6-25-10 (18 weeks out)

just a quick upper body shot from 7-31-10.....12.5 weeks out today, but sat when pic was taken i weighed 171....i'm shooting for 160 and won't be weighing in at early weigh in the day before my show
just a quick upper body shot from 7-31-10.....12.5 weeks out today, but sat when pic was taken i weighed 171....i'm shooting for 160 and won't be weighing in at early weigh in the day before my show
Can't see pic is to dark bro.
your coming along nice buddy! Progress is evident for sure
just an update.....i've been following chris250's comp diet pretty much except i start my cheats friday night last meal thru sat night last meal....i've actually had a hard time wanting to eat a 2nd or 3rd cheat during those 24 hours even though it's all i think about during the week......i'm gonna have to do a calorie drop next week though since i'm working fulltime 40 hours and on the 23rd i start school fulltime also and don't have time for cardio (i tend to lose size way too quick anyway and have done fine in my past shows with lower calories and extra posing instead).....i need to point out that even though i've used aas on and off over the last 15 years, this is the first time i'm competing with any gear in my system.....
8-13-10......11 weeks out....weighing 172-174....stopped cardio and am just posing and shorter rests along with down the racks and supersets
sorry.....i didn't post on all my boards.....but at 9 weeks out i had to call it quits after approx 14 weeks of strict dieting.....i was already starting school fulltime, but had been offered a fulltime job also.....school started 3 weeks ago and after the first week i was so drained i could barely train at all......so i took the next week off completely and started eating more carbs/calories and still having my cheats on the weekends......i'm staying closer to my expected competition weight throughout fall/winter and will be doing the npc wisconsin state in may instead (i only have 2 classes next semester).....
sorry.....i didn't post on all my boards.....but at 9 weeks out i had to call it quits after approx 14 weeks of strict dieting.....i was already starting school fulltime, but had been offered a fulltime job also.....school started 3 weeks ago and after the first week i was so drained i could barely train at all......so i took the next week off completely and started eating more carbs/calories and still having my cheats on the weekends......i'm staying closer to my expected competition weight throughout fall/winter and will be doing the npc wisconsin state in may instead (i only have 2 classes next semester).....

I dont blame you. If you going to do it, do it right. Seems like that would be pretty stressful to do all at once.
looking good bro!!!! 18 weeks? That's about what i have. April is my first show.
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looking good bro!!!! 18 weeks? That's about what i have. April is my first show.
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thanks......i've been completely out of the gym,training,tanning,dieting since mid august now.....school and work are more important at this point right now.....i'll go thru my bodybuilding phase again soon.....thank god i have great muscle memory still at my age
Phase? I thought you were a lifer brutha

i am.....i'm talking about getting back on stage.....i'm never gonna be a pro or even a money making amateur, but i'm talking about being totally absolved in my training,diet,tanning,cardio, etc......right now to move into the next chapter in my life it's time to prioritize my school and work