Chuck's Prep...

Good luck Chuck, you are definitly there and 2 or 3 lbs should not be a problem, you seem determaned to do this and not many guys your age
look anywhere close i know i'm 47 and have pics from 2 years ago here
but was not trying to compete, good luck again and keep us posted.

Thanks Bro.
183 Lbs this morning. Down 2 Lbs from last week.

I have my last Leg workout today and then I'll Carb-deplete.
I strained my Back going heavy with Squats today. What was I thinking :angry:

Just a muscle strain, but uncomfortable.
hey bro, your getting there..maybe a tad behind, but you could get it caught up...What are you doing for diet and cardio
hey bro, your getting there..maybe a tad behind, but you could get it caught up...What are you doing for diet and cardio

I'm depleting Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri. I'm working 24 hrs at the firehouse Wed and will start the day off with oatmeal just in case there's a fire and I need energy. The show is Sunday.

I'm now doing double sessions on the treadmill. 300 cals each time at 4.0 mph.
It's been a tough day. I worked my 24 at the firehouse last night and did a late call this morning. I didn't get home till about 10:00am. I'm depleting and have been miserable. I learned I shouldn't drive while depleting. MASShole drivers suck. I'm up to 3 gallons of H2O now and pissing like a pregnant lady. I have my gym bag packed and ready. I seem to be peeking at the right time, although, I feel I could be a tad leaner. Oh, I have a bruise the size of my fist on my hamstring from work, wtf. I'm just ranting now. I have a million little shaving bumps on my legs, etc. I forgot how fun the last few days are. I finally decided on my music: (five finger death punch) I've had my routine together for a while. I'll write a summary of all my supplementation, diet, training, etc. after the show.
I just stopped my water intake. The fun is about to start.

Why the phuck am I doing this, again?
Here's a few pic's from earlier today. I had just stopped my water intake and this is just after drinking 1.5 Gallons. I'll be putting on more protan tonight.
What's the point of competing? Just to say that you did it? No disrespect, just wondering?
What's the point of competing? Just to say that you did it? No disrespect, just wondering?

Its a goal to work towards- a challenge.
It proves one's mettle- it forces you to reach deep down inside when you are ready to give up.
I honestly think everyone should do a show once in their life for the experience.
It is truly one of the hardest things to do....
Thanks everyone for your support and insight here during my prep. I weighed-in at 178 Lbs. I could have been leaner, but don't feel that it would have helped me place any higher. I came in with my best size and shape to date and I'm very pleased with that. I had a great experience and made sure to savor every moment while on that stage. The show was a lot bigger than I had expected, which made it even better. Jose Raymond and Ron Harris were both judging. Jose looks great and should do well. I've set my sights on the NPC New Englands in October and it's my goal to make the top 5 there.
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Congrats bro...on hitting your goal...not a bad showing at all...Keep it up, and continue to will get harder without dropping much weight now...
Congrats bro...on hitting your goal...not a bad showing at all...Keep it up, and continue to will get harder without dropping much weight now...

Thanks Bro. Already planning my attack for the next one :thumbsup: