Contest em up.


MuscleChemistry member
What do you think would be a good contest for this site? Lets get this board going and get members involved more.

Three ideas
1. A few free bottles of IGF to the person with the best idea
2. Person that refers the most new members in a given time frame
3. Have people post pics and have members vote on who should be the "featured person" for the month. That person wins some stuff as well as posts an in detail bio, training, etc.
i say whoever posts the video with the best show of strength in any given month wins something
i say whoever posts the video with the best show of strength in any given month wins something

How about most All out effort? I'm not saying in handle girl weights...but some of us aren't focuse on pure weight....and if you mean most intense i think that's a good idea

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you guys mean video of ourselves ? like say if I posted 400 lbs incline dumbell flys, that kind of shit?
and no i wasnt saying i can do 400lb dumbell flys,lol, for u guys who are about to jump all over me,lol, i can only do 395lbers hehe
I still want to do the video of us each doing 225lbs for the most reps, I think im calling out nuk nuk since i know he has a slight pec tare,lol, come gets some nuk
Who can deadlift 315 the most times without letting go of the bouncing etc

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Haven't deadlifted in a few months off the floor...but I'm gonna throw out there after a week or two of getting on the groove I could knock out 20-30
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Here's something that could be fun to try....And people of every size would have a shot at it as it doesn't deal too much with strength. How about a video of who can hold onto a bar loaded with say 225 for the longest without straps, without dropping, no shrugging, just pure hand strength. I used to do this with some buddies to help them with their grip strength. Everybody would have a chance in this one, I mean hell I'm just gaining some of my size back, but even someone who's 275 may not be able to hold as long as someone who's 200, muscle size doesn't really help out there.

Or if you're going to do a contest of who can bench the most of X weight for X reps, convert it into a ratio based on bodyweight. That way it's even and people can complain about how they weigh less than the winner
contest ideas look promising but , what about most helpfull lot of guys on here helpin others (including myself) that r making this site what it is today i think maybe a voting area that would keep people from voting for them selfs and rewarding some of the guys around (suad, dude ,press, nuk, jon,wv, 2 name a few) here for givin so much with little 2 no return. just my 2 cents
contest ideas look promising but , what about most helpfull lot of guys on here helpin others (including myself) that r making this site what it is today i think maybe a voting area that would keep people from voting for them selfs and rewarding some of the guys around (suad, dude ,press, nuk, jon,wv, 2 name a few) here for givin so much with little 2 no return. just my 2 cents

thats pretty cool to give credit to guys on here, not sure how we would implement something though
I'm all for no bouncing....since I lift for look rather than powerlifting I always use double overhand with straps...without straps I'd top out at 15 or so

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Yea, I know where you're coming from as far as the straps. It's just one more thing to think about if that was the contest, but who knows what will happen. I never use them, I know some people always use them so I guess each to his own. My grip strength holds past my back. My back fails before my grip does so I wouldn't complain either way
it could possibly be like the rep bar that would reset monthly after the winner is declaired , this would only be based on threads started by the people in need , and or only voted on by thread starter. which of coarse would be up 2 him or her who helped them out the most (1 or more people) . Ive been around other boards and we easily have the most helpfull group of people currently and past (over the last 8 yrs) . I think as long as its moderated that it would draw in alot of other people knowledgable and not so.
Thanks for all the post guys. I would like to have one going by next week. So if you have anymore ideas, lets hear them.