Cycle Pitfalls


New member
During a cycle everyone knows(or should) what protacols to follow. Take the gear correctly, anti e's, slin, Hgh, eat, train, sleep etc. What is the one thing that everyone seems to have the hardest time to do consistently?

For me it is so difficult to get the recommended 7-8 hrs sleep.:(
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It has deffinately got to be the sleep for me. I have a 14 month old so sleep is very difficult sometimes. Actually, most of the time.
Definitely sleep. When you have a family, and the kids want to see daddy it gets difficult. Stick with it though. As your body grows, discounting that fact you may be using aas, you are however, setting a positive example for the kids in hte physical fitness sense (again dicounting the use of aas).
Sleep for me also, sometimes due to my work scheduale I go 48 hours with no sleep.
its sleep for me too. mostly because of night sweats, keep room at 65 degrees and still sweat like a whore in church on sunday.

Constantly eating has always been hard for me. It stems from my youth when I was a heavy kid, and heavy young adult. In the back of my mind I'm always a little paranoid about being fat again. It will never happen, still I fight this psychosis daily.

putting down enough food, and for some reason I always forget about taking my milk thistle & creatine. I remember the ala, multivitimans, and other supports, I just seem to forge those sometimes.
sleeping is tough, but eating enough is my nemisis. I can do it but I don't usually feel hungry when it's time to eat again.
For me it's to take all the percautions as in, taking all the neccessary pills on a daily bases. I do take them but not consistently. I tend to get real tired of taking 15+ pills a day and just get lazy i guess :(
Definately sleep. If I don't get enough it is not because I go to bed too late but because I wake up numerous times in the night to urinate, ponder my eventual end, etc. Hell, at least I am not pondering my urine. Ok. Sorry. I am bent.
Being consistant on a daily basis. Sometimes it's one thing, other times it's something else. Just like to string a series of days together where I'm hitting everything just so. Summer has a lot of distractions but so does every time period. Just seems like it's always something- family, friends, events, etc. that interupt/alter my workout/eating/sleeping schedule.

Now this was one of the all time best posts on MC and for everyone who didn't respond I know it has to be because you are hovering around 230 and 8%. Come on people!
LA said:
Now this was one of the all time best posts on MC and for everyone who didn't respond I know it has to be because you are hovering around 230 and 8%. Come on people!

That's me buddy. :D No my last cycle sucked, started and quit a second job which was from midnight to 8am, while working that job I had no energy to workout, eat or anything. Shit happens. :( Its all good though get back on fina/test/slin this week and ordered my igf already, more importantly I've been constantly eating 500+ grams protein/day since I quit that god forsaken job, just like before I started that job (was averaging 200gram/day while working that job)
I usually end up lacking eating quality foods...I have a bad habit of eating everything I see after I get my protein in me....