cops paid a visit to my house

basskiller and 46and2 are aunt and uncle pulled this crap on me when i used to live with them a while ago and the cops waited there until i came home and asked if they could look in my room and i said fuck no!! about 1 hr of time they came back with a warrant but never found anything....fuckin relatives....needless to say i decided it was time to move out and live on my own at the age of 16.
also....if the house is considered your parents and they give permission to search..then in all reality that AS that they found also belongs to them!
Yup Prez.. they can't have it both ways.. it's either an illegal search or it's the property of the parents..
that is bull shit bro! hope everything goes well for you! i would hate to see another good bro get FUCKED!!!
Presser said:
i cant believe a family would call the police on their cjild for having steroids on him,lol

unreal, then again my dad sued me in court beofre so nothing realy surprises me anymore,lol

My parents tried that shit on me with recreational drugs when I was 17. Threw me into a locked detox unit for 28days of glorious mind fucking after they didn't find anything. I promptly moved out not soon after that. They said the same shit.... "We are just doing this for your own good"..... Yeah right.

God damm... that's terrible. And I thought my folks were bad... Just goes to proove how f@$#$% up some of the laws are... They'll try to make a criminal out of someone that is just trying to improve his own body, but they approve tobacco, booze and guns.
You should be okay. The guys on the board here sound like they know what they're talking about. You should see a lawyer though if you do end up in some mess. You'll end up with a slap on the wrist. I wish you the best, good luck.
Sorry to hear you bad misfortune bro. I hope everything gets worked out. I am not a lawyer but alot of the things that have been said in this thread sound pretty much on the money.
I would tell your parents THEIR options...either it was theirs(AAS)...or it was an illegal search....legally you could be entitled to sue both the police AND your parents for........456
Yikes, I would never have done that to my kids. I would have had something to say to them if I thought they were messing up, certainly, but I always thought it best to talk to them rather than have an outsider deal with what I see as a problem I should take care of as their father. They still think I'm a lousey father, but at least I have a clear concience about that.
Good luck Bro, hope it turns out ok for you.
Why the hell didn't they confront you about it and say if you're going to use that shit, get out of their house? If my parents said that, I'd have a hell of a lot more respect for them than if they called the cops to have me arrested.

That's fucked up, bro. I would say fuck them back harder, but then again, it's your parents we're talking about. It's your decision.
Also my major is Criminal Justice and they CANNNOT barge into a house looking for drugs. They MUST have a warrent and only then can they look for AAS. The only way a cop can enter a house without a warrent is if someone is screaming or getting killed.
Man, that is absolutely crazy. If your parents won't back you..........

And Presser, your own father sued you? WTF?

I would NEVER do anything to hurt my kids. I don't give a shit what they do.
Sorry to hear this news jshorty. I hope you get everything figured out and everybody is right about the warrant. The only way that they can get away with it is if you parents say that you don't pay rent. Then that would be even more F%%&&& up.

You got mail!!!!
your probally going to get a 3rd degree posession charge, im going through the same shit now, id be pretty pissed off if my one family dimed me out.
I'm willing to bet that you never hear anything about this from the cops ever! Right now the officers who took your goods are replanning their winter cycles.