anyone here a cop?


New member
i need some legal advice from someone who knows what they are talking about. any help will be appreciated. pm me thanks
long story short, my girls ex came over to her house one night looking for a fight so we fought, and now he is pressing charges for simple assault.
lol...kick his ass again.........he came lookin for it so u defended............Now go kick his ass again and make it real assault!
CYPHON said:
Yea and follow the chokehold with the vulcan death grip!
That should teach him a lesson

LMAO. A reverse double edge swinging over the top neck-breaker should put him out for good.

Actually Winnee, him coming over to your place looking for a fight is assault! Whatever physical contact there was is considered battery. Did he hit you first? If so, you could get him on assault and battery. Either that or you could use the fact that he showed up at your place and assaulted you and you felt threatened and you were acting in self defense. You didn't beat him too badly did you? There's so many factors that affect this. BTW...I'm not a cop.
You should waste no more time and press charges against him. Were there any witnesses to the incident?
Ths is a general rule of thumb I have been told as I was carted off in the patty wagon,lol, no mater who starts what...the loser goes to the hospital and the winner goes to jail,
ahh I wouldn't worry about it winnee, simple assault is a misdemeanor, max 6 months in the local H.O.C. you could probably use the rest anyways! j/k bro I'm willing to bet it won't go anywhere
I wouldn't worry about it either. The guy you beat up was obviously talking out of his ass when he said he was going to get you on simple assault charges. Like I said, assault is threatening someone, it involves no physical contact and if he showed up at your girls place looking for a fight, that is assault. You could get him on that. Only thing I would worry about is if you beat him too badly, he could get you on battery charges whether you were defending yourself or not. If it was just a couple of punches here and there, you are all set. You can use self defense. And don't forget, it was him who was looking for the fight, not you. If he keeps following you around and harrassing you though, I wouldn't hesitate to file assault charges on him. Good luck bro.
if you end up getting charges pressed against you reverse them and ask for charges of harassment and disorderly conduct against him.
also if you guys agree it was just a friendly fight then pleae to dueling (fighting by agreement) petty offense.
if that doesnt work talk to the DA about a deferred against a disorderly conduct if no one was hurt seriously, maybe some community service and fines. offer to make a food or cash donation to alocal charity as well.

that should do you well, or hire a lawyer to defend you and dig up all the dirt you can on this other guy to ruin his character in court and have your charges dismissed..
good luck bro.