Compounding prohormones and AAS?

Well I'm natural and tend to be bigger than most people I know on drugs. Most of the people in gyms that I work out think I'm on drugs just because they see someone who has been working out more than 25 years. So the moral of story is - it's not what you're on, it's what you're doing as far as training and eating goes that really makes a difference. Because if you're not anything before you get on drugs, you're not going to be anything after.
Well I'm natural and tend to be bigger than most people I know on drugs. Most of the people in gyms that I work out think I'm on drugs just because they see someone who has been working out more than 25 years. So the moral of story is - it's not what you're on, it's what you're doing as far as training and eating goes that really makes a difference. Because if you're not anything before you get on drugs, you're not going to be anything after.

That wasn't really in relation to my discussion but thanks for your input. I grew as much as I could naturally and since your new I take what you stated with good intentions. I'm not new to this and I wish I could grow more naturally but I believe that i'm at my limit of body mass naturally. Now back to the subject to educate those who wish to use performance enhancing items and to educate myself on things I may not know.