2010 IFBB Tampa Bay Pro


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member

Men's Open
Serdar Aktolga
Troy Alves
Mark Antonek
Francisco Bautista
Damaso Chacon
Darrem Charles
Brandon Curry
Omar Deckard
Constantinos Demetriou
Oleg Emelyanov
Johnnie Jackson
Vonne Francis
Michael Kefalianos
Mike Liberatore
Alexandre Nataf
Edward Nunn
Jo Jo Ntiforo
Manuel Romero
Heinz Senior
Ben White
Greg Ulysse
Hidetada Yamagishi

Feliz Abiu
Clarence DeVis
Tricky Jackson
Luc Molines
Steve Namat
Angel Rangel Vargas
Jose Raymond
Frederic Sauvage
Daryl Stafford
Nate Wonsley
Naor Ziv

Women's Open
Lisette Acevedo
Irene Anderson
Nicole Ball
Mercedes Bazemore
Helen Bouchard
Brigita Brezovac
Debbie Bramwell
Myriam Bustamante
Dayana Cadeau
Candice Archer
Andrea Carvahlo
Tina Chandler
Bev Direnzo
Skadi Frei-Seifert
Mary Ellen Jerumbo
Aurelia Grozajova
Cathy LeFrancois
Carmen Knights
Benincia Lopez
Nancy Lewis
Tracy Mason
Jena Mackey
Wendy McCready
Jennifer Sedia
Daniela Sell
Tonie Thompson
Gusmary Viilalobos

Dina Al Sabah
Jaime Baird
Vanessa Campbell
Jessica Clay
Diana Fields
Janet Harding
Kat Holmes
Nathalie Mur
Nicole Nagrani
Natalie Waples
Prejudging starts at 9am-EST so those pix should at least be up in a few hours... Any predictions??
Bikini is such a toss up for me, anyone could win it. I'll pick, Nicole Nagrani then Vanessa Campbell. As for Women's BB'inig, I want Dayana to do good, but she'll probably be off. I think it will be between Cathy LeFrancios and Debbie Bramwell. For the 202'ers, I'm going with Jose, Tricky, then maybe a Clarence DeVis. For the Men's Open, my top 5 will be:
1. Hidetada
2. Ben White
3. Mike Liberatore
4. Darrem Charles
5. Jonnie Jackson

Probably waaaay off, but I wanna see them all do well. I think Ed Nunn and Brandon Curry have the potential to upset as well.
Interesting bikini choices considering they both went pro last weekend... that could definitely stir things up! I know Jamie Baird already qualified, but I would love to see her place well... she's become a favorite of mine (and I really don't "look up to" the bikini girls... but she seems hardworking from all the interviews/journals I read, so she has my respect!)

I love Debbie Bramwell... she's gunning for that O qualification and just barely missed it at the NY Pro, so I'm rooting for her!!

I just saw that Antoinette Thompson is competing... BADASS!! I loved her at the Arnold this year... can't wait to see what kind of suit she's rockin'. She was completely overlooked, but has personality and style that stand out on stage. Plus I think her look is a bit more streamlined and not quite so "bigger is better", which I truly admire and appreciate.
Bikini is such a toss up for me, anyone could win it. I'll pick, Nicole Nagrani then Vanessa Campbell. As for Women's BB'inig, I want Dayana to do good, but she'll probably be off. I think it will be between Cathy LeFrancios and Debbie Bramwell. For the 202'ers, I'm going with Jose, Tricky, then maybe a Clarence DeVis. For the Men's Open, my top 5 will be:
1. Hidetada
2. Ben White
3. Mike Liberatore
4. Darrem Charles
5. Jonnie Jackson

Probably waaaay off, but I wanna see them all do well. I think Ed Nunn and Brandon Curry have the potential to upset as well.

