I always had a problem with sweat not so much the weight. Especially on bench and squat. I have small hands and the manner in which I had to hold a squat bar would often slip ever so slightly if I was sweating. And trust me if you've never put on a squat suit or bench shirt, just getting them on will cause you to sweat, it takes some work and a partner
I'd use it if the gym allowed it. Used to use it in competitions mainly grip stuff. or on the back to stop bars from slipping off. I found a good alternative though. There is a chalk like aerosol called Magic Grip. It dries your hands and leaves a little chalky residue but no mess. Works really well.
I'm a chalk junkie man, I use it all the time. I don't use it for any pressing movements, but any back exercise, curls, squats, I always chalk up. I just like the way my hands feel. Like I have more control.
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