Belly fat


New member
Was just wondering if any other members are having trouble shifting that little extra fat that covers those fucking abs. No im training hard, not over training but training hard enougth lol. Since training ive learnt wha my body can take before im over training. But for the life of me i can shift that little bit of flab around the mid section.

I can see the ab definition coming through, 6 pack on it's way after shit loads of hard work and dieting, obliques look good, pulling in well and lats starting to bring the upper body into fine shape, but theres still that little extra flab that just wont fucking burn off lol.

Body fat over the rest of the upper body, arms, shoulders, chest ect is fine, got great definition, legs good and as above abs are showing through, or starting to.....nearly there. if i can shift that little bit of flab then im sorted.

Any ideas on how i can get rid of it, i seem to have hit a wall in my ab training.

Im doing a standard weight training routine, i also run, do bag work and jump rope for cardio but nothing. Ive lowered carb intake and increased protein and loweed the fat content of my meals. Thinking of going onto burnt toast and egg whites for a bit to see if that works.

Any other ideas, tips or tricks to get it off. Only need to shift a tiny bit which is annoying lol.
well there is no way to spot burn would be nice if there was...just keep that diet up and keep on with the cardio till its off. sucks huh...ive got the same thing right now, except i cant do shit
I am going through the same shit right now.  I have been taking ALA before my meals and doing no carbs along with low calories.  The ALA had me peeing the second darkest color on those ketostix in 3 days and have noticed a big difference since Monday.   I am on fina, winny and a little bit of test which has let me still make good strength gains while shedding the fat but it wasn't this drastic until I started up the no carbs.
YOHIMBURN.....Trying it right now homey...will make updates.......oooooo its icy hot.!!!O)I(W <!--emo&OL--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='OL'><!--endemo-->
Diet and cardio is all you need.  Cut out almost all carbs, eat tons of protien, and do cardio, and your abs will show.  I have not used any ECAs, or NYCs because they make me sweat and I got tired of sweating all the time.  I have used no DNP at all.  All I have taken is a little T3 (very little) and GH, and changed my diet and my abs came out in a couple weeks. The lower your Bf gets, the harder it gets to lose.  So, you have to work even harder at this point.  Having a low Bf % is unhealthy, and your body will slow down your metabolism to try and maintain homeostasis, and keep you healthy.  When and what you eat are essential to losing Bf, and a negative calorie diet is the only way to continue losing Bf once it gets to a certain point, which is different for everyone.  Suppliments and drugs can be helpful, but it all comes down to diet and burning off cals.  If your diet sucks, you can not maintain muscle mass and lose Bf,  and I don't care what you are using, ultimatly you will not be happy with the results! Later
<!--QuoteBegin--DecaDent+May 03 2002,2:09--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DecaDent @ May 03 2002,2:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->If your over 30,HGH will make it disapear in 6-8 weeks. Amazing what it does for body fat distribution.[/quote]
How much  HGH do you take? Im 31 and getting a little fat in the gut area?

If u stacked it with Clen would it be better?

Is there a down side to 1 cycle of HGH? Like steroids wil you body stop makin hgh or will u get smaller once u come off?

Thanks Napalm, sound advice friend. im currently taking in what yourve said and seriously reviewing my diets and cardio. Waiting on some calipers so i can get an accurate reading of BF%.

Iv also reviewed my ab routine, dont want to add any more exercises to the ones im currently doing....pointless, builds the abs but whats the good in that if theres a little fat covering them lol.

Much appreciated Napalm, back to the drawring board to review this diet lol.