Chuck's Prep...

185 Lbs (fasting) this morning. I'm 21 days out. Abs, side serratus are in. I just have a little loose skin around my navel. I'll see if I can't get my wife to take some pic's tonight. I'm tired all the time and have been sleeping at least 8 hours each night. I don't take naps. My workouts are 30-40 minutes and cardio is every day now.
NICE BACK WORK, BRUTHA!!!!!!!!! Your vascularity for 3 weeks is friggin' AWESOME!! You are really dialing it in, man! Great separation in your delts there, you must be doing alittle extra sumthin', sumthin' for them.
Keep up the work, bro!!!
Hey chuck, make sure when your showing any back poses that your leg goes not just back, but also out to the side a bit bro, just a friendly critique brutha as your not showing off the (X) frame when u just put your leg back and not out to the side a good bit,
Hey chuck, make sure when your showing any back poses that your leg goes not just back, but also out to the side a bit bro, just a friendly critique brutha as your not showing off the (X) frame when u just put your leg back and not out to the side a good bit,

Thanks, I appreciate the advice.
LOL! I was going to ask you about that. Are you just going to spray one before the show?

Yes, my wife has always helped with it. I'll start a few days out.

I tried tanning once outside with my Irish skin and began peeling the day of the show. It was a nightmare.
Yes, my wife has always helped with it. I'll start a few days out.

I tried tanning once outside with my Irish skin and began peeling the day of the show. It was a nightmare.
Gotcha... yea, that would've sucked for sure. You could've just said that you're getting so huge, your skin can't stretch far enough to keep up with your muscle growth. lol
Yes, my wife has always helped with it. I'll start a few days out.

I tried tanning once outside with my Irish skin and began peeling the day of the show. It was a nightmare.

I guess thats not realy funny, but ya gotta laugh at it now,lol
185 Lbs this morning, 2 weeks out.

No change from last week and I still have 3-4 Lbs to lose. I'm a bit dissapointed, but know I can do it. I like to be ready at this point in my prep, no excuses.
185 Lbs this morning, 2 weeks out.

No change from last week and I still have 3-4 Lbs to lose. I'm a bit dissapointed, but know I can do it. I like to be ready at this point in my prep, no excuses.

Good luck Chuck, you are definitly there and 2 or 3 lbs should not be a problem, you seem determaned to do this and not many guys your age
look anywhere close i know i'm 47 and have pics from 2 years ago here
but was not trying to compete, good luck again and keep us posted.
185 Lbs this morning, 2 weeks out.

No change from last week and I still have 3-4 Lbs to lose. I'm a bit dissapointed, but know I can do it. I like to be ready at this point in my prep, no excuses.

i'm assuming you'll carb deplete your last week then?