anyone use chalk during your workouts?


MuscleChemistry member
We have 2 or 3 guys in our gym that do. As for me I never found the need to. Im guessing its more of a powerlifting thing.
I used it when I powerlifted, but don't any other time. I never used it for anything other than for deads, squats and bench
I use it for deads only. I don't like the mess it makes, but I think it does help with grip once the weight gets heavy.
I use it for deads only. I don't like the mess it makes, but I think it does help with grip once the weight gets heavy.

I always had a problem with sweat not so much the weight. Especially on bench and squat. I have small hands and the manner in which I had to hold a squat bar would often slip ever so slightly if I was sweating. And trust me if you've never put on a squat suit or bench shirt, just getting them on will cause you to sweat, it takes some work and a partner
I use it for deads only. I don't like the mess it makes, but I think it does help with grip once the weight gets heavy.

i use it every day in the gym, it helps with my grip. i cant stand getn sweaty hands.
I'd use it if the gym allowed it. Used to use it in competitions mainly grip stuff. or on the back to stop bars from slipping off. I found a good alternative though. There is a chalk like aerosol called Magic Grip. It dries your hands and leaves a little chalky residue but no mess. Works really well.
I'm a chalk junkie man, I use it all the time. I don't use it for any pressing movements, but any back exercise, curls, squats, I always chalk up. I just like the way my hands feel. Like I have more control.
I did for deads just to help with my grip strength. Id do it till my hands got kinda raw and switch back to wraps.