I did not see Hidetada, I had to eat, but Darrem will not place and unless the clouds part and god himself blesses Hidetada personally, Bautista has the show locked down. No contest
heinz senior competeing again. Really!? :nope:

yep! He sent me pics last nite, he looks a whole lot better then he did last show, and he brought his legs up and this time was working with a new prep guy, very well known one but he asked me not to mention who til after the show!

anyways cant wait to see the results for everyone
yep! He sent me pics last nite, he looks a whole lot better then he did last show, and he brought his legs up and this time was working with a new prep guy, very well known one but he asked me not to mention who til after the show!

anyways cant wait to see the results for everyone

Fuck! I wish I knew he was competing. I would've stayed or at least come right back so that I could meet him in person.
Thanks George Farah for bring me back, bob cicherillo yold me it is the best shape since a couple if years a go. Now George is trying to bring me fuller for the night show, yesterday I was fuller and glutes were tighter. We guess I could it more so this is a tryal and then for the next year I will be back and working with George.
I am happy, mow my mind is clear after the last two failures and last desaster. Back to life and enjoy with my family and wife to get back to my 24 hours 350 days a year job.
My goal??? You know it already and I would never fucking give up, no Mather the haters or people on stupid other boards says.
I will be one if the best one day... Thanks for your support guys , presser, thanks for been a serious forum, don't let it go wrong with negative stuff or stupid runors or fights, guys keep it clean !!!
Just heard Hidetada pulled out after prejudging due to a leg injury he sustained earlier this week...
Thanks George Farah for bring me back, bob cicherillo yold me it is the best shape since a couple if years a go. Now George is trying to bring me fuller for the night show, yesterday I was fuller and glutes were tighter. We guess I could it more so this is a tryal and then for the next year I will be back and working with George.
I am happy, mow my mind is clear after the last two failures and last desaster. Back to life and enjoy with my family and wife to get back to my 24 hours 350 days a year job.
My goal??? You know it already and I would never fucking give up, no Mather the haters or people on stupid other boards says.
I will be one if the best one day... Thanks for your support guys , presser, thanks for been a serious forum, don't let it go wrong with negative stuff or stupid runors or fights, guys keep it clean !!!Thanks

you know it bro! we try to keep out the idiots also u have a pm coming your way in a minute, i still have to write it though,lol
heinz senior competeing again. Really!? :nope:

Pretty much what I thought too. I've seen the pre-jugding pics (they're up now at MD) and he looks a lot better but his posing is still among the worst I've seen in the pro ranks and his conditioning is STILL way off the mark.

Hide looks freaking great though. I think this will be his second pro win of the year!
Pretty much what I thought too. I've seen the pre-jugding pics (they're up now at MD) and he looks a lot better but his posing is still among the worst I've seen in the pro ranks and his conditioning is STILL way off the mark.

Hide looks freaking great though. I think this will be his second pro win of the year!
Where are the pics? I couldn't find them. Yeah Hide pulled out, but IMO that package wasn't posing any threat to Bautista. Unless they change the name to Mens Figure, Bautista is going to be a force to be reckoned with.
I don't know man. Paco doesn't really seem to do well in the states. They really seem to knock him hard on his structure. He always comes in full and dry as fuck. It would be nice to see him do well though. I'll make some "You Be The Judge" threads here in a sec with some comparison pics for each class.
Where are the pics? I couldn't find them. Yeah Hide pulled out, but IMO that package wasn't posing any threat to Bautista. Unless they change the name to Mens Figure, Bautista is going to be a force to be reckoned with.

Yeah bud, just go to MD and you'll find a link on the second slide.

But yea, for shorter guys like myself, I'm finding it very refreshing to see the judges reward a 215lbs guy--it's about damn time!
Holy shit, White pulled out from under Alves! WOW! I'm really happy for white, actually, I think he's a cool SOB--very funny too!
Pretty much what I thought too. I've seen the pre-jugding pics (they're up now at MD) and he looks a lot better but his posing is still among the worst I've seen in the pro ranks and his conditioning is STILL way off the mark.

Hide looks freaking great though. I think this will be his second pro win of the year!

Easy to say from your desk ... Lol , thanks
besides your comment the good feedback from the ifbb and my trainer promessed me a new Heinz for 2011
Holy shit, White pulled out from under Alves! WOW! I'm really happy for white, actually, I think he's a cool SOB--very funny too!

He looks great in this pic. Im sure he enjoyed beating JOJ too, and getting the win, after the strongest bodybuilder contest they had.
I love my new contract, my new trainer and my 3 new clients I got for this week just because they saw me getting ready for the show and they want to compete.
Don't beleive I am blind, I know I am
not ready for the level of the pro shows but I will.
I love my new contract, my new trainer and my 3 new clients I got for this week just because they saw me getting ready for the show and they want to compete.
Don't beleive I am blind, I know I am
not ready for the level of the pro shows but I will.

Hey bro...I gotta give it up to ya...You have alot of heart...Im glad your competing and not giving up..Hey, if you love the sport then compete and just do your best...No matter what the placing is...:show: