Best Cycle for lean bulk?

Update: week 4. Starting to get tender feeling in my joints in the areas near where I pin. Mostly shoulders when I pin delts? This seem normal?
Update: week 4. Starting to get tender feeling in my joints in the areas near where I pin. Mostly shoulders when I pin delts? This seem normal?

tender in joints area, i never heard anyone explain joints as feeling tender, so no sorry brutha
Hey Bro! What would you recommend for dosing with Test Pro, Tren Ace and Masteron Prop combo?

prop 200mg EOD
tren ace 75mg EOD
Mast prop i never used so no idea, I use winny instead at 50mg
IGF-1 lr3 60mcgs daily
I been on the 80/80/80 blend of that eod with 50mg of winny ed. It's worked great for me but may be because I'm new to it.
@Presser, I'm 6 weeks in. Still making good gains. I originally planned to run this 10 weeks. Should I stick to that and start planning my next cycle or should I go longer with this one?
@Presser, I'm 6 weeks in. Still making good gains. I originally planned to run this 10 weeks. Should I stick to that and start planning my next cycle or should I go longer with this one?

Im not Pressure, but I can chime in. I usually aim for 12 week cycles because that's how long my body can take it usually. Ive done a couple 16 weeks but usually feel like total crap near the end. I feel short changed if I don't run 12 weeks but Ive also had to end a cycle at 8 weeks... so I listen to my body. When it says ive had enough, that's when my cycle ends.... but never longer that 16 weeks.
Good info bro, Thanks! I'll probably push it out to 12 weeks and then cycle off before a good summer cycle.
@Presser, I'm 6 weeks in. Still making good gains. I originally planned to run this 10 weeks. Should I stick to that and start planning my next cycle or should I go longer with this one?

i would run it slightly longer bro as mentioned above.
No problem bro, hope others got something out of this post as well. Keep us informed to your progress.
hey ronJ
your a big dude bro, taller guys need alittle bigger dosage than average guys. a lean bulk if I set something for you would look like this:
Test enanthate-750 mg/w
tren ace-700mg/w
Masterone enanthate-700mg/w
anadrol-50mg/d build up to 150mg/d

good clean diet brother will send you on your way.
with 19nor- please im telling you now, get dostinex, its an absolute must. that's all you need to combat sides from tren and npp. after about a month all mental sides will subside. and if they don't lower you tren dose. masterone will control estrogen dostinex will totally put prolactin in check.

- - - Updated - - -

take you long ester supplements all at one time the whole weeks dose in one day. load two syringes and blast all the test and masterone in the same day.
all fast acting pin daily for best results. Anabolic threshold you must sustain for best results from supplements. research it its true to the core. I ran the whole year this way and produced far better gains than I have ever had.