
i told him i did it last year and he thought i was oing it again, thats why he went looking, and he wont give me the money back, ive been tring, it sucks bad, because i just had to go to the bank today and ask them if i could skip this month for my truck payment. and i finally find a job at golds gym and he got mad, because he thinks im going to start doing it again, and im truely done with it all now, too big of a risk, on top of that i lost my g/f who i was in love with and could have spent the rest of my life with, wish me luck
I told all of my family about what I was thinking about doing befor I started that saved me a lot of trouble and head aches in the long run but then again I am 27 and can make up my own mind !

good luck bro hope things work out for the best !
If he won't give you your money because he thinks the cash will be used for meds, then just have him make the monthly truck payments with the cash.
why are you selling gear? Your Dad only invaded your privacy if you had nothing to hide. But you did so what he did was set you straight. Kiss the cash goodbye and make some honest money.
Sounds like you need some counseling. I'm not being a smartass either. Just sounds like you are ready to go over the edge. Try talking to a professional.
I'd search for that money time to sitwith dad and make him understand you need money to pay the truck have him write the check.....but get the money back
You might not see the money for a while. As a father, I can see confiscating it for a while to make sure it won't be used to just go but more, but to keep it himself would be low. A while might be a week, month or longer. Whatever it takes to be sure you won't be buying more gear.
As others said, you are under his roof, and his rules are the rules. Right, wrong or indifferent. If you want the freedom to do what you want, you need to be under your own roof. Thats just the way it is. It is a tough time to be at the point of being ready to make your own decisions (and face the consequences of your decisions) and still living with your parents.
He might not give you the money right away just because you need it for a truck payment. Sort of a lesson in life. You know, having to deal with the results of your actions.
At least you have a job and can earn money for the payment. If you are late with a payment, it will cost you extra, but I doubt you will lose the truck over one late payment.
Sorry to hear about the gf. That is another one of the things in life that suck. happens to a lot of people but that doesn't make it any easier for you. I hope you are able to put it behind you at some point. It would be sad to have to carry that around for the rest of your life. Doesn't happen that way often, but it can. Just don't dismiss the possibility of things either working out with her, or finding someone else who you love even more.
Good luck, and if it gets to be too much, definately find a councellor to talk things over with.