Anal procedure

something new u do missionary every time?but in all reality it is pretty gross....but if u are intimate with someone and care for the other person i see no harm in trying...

how about a hot plate?:shocked: :disgust:
Sachet said:
I hate to be a party pooper :D
The lining of the anus is very thin, unlike the lining of the vaginal canal which can withstand thrusting by a very hard penis.
A tear in the anus lining can not be repaired..
Serious question~ why would any straight male want to do anal on a woman if he has pussy available to him?

It's good to mix things up. The same thing over and over gets old.
Actually, the difference isn't so great between the mucus wall of the colon vs. the vagina. The colon has 2 layers, and the vaginal tract has 3. Both will heal if torn.

Prevent tears to both in the same way. Heavily lubricate, warm up the muscles first and get them to relax.

Also, Sachet, you make the implication by saying "any straight male" that anal sex with a woman is somehow gay. This is far from the truth.

A man's attraction to another man is what makes him gay, not his physical activities. Some gay men don't even perform anal sex.

For a man to be attracted to a woman - any part of a woman, including her ass - is very natural and quite heterosexual.

As to why? who knows. Everyone likes what they like.

Women are attracted to guy's asses too but it doesnt mean we want to stick something in it. :-) I that if you are complaining that a woman doesnt want to have anal sex then it's probably becuase you arent willing to let her do something different by sticking a dildo in yours first.
I never complained, sugaa. ANd I certainly would never force anything on anyone. I just moved on to a girl who enjoyed it. In my viewpoint, girls have 3 holes, and it's a waste not enjoy them all. not the same for a guy... guys are meant for thrusting... girls are meant for receiving.

Now, I agree the guy should be willing to do things for the girl. For example, I believe if the guy isn't willing to get down there and get her ass all wet with his tongue, he shouldn't be able to stick his dick in there. BUt again, that's just me.

Anyway, it's all good to me. I don't need anal all the time.. but i definitely wouldn't continue to date a girl who didn't enjoy it...or at least not mind it.

Doesn't matter now, cuz my wife loves it. So, I'm set. *smile*
IM just not gonna comment this,,,,,,.........................
bigshug said:
both girls I've tried anal with collapsed once the 'ole purple helmet went "in" and then ran to the bathroom crying and saying their @ss was bleeding......meanwhile I'm sitting with a blue vein throbber and no where to go

large dick

footballcat said:
A good rule of thumb is if your penis is over five inches in diameter, repeat the afforementioned steps with two fingers vice one.


holy crap - over 5 inches in diameter?????
I think the rule of thumb then - should be - gradually insert objects that are bigger until you can fit a champaign bottle in - then she is ready for your 5 inch diameter meat monster.

caviat - most women will tell you to jack off - you are not coming near me with that thing if your dick is anywhere near 5 inches in diameter.

You know it's kind of funny. The smallest most petite women I've ever dated liked anal the most. She could take it all anally , but made me take it easy on her vaginally as she was so little.
footballcat said:
So who all has done anal?

with a few girls.. it takes some time to get them adjusted to it.. but once they are... they enjoy it quite a bit .. if you stimulate other areas of their body ...they REALLY get into it.

although be warned.. when trying to talk a girl into it... they often will say "you can do it ..if i can do it to you"... ...that was a werid night :o
The reason guys like to do anal on a girl, or in my boyfriend's case is not the feeling, its the fact that he is fucking you in the ass, and he feels like a pimp, and yes, go VERY slow, dont just shove it in. OUCH!
when i was in high school this guy i know was banging some chick and when he went to stick it her ass she shit all over him. to make matters worse it was in somebody's bedroom at a party. to this day when you mention her name around town people go 'you mean the girl that......'