Anyone Powerlift...I know you do Malic!!!


New member
I have been thinking of working alot on gettin my weights up there. I'd like to get my squat and dead to over 500 and get my bench to close to 405. It's been pretty slow going as of late, but I've been putting on some muscle. So, I'm about to decide to try Westside training out I think. What do you guys this? Anyone else on here have experience with Westside training?
Never heard of Westside Training. Do you have any links to routines?
I know hearing about DC Training must be getting old to everyone now with all the threads about it, but it has worked wonders in improving my strength.
I thought about DC and tried it for 6 weeks, but I feel like I need to get my strength up before I do it again. I finished the blast and am almost finished with my cruise. I'll try to find a link to Westside training, but i know it's a powerlifting program.
A buddy of mine used to do WS and he had great numbers in the big 3 lifts. Granted he also had good genetics and looked like an amatuer strongman. I incorporated some of it into my routine and my bench went to an all time high.
I actually just read about it a bit. So it's almost the opposite of HIT and DC where instead of low volume to failure, you do high volume and don't go to failure.
I've always found that Low volume, High Intensity works best for me, but the only way to really know is to give it a shot.
I would say if you want to go for it then do it but remember you only gave DC training 6 weeks and you're going to try this for 4 - 6 months.
Give it a shot...maybe keep a log and let everyone know how it works for you. I'm guessing many people on here have never tried it or heard about it since there aren't many threads about it.

Bump for more info...
I always thought that powerlifting was a lot of heavy weight and low volume. Hmm....have to research that one out a little more.
I know I didn't give DC very long, but I'm not sure I'm really ready for it yet. I'd like to get my strength up a little before I jump into it. Going back and looking at my numbers with DC is what made me start thinking about this. I am keeping a log like I did with DC and am incorporating the stretching in, so I will post it when I get some more in there and we'll see what happens.
Spiderman said:
I know I didn't give DC very long, but I'm not sure I'm really ready for it yet. I'd like to get my strength up a little before I jump into it. Going back and looking at my numbers with DC is what made me start thinking about this. I am keeping a log like I did with DC and am incorporating the stretching in, so I will post it when I get some more in there and we'll see what happens.

That's the reason "why" I switched over to get my #'s up. My #'s are nothing special bro. My max lifts are probably somewhere around 325 bench, 350 deadlift, 375 squat. Been going DC for about 4 weeks now and already my reps are up an average of 3-4 reps/lift.