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what is the best test to know if your gear is legit.If its a blood test and If you take 250cc of Test cyp a week what should your blood test show, range.

I was on a cycle of 2cc of test a week and 2cc of "Tren Ent every 4 days. got nothing out of it. nothing.. My buddy that bougt with me got nothing and was on same but higher dose. Guy we bought from told us we got took they guy was saling test prop 50 in all bottles. this source used different colored bottles for labels, read die in Tren Ent, yellow die in Test Ent. Green in etc etc. you may know the source but i'm not asking I just know we got took and we are hooked into a pro body builder and using the sources he uses. Thats what our seller tells us. Co-worker and suppose to be friends. He and the bodybuilder got gains we did not. Hmmmmmm. They said dopped that guy and our next order came from Jrt250 better but not wait I have experience in past. really believe my and my boy getting cut gear. Time to head to anohter water hole. What are yalls thoughts???
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You a blood test is pretty much the only scientific way to find out for sure. I'm not sure what Your levels should be on that particular dosage. Surely one of the other guys can answer it for you.
I don't know about blood test but you know bro. That's the bad thing about all the U.G.s there's way to many to keep up with them. Better luck next time man. I hate to hear that happened to you but sadly there are ppl like that out there.
what is the best test to know if your gear is legit.If its a blood test and If you take 250cc of Test cyp a week what should your blood test show, range.

I was on a cycle of 2cc of test a week and 2cc of "Tren Ent every 4 days. got nothing out of it. nothing.. My buddy that bougt with me got nothing and was on same but higher dose. Guy we bought from told us we got took they guy was saling test prop 50 in all bottles. this source used different colored bottles for labels, read die in Tren Ent, yellow die in Test Ent. Green in etc etc. you may know the source but i'm not asking I just know we got took and we are hooked into a pro body builder and using the sources he uses. Thats what our seller tells us. Co-worker and suppose to be friends. He and the bodybuilder got gains we did not. Hmmmmmm. They said dopped that guy and our next order came from Jrt250 better but not wait I have experience in past. really believe my and my boy getting cut gear. Time to head to anohter water hole. What are yalls thoughts???

i doubt it even had prop in it bro if u got nothing from it, and was taking 2ml a week of one and 2 of the other every 4 days, atleast you would have got somehting out of the prop, so my guess is you got pure oil brutha!