Ava Cowan Tanning !!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
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Yeah shes hot but wasn't that little performance (or whatever you would call it) pretty tacky? Cmon!
Yeah shes hot but wasn't that little performance (or whatever you would call it) pretty tacky? Cmon!

yeah it was a little different but all i could think about is how fucking hot her body is
^ Yea I see your point but this off cycle thing really has me blindfolded. I'll have to review this thread again in March
^ Yea I see your point but this off cycle thing really has me blindfolded. I'll have to review this thread again in March

I dont understand, what does Off cycle mean,lol, never heard of such blasphamy
It's comments like those that make good straight edged innocent kids like myself into inpatient AAS hounds. Now I want to start up tomorrrow. Nice influence!
All You North East guys could have seen her in NYC in the last show b4 she turner Pro a week later at nationals...like I did;)
I'd be up front like a chowline line at a titty bar, except this woulda probably been cheaper. Love it when female BB's keep their femininity. To bad this was such an odd routine. Sexy but odd.
AND This very reason WHY I LOVE HAVING A NEVER-ENDING STREAM of Testosterone running through my body at all times !! MY GOD.. Ridiculously HOTT... Unfathomably HOTT.. and the WAY she Moves that Body.. Jesus Mother in Heaven.. I could like ALL of the Spray Tanner off too... MAY take me a couple, 3, 5 weeks to accomplish but I swear I will do it... :D

Promise is a Promise is it not!? :D