benched 365 last night...


New member
I hadn't maxed out in over a year so I thought I'd see what I could push. I got 350 last time so I wasn't totally dissapointed with this. I read some where it's good to hit a double or triple before maxing out so, after warming up, I pushed 315 for 5. I then got 365 for 1...and it went up very slowly. :D I tried for 375 but got stuck mid way up...but I felt I could of gotten it if I had gone for that one first and psyched myself up more but oh well....I'll try and hit that soon. And next time I run dbol, I'm going for the big 4-0-0!

Anyone else max out lately?
I am impressed PS. I haven't maxed out in a long time. Hell maybe over a year. Now that you mention it I want to hit the gym right now and find out. But with this dieting looks like it won't be happening for quite some time.
Thanks bro. I'd feel much better maxing out with some carbs in my belly too. Are you dieting for a show?

Anybody max out lately?
pump - i haven't max'd in a while either. When I'm on a good cycle I usually try to jack my squat way up so within a few weeks I'll try to get my squat back up to mid 400's.

I'd like to max out on a flat bench, but my shoulders are so bad that I know I'd get hurt trying so I gotta stay away from that.

Congrats on the 365 too!!!
I maxed out 6 weeks ago on flat bench and hit 385 for 2 and 405 for 1. I'm now on a new diet with less carbs and increased protein...Lost some size, but have more definition. Hopefully after this 12 week training cycle I'll still be able to push 400. I have 10 weeks left.

Good luck on 400 pump!:thumbsup:
You guys make me feel bad I got 350 for 1 a while back and haven't maxed out since. I was out with an injury for a while and lost some size and strength.
pumpseeker said:
Are you dieting for a show?

Yes. Things are going pretty good so far...haven't really had any major temptations as of yet but I am only a few weeks in. After this is all done I will give my max a go once I get some carbs back into me. :D
Shredz, after I asked you that, I thought you had mentioned something about a show before. Good luck bro!

Centaur, you stud. It musta been a great feeling crossing that 400 mark. I'll be a stud too when I hit that! :cool:

MM, thanks bro!

And Marmass, don't feel bad about 350! That's a nice ass lift!
I stay FAR away from the bench press! Ive had severe AC injuries in both shoulders from flat bench. AND>> Ive seen many people tear pecs doing bench presses, and no you dont have to use heavy weight to tear a pec! My buddy benched in the mid 500's and tore the F out of his pec doing 385 on his way up. Tore the entire pec ,now its very ugly! I use dumbells. The last time I maxed on bench was a couple years agos when I was training at a gym that only had 150lb dumbells. I was pissed so I tried the bench . I got 465lb for 3 reps and my shoulder was screwed for 2 months...NO MORE FOR ME...
Nailed 405 for a single with an extended pause 3 weeks ago. My previous best was 455 in 1996. I am gonna hit it hard as hell over the next year and TRY to get that elusive 500 in January 2005.
I am pretty stoked with 405 ....I didn't train much at all from 2000 until July 2003-was totally clean. Doing the year round thing since July 03 and will try for 455 in July 2004. I will make sure I am running some A-50 and maybe suspension in July.

I usually just do reps with 315, 10-12 on a good night. Will progressively go heavier. I am doing heavy lockouts every 3rd chest w/o and will start using negatives about once a month too.
Damn it!and I thought i was the next arnold!after reading this I am once agained humbled and brought back to earth --only to wait for my youngest,whos 12 yrs old to once again raise me back up to the badest lifter in town when he sees me struggling with 280lbs max.
I'm still working towards the "Over 300 Club". Benching has always been my weakness. I can Barbell Row almost what I Bench.

Strong work pumpseeker.

its been 2 years this august since i maxed out bench, i was at 465 for 2 singles, tryed 500 but i couldnt get it off the damn bar,lol, huge difference 35lbs makes,lol

I have squated 565 for 5 good reps and it fell on 6th rep, and i dont dead,lol
Well me. I'm a lazy bastard sophmore in HS). Durning Football season, I was maxing out at 270LB benchpress. Yeah I know thats pathetic for my size (236LB then. ) Now after being away from the weight room for almost 3 months I've gained 34 lbs of fat. (I'm 270 and my bench decreased to 265LB and I'm squating 515LB. Now I'm back in weight room. I think for my size I should be benching atleast 405 (150% of my weight.)

For some reason I can't seem to get past 265LB even though I can bench it somewhat easily?

Any tips!

I aleast want to bench 315 so i look strong.hehe

oh and Pumpseeker what part of MD you from nucka?
Also. I need to loose aleast 60 pounds by September cause thats when football season starts. I'm 5'10" 270LB (24% Body Fat ,yea I know I know I'm fat lol!) now! I want to get down to 210LB-225LB in order to play Running Back. (Yeah i wanna be another JamaL Lewis or atleast half of a Jamal Lewis). But at the sametime I don't want to give up my strength in the process cause I know I could be much stronger. Now whats the proper way to lose fat weight instead of muscle and fat weight without steriods?

Any tips would be nice :)
Try this Cutting Formula Guys.

DESIRED Bodyweight x 12, 15, or 18 = Daily Caloric Intake

EXAMPLE: for a 200lb Bodybuilder with a moderate metabolism and a 30-50-20 split: 200 x 15 = 3,000 calories.

PROTEIN: 3,000 x .30 = 900 ~ 4 = 225 grams of protein
(There are 4 calories in 1 gram of protein)

CARBS: 3,000 x .50 = 1,500 ~ 4 = 375 grams of carbohydrates
(There are 4 calories in 1 gram of carbohydrates)

FAT: 3,000 x .20 = 600 ~ 9 = 67 grams of fat
(There are 9 calories in 1 gram of fat)

*Adjust as necessary
