when i cant sleep i do something called progressive muscle relaxation. it has really helped me with my insomnia when trying to fall alseep. the way you do it is whiile you are laying in bed, flex your calves as hard as you can for 30 sec., then calves and quads/hams, then legs+abs, then legs+abs+arms, then legs+abs+arms+chest, then legs+abs+arms+chest+back. usually two times through this helps me relax and fall asleep faster.
there is some new stuff coming on the market called lunestra. It is supposed to be better then Ambian but you don't get immune to it. It was supposed to be released on Dec 16 but it keeps getting pushed back. I have a script sitting at Brooks pharmacy waiting to be filled.
I don't know if this works for everyone, when i have trouble sleeping, I take in three full breath in and hold for about 5 sec and then exhale and repeat is 3 times and i will sleep good, the purpose of that is, it gets rid of the stagnant air, that's an air that is dead and not flowing or circulating...
Cut the caffeine. I had insomnia for years and my mother always told me to stop drinking soda. I finally did like 7 years later, helped wonders. If you are on an ECA stack make sure you take it no later than 4 pm. I have taken it a couple of times past this and couldn't sleep the whole night.

Caffeine seems to affect everyone different, but I know I can't consume it after a certain time if I want to sleep.

I also caught a very interesting story on the news that said sleeping pills and Ambient did not help people with insomnia and that it always came back. They said the patients that where taught proper breathing and relaxing techniques and stretched fell asleep 15 minutes faster and their insomnia never returned.

IMO Ambien didn't do a damn thing for me and like others said; try some of the natural supplements first.

Hope that helps.
About a year ago I got in a real bad habbit of staying up all night and sleeping all day it was pretty serious and the doc. didnt help very much. so my roomate made me stay upw/out sleep for 36 hours. by the 8 pm that night I was begging for Sleep. I woke up the next morning feeling great. I was able to sleep in the evening and get at sunrise after that.
little big guy said:
About a year ago I got in a real bad habbit of staying up all night and sleeping all day it was pretty serious and the doc. didnt help very much. so my roomate made me stay upw/out sleep for 36 hours. by the 8 pm that night I was begging for Sleep. I woke up the next morning feeling great. I was able to sleep in the evening and get at sunrise after that.
damn bro, i know the feeling. i used to work nights at a child treatment facility and sometimes i would have class or a workshop to go to right after my shift...sleep is a wonderful thing!LOL
Try Benedryl for OTC,,,,,,there are some kickass prescription drugs out there (for nut cases) that I know of but you won't wake up for 2 DAYS!

Personally Ambien didn't do shit for me.

Valium, Xanax, large meal/wine, or more labor works better when its stress related.
whats with the jump right into which drugs can help you sleep.
How about really trying a routine and trying to stick to it.
What about tea and reading at night.
I think that you should just try to go with a routine.
Alot of sleep problems are mental. After a few nights of having toruble getting to sleep people start thinking that they cant sleep and it makes it worse. Really try to get into a routine and stop thinking that you cant sleep.
I got the prob solved....... Some nights I sleep good and others I dont.... Since I recently this past few weeks have gotten back on my diet and lowering my fats my metab is going hay wire and I am sure this is a result of what has been keeping me up. I have stuff as of now to help me sleep if needed... NyQuill works wonders, I also have Temazepam that my Doc has just recently given me... He told me take 1 tab 1-2hrs before bed time on empty or full stomach and it will put me into a peaceful sleep and ill wake up refreshed and ready to go... SOme nights I can sleep and some I cant but there is times where I cant affoard not to sleep. As far as reading, and tea skip all that because ill finish the book and it will be 5:00am and I dont like tea......... This Temazepam is very nice and its helpful when needed and if anyone has insomina ask your doc about this because it helps.
Well you have tried some of the natural things I normally rely on except I don't see anything about GABA. I sometimes use 5gms at night before bed and it does works for me. But so does Meletonin and ZMA but everyone responds to things differently. Good Luck