customs wierd


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this is wierd, I get a letter on the door from USPS saying that my ephedrine has arrived...usually it says sender location Turkey.

This time it says US Customs??? I only ordered about 5 grams and from my information it is legal to order up to 7.5 grams a month.

question I'm wondering is it safe for my wife to go pick it up? I'm out of town working and won't be back anytime soon
If it were steroids, of course anyone would tell you not to pick up....however, ephedrine is not in the same class of drugs. What you do need to find out is if it is legal in your state....a lot of states have banned it.

I have seen people get busted as they walked out of the Post Office when told to come in to retrieve a pack. With the amount you have ordered possibly being over the limit, I dont think I would allow your wife to be the scapegoat here. You may want to call the post office and tell them you are out of town and to hold it for you till you get back if you decide to pick it up. The big question is why didnt they just deliver it? Be very careful.
I say yes she can, simply because its not illegal for one, two the purchase amount of 1.5 grams is the sellers responsibility not to sell more than in a particular sale. Its not illegal to possess there is no crime. Worst thing they can do is only give you 1.5 grams, then you can come back the next day for 1.5 more . This wont happen simply because they don't care its a package to them. Samson Supplies is right on the legality in the state issue. If its legal in your state then tell her to go get it.
If it were steroids, of course anyone would tell you not to pick up....however, ephedrine is not in the same class of drugs. What you do need to find out is if it is legal in your state....a lot of states have banned it.

I have seen people get busted as they walked out of the Post Office when told to come in to retrieve a pack. With the amount you have ordered possibly being over the limit, I dont think I would allow your wife to be the scapegoat here. You may want to call the post office and tell them you are out of town and to hold it for you till you get back if you decide to pick it up. The big question is why didnt they just deliver it? Be very careful.

they always leave a slip and she always picks it up with no problem, my state does allow ephidrene
That's exactly what I was thinking

That's exactly what is going on.. Dont go and get it.. You will be sorry .. That will give them the right to search your house I believe thinking you are maken speed..does it track on USPS site? What does tracking say? And last time I knew the person who it's made out to can only pickup ..
My girlfriend picked up a package for me yesterday that was adressed to me. I dont think they care who picks it up. But i wouldnt pick that package up. I probably wouldnt have anything else like that shipped to your house. IMO you need a clean address too, a UPS box.
I was just thinking the same thing someone posted earlier....ephedrine is associated with Meth labs. I would write it off as a loss....not worth taking the chance.
yeah that's probably what I will do
even though it's not illegal they will use it as a dumb shit excuse to come in and take my guns and computers
In the minds of the gov't that could be probable cause and put you on a watch list. I had a friend who was making meth, but he initially got targeted from buying specific items. All were legal, but they had a suspiscion and then watched him for months before they got him. They even had video of him in Lowe's buying other shit. I'd just chalk that up as a loss even though you're not making meth, it'll give them a reason to watch EVERYTHING you do
Listen to you guys, the government has got you so paranoid its unbelievable. First off just getting some ephedrine gives no Law enforcement agency a right to search your house. Unless you have some type of probation with a search clause. Much more is need for a search warrant to be written, much much more. The people making meth get pounds of ephedrine along with many other chemicals. Dont think the government is all that when it comes to brains because its not. Besides they already know its ephedrine and they already have your address. If they want to be watching you they would already be doing it. Better disguise yourself , go on the lamb, go in the wind or hide out somewhere on a tropical Island. Die your hair, gain 100lbs of fat so they wont know who you are.
Listen to you guys, the government has got you so paranoid its unbelievable. First off just getting some ephedrine gives no Law enforcement agency a right to search your house. Unless you have some type of probation with a search clause. Much more is need for a search warrant to be written, much much more. The people making meth get pounds of ephedrine along with many other chemicals. Dont think the government is all that when it comes to brains because its not. Besides they already know its ephedrine and they already have your address. If they want to be watching you they would already be doing it. Better disguise yourself , go on the lamb, go in the wind or hide out somewhere on a tropical Island. Die your hair, gain 100lbs of fat so they wont know who you are.

Thats true about many things, however it still happens bro, its nieve to think otherwise!
well I checked my state laws...I'm not breaking the monthly limit but barely breaking the daily limit...

it would be a class A mis. and a $1000 fine

I've got seizure letters before when I have ordered AAS overseas and just threw the letter away

if they were going bust me they would have done it for something like that not for going over the daily limit by 1 gram

I ordered it for my old lady she says it helps with her pain

So I told her where my stash was (I only have like 2 bottles at the house)

told her to hide that with all the needles

if they want to search the house let them...though they might find it wierd why someone has so many guns and a ton of ammo...

oh wait I live in the dirty south that might be considered the norm
If it's within limits then I wouldn't worry about it, I've never seen anything like that. I was under the assumption you couldn't buy in bulk, I didn't know there was a limit in terms of grams or anything like that. I just know everytime I go to buy my shit from Walgreens for my ECA stack I can only get 2 boxes a month. I've never considered how many grams that was or anything
I've just seen it happen is why I said it..may depend on the state thou. What they call it is " a knock and talk". A friend a mines a judge and it's legal to do..