance for a cycle. I would shift my macros towards protein and fiber.

Fasted cardio in the morning for 30-45 min, and depending on your goals a simple workout split and stay consistent. All of that is really generic advice and we really need more stats before we can give more specific advice.
I'm not planning on running any aas until after ive dropped 15-20kg off of my weight first. Want to slim down THEN bulk up.
im going to disclaim this right now.. eating 1000 calories a day to lose weight is a horrible idea..

youre going to lose a ton of muscle, likely cause metabolic damage, and go from fat to skinny fat..

this is not the right way to lose weight...

i have a free diet advice thread in the diet section.. i HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of it..

good luck