2010 NPC Eastern USA's


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Well, I’ve got the bug again having just competed this past weekend after an 8 ½ year layoff. I coached & played hockey, went back to school, worked my 24’s at the firehouse, and spent time with my family during that time. I’m done with school and my kid’s are older and just basically need me to drive them from one event to another.

My focus for the next 22 weeks will be the NPC Eastern USA’s on October 9th, 2010 in NYC. I will continue to train DC. I was trained by Ted (In-Human)quite a few years ago and will continue to follow the program he outlined for me. My biggest problem off season has been consistency. Consistency with my diet in terms of eating enough and consistency with my training, by staying with the program and not changing things up out of pure laziness.

I’ve put on a few pounds over the past few years and know I can continue to improve even at the age of 42.

My goal is to crack the top 5 in my weight class at this show.
hey bro how far of a travel is that show for you? just curious as i thought u lived no where near NY for some reason.

And what weight class you shooting for in this show?
well if you compete ill def be there brother and probley press too

its a great show with a great venue
We plan to make a small vacation of it. It's Columbus Day weekend and the wife & kid's are off that Monday.
I'm in Boston Bro, about 3 hours.

damn 3 hours so that about another 2 hours on top of the 3 hours to get down into jersey near me, quite the trip!

Also i take it you will drive? Thats alot of car time for a starving bodybuilder a few days out from a big show. It too much for my old ass,lol
damn 3 hours so that about another 2 hours on top of the 3 hours to get down into jersey near me, quite the trip!

Also i take it you will drive? Thats alot of car time for a starving bodybuilder a few days out from a big show. It too much for my old ass,lol

Trust me, I'll stop every hour for a feeding :chicken:
I'm sitting here at the firehouse laying out my plan for the upcoming Eastern USA's. The show is Columbus Day weekend, roughly 21 weeks out.

I have a physical scheduled for next week and will start an 8 week Blast immediatley after.

I will cruise for 2 weeks (we'll be vacationing in France).

I'll then have 9 weeks to prep once we get back. I plan to stay relatively lean having just competed 2 weeks ago.
I've decided to go back to my 4-day split after reviewing my contest pic's. I really need to bring my delts and arms up. I destroyed delts yesterday. I hit them from every angle by using the smith machine and machine press and finished them with seated dumbbell exercises. I then spent 3 hours on the ice running a summer hs hockey league tryout. I only lost my temper once, LOL. I think I'll just chill and eat today.
your delts look pretty cut in your avatar. I was in boston this weekend visiting a friend. Went to a cool bar/club
your delts look pretty cut in your avatar. I was in boston this weekend visiting a friend. Went to a cool bar/club

Thanks Bro.

You can see better in these pic's from the night show where the improvements are needed.
those are still some great pics brother

we can always all use some added size here and there but your conditioning looks great
I just got my blood work results in the mail and it's all good. Now if my left pec would just heal so I can get to back to work.