Cycle Pitfalls

Sleep is the hardest and I think my diet could improove too. I think I could eat healthier foods, but end up eating too much processed food to save time.
I have trouble sleeping enough off cycle, and when I'm on, its worse. I take melatonin to help, but I understand that can alter other hormone levels negatively too. I guess the lesser of 2 evils is getting some rest.
What does everyone else do to help get enough sleep, since that seems to be a common problem?
Badgermoon said:
Sleep is the hardest and I think my diet could improove too. I think I could eat healthier foods, but end up eating too much processed food to save time.
I have trouble sleeping enough off cycle, and when I'm on, its worse. I take melatonin to help, but I understand that can alter other hormone levels negatively too. I guess the lesser of 2 evils is getting some rest.
What does everyone else do to help get enough sleep, since that seems to be a common problem?
Tryptophan! It used to be OTC but it's still non-scheduled and quite available at certain vet sites.

Of course you can get tryptophan naturally by eating turkey like I do right before bed.
Eating, I get soo sick of food! I get to where I am hungry, but nothing sounds good, everything makes me sick!! That, and the multivitamins, milkthistle, and anti e's. I'll never forget my d-bol tabs, but the rest of my pills......
I did a search for tryptophan on the web and came up with a bunch of sites. The site I looked at has it along with a lot of vitamine and minerals and stuff like that. It is readily available, and it is also claimed to increase somatotropin (sp?) which is supposed to cause depression if you don't have enough of it.
I'll try it on my next cycle and post how it works.