anyone here a cop?

couple of things should help you out w/ your case 1. He came over to your house, what for ? tea and crumpets! 2. ask your girl if hes always been an asshole dig up some dirt on him. 3. was there a police report filed at the time of the incident if not it didnt happen, if it did who was cited if at all. 4. what damage did you cause to him physically and did he cause you. 5. threaten to counter sue 6. get a restraining order and make sure its served to him. it shows you are trying to be proactive in trying to keep him away from you. 7. were there any witnesses or is it his word against yours.

Had an experience just like the one you are dealing w/ now bro.
1 she was a stripper 2 he was an idiot 3 she didnt tell me that her divorce wasnt final 4 my windows of my truck evidently arent rock proof 5 i dated her for a lil over month and she and her ex costed me over $500 and a lot of time in the courts.
when it came down to it she really wasnt worth it
he brought a golf club with him but i didnt find that out till my buddy pulled me off of him and he attempted to hit me with it until my buddy jumped in front of him. even though he didnt hit me is that still assault with a deadly weapon?
If he attempted to hit you with it, then Yes. And I would assume that a golf club would be considered a deadly weapon.
no, its felony menacing, or attempted aggravated assualt with a blundgeon weapon. which is a felony in all states, a knife is a first class misd, and blundgeon weapon, bat,billyclub,goldclub is a felony. it takes many more blows and acts of violience for that weapon, so they made it a worse crime go

so what actually happened, any body get arrested? and police citations, arrests?
share bro we can help you since it will just fill up your PM box.
well august 5th i have to go plea guilty or not. there was a warrant for my arrest but i knew the cop so he just gave me a pink slip telling me to show up for court. im going to try to bury this dude. my stepfather is a lawyer and my mom and aunt are paralegals. im going to do as much research on this as possible. ill keep you posted
jesus christ,you have a complicated law sistem in the states,here in italy cops are so lazy that if they find you on the floor unconscious beaten up,they call an ambulance and they tell the doctor:"when he wakes up tell him,that if he wants,but i mean if he really really wants he could come to police station to press charges".and if you go to press charges usually about "unknown people"even if you knowh them well they have a laugh looking at you face..and if you press charges against somebody saying his name(wich is considered bad,bad,bad,its called infamia)they call the agressor and they tell him look :name,secondname living in street number..said that you have assaulted him,watch out we keep an eye on you and he is free to go,so odds are that he will be waiting for you under your house maybe with a couple of friends
Definitely plead not guilty...that goes without saying. Make sure you do your research too, having a step father for a lawyer should help you out big time. Good luck!
Which State?

We all could be talking out our ass without knowing which state this happened in. I am familiar with criminal law in Teneessee, Mississippi. and Arkansas and none of what was said on here matches the statuary law in those states.
Youve got nothing to worry about bro. I get assault charges all the time and I'm not in
In our local group of people, even loosely related friends. Its understood that if someone goes to the cops while that person is in jail with an alibi, there is ALWAYS someone who is not in jail that they dont know, but is going to be involved while your away with an alibi if you get my drift.
Then again I guess I don't hang around the gentlest people. But arrangements like that stop allot of problems from happening. It "Keeps the Peace"
CYPHON said:
lol...kick his ass again.........he came lookin for it so u defended............Now go kick his ass again and make it real assault!

yeah no shit. People these days are such pussies.....its unreal. What ever happened to the day when you could get into a slug fest....kick ass.....and then its over. Now you lay a pinky on someone and they're calling the cops. Christ!!!
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I'll be 31 in december and when I was a kid we fu**ed each other up, but when it was done it was done,No going to mommy or the cops and crying about how you got your ass kicked. I'll admit that I've gotten my ass kicked a couple of times but I took it in stride and vowed to never let it happen again. Witch means I toughened up.

Two men enter one man leaves!(a quote from mad max)
I agree, you win some you lose some but you live to fight another day!
I would still like to know which state this event occured in as it is very much the statutory law of that state which dertermines your defenses in the nonextralegal sense.
Well my friend had the same incident happen. He got into a fight with his roommate($5000 worth of Dr. Bills, later). His roommate sues him. Basicly he loss the case b/c he didn't have any witnesses to speak for him. I was the only one there and I was deployed with the military at the time. So he had to cough up a total of $5K that he is still working a second job trying to pay off.

You situation is good in the fact that he came to your g/f house. Make sure she testifies to this and that he was uninvited at that. Make sure she didn't invite him over or at least says she didn't. Secondly. By him coming over there you can show he is the aggressor. MOST IMPORTANT: Go press charges against him for assault and get your g/f to go with you as a witness. This can be done by going to the magistrate office. Some states require you to have a lawyer to do so(countersue), but you should be fine.

Make sure you do this and don't take it lightly!!! What happen to the good ol' days when you just kicked ass or got yours kicked and that was the end of it!?!

Pu**ies, the whole lot of them!!!