Can machine rows replace barbell rows?


New member
Ever since I pulled (or screwed up) my spinal erector doing dead lifts, I'm a little hesitant on doing bent barbell rows for my upper back until it fully heals.
Will I acheive the same results with doing machine rows as I would bent barbell rows?
If the results will be the same, I may keep them in my exercise and not go back to bent barbell rows because of my back. So far everything is going well and hopefully in the new few weeks I can start deadlifting again.
Also, is doing barbell AND dumbell rows overkill in the same workout or should one week do dumbell and the next barbell/machine?
i wouldn't do anything that would put any strain on that area.. i haven't been able to do free dead left or swats for years now do to a bad back.. or i should say that i can't go heavy with them.. what did your doctor say about the back...
personaly I don't like barbell rows. I go straight dumbells rows and try and go as heavy as possible. Grab some 120's or maybe 150's depending on your strength. Last set do a drop and you will really feel your muscles scream.
I never went to a doctor or chiropracter. All I hear is they tell you what you already know. When it first happened, it hurt for a good while but now it's went away for the most part.
No hammer strenght at our gym :( It's the basic free weights with some machines for abs and shit.
I'm just talking about seated rows with the cable.
I would think between cable rows and bent over dumbell rows you should be o.k. Do not fook up your back - that's some serious shiot! I have a messed up back and cannot do deadlifts or barbell rows. I do the before mentioned exercises along with a couple hammer strength exercises.
damn, Gear101, and I thought you were strong - only 5 plates on the hammer strength row machine? I love that thing. One thing I have found is that seating position and grip greatly influence how much weight I do on it, but it's my favorite back exercise.
personally...other than the hammer row machine my gym has i think is good....but i think the shoulder press and chest press are junk!!
Yeah, I like their row machine, the leg curls and leg extensions - I don't use anything else if theirs.
dedprez* said:
personally...other than the hammer row machine my gym has i think is good....but i think the shoulder press and chest press are junk!!

i agree with that 100 and 10%

and al that's 5plates per side.. that's all it will hold... well i think it might hold one more on the inside
Mine will hold 6, I believe, but I do 5 plates plus a 10 currently. :D
There is no replaceing heavy barbell row for back size. Just ask Dorian Yates. But if your hurt i would let it heal first.
for lower back, try hyperextensions w/ high reps.

as for comparing bent rows to seated rows, there is no comparison. both are excellent exercises but i feel that the seated machine row tends to primarily target the mid back (teres group, and infra and supraspinatous group, and to an extent the lats) as to the bent row where i feel it in the lats primarily.
If you're sketchy about the lower back, I think I prepared mine for the shit I do to it now by doing hyperextensions while holding either a 45lb plate or a couple of dumbells if I wanted to go heavier. If your back can handle it, you should never go through a workout and NOT do deads and bent rows IMO
all that matters is that the muscle "fires"-irregardless of the resistance "system" you use, as long as its a heavy stress load with tight form,your muscles don,t know if your dead lifting or cable rowing.
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Just remember what ever you do lidten to your body and don't over exert the back. BACK PAIN hurts big time.