DMZ 2.0 & Igf ?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
I have been taking the DMZ for a week now and I can already see signs.. Now I'm about adding Igf to it for my pre work !!! Wat do you think ?

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I'm interested in this too. I got some of the DMZ last week and just ordered the IGF today. I'm waiting to start both at same time but kinda wondering if I should try them alone to see what each does by itself.
Well I used Igf quite a few times. And the pumps are second to none. That's why I'm thinking the two together will be awesome together. One thing I like about the DMZ it doesn't seem harsh is some of the prohormones that I've done. So this is a plus for me.

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You cant go wrong at all with using MC IGF.....Hands down the best IGF available, dont waste your money trying anything other IGF from different companines. MC IGF will change your physique and help bring up any lagging body parts. I love it pre-workout and apply in the muscle group I working. Adding DMZ along with MC IGF would be a great combo with no real sides. DMZ is a great supplement at two pills pre workout and when you add MC IGF....BOOM GOES THE DYNOMITE.....
You cant go wrong at all with using MC IGF.....Hands down the best IGF available, dont waste your money trying anything other IGF from different companines. MC IGF will change your physique and help bring up any lagging body parts. I love it pre-workout and apply in the muscle group I working. Adding DMZ along with MC IGF would be a great combo with no real sides. DMZ is a great supplement at two pills pre workout and when you add MC IGF....BOOM GOES THE DYNOMITE.....

MC Igf is all I ever take.. And yes it is the best hands down. I think it will be a killer combo 2.

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Awesome info, keep us posted. Seems like good designer AAS are getting hard to come by
I have been running 1/2 a tab 2x per day....the pumps were just unbearable for me at 2 tabs per day...

Even with that dose I am noticeably sitting a few pounds heavier, my clothes are super tight..and I look very very full, very happy with even this small dosage :)

I ate a London Broil Steak the other day, a rough cut, and I kid you not, midway through my jaw pumps and temples were so pumped I had to take a break from eating...I ate the rest and looked in the mirror as my temples felt unusually pumped...It looked like I had a tumor on each side, they stuck out 1/2 inch or more, for 30minutes I looked like an alien...Maybe I am particularly sensitive but the muscle pumps I get are the most intense of anything I have ever used.

Anyways, I worked with one of the younger guys who ran this 2x per day for 45 days..his bench press is up a total of 50+ pounds. He's not using any other products. Has no back pumps, and no other sides at all...Funny how everyone responds so differently.
lol...all throughout taking the stuff whenever I would chew for "too long" my jaw would get so pumped. Pretty annoying if you ask me, but after finishing 1 bottle taking 1 per day for the majority I'm sitting about 5lbs heavier, and about 2% lower body fat. I've added about 30-40 lbs on my bench press, 10-15lbs on curls, 30-50lbs core back exercises. My diet was not consistent and sloppy at times throughout the holidays, traveling, and what not. My results would have been much better if I could put 100% into it.

I'll probably give myself a rest for awhile and perhaps run another bottle.
HAHA.....that's so funny.......Face muscle pumps happened all the time on the DMZ....wondering what the hell was going on..........glad to know I am not alone.........
as far as the liver and cholesterol alterations are concerned would you compare DMZ to that of something like dbol, i couldnt find many people who had posted blood work up, the only one i saw had horrid cholesterol levels. i tend to shy away from orals for those reasons.
I didn't do blood work, but I ran liver protectant the whole time and my urine was clear...I know from past experiences when my liver was stressed, especially on tren at one point I was drinking a gallon and a half of water and my urine was still brown...

So I personally believe that you can control any liver enzyme increases on this products, actually I have seen bloodwork and liver values were virtually unchanged in most users, which is one of the highlights of this product..

As for cholesterol I can't say...My cholesterol levels are so good all the time, I don't worry about fact even when I was abusing AAS years ago, my cholesterol was in mint condition..My downfall is and always has been in the form of Blood Pressure increases...

The only time I ever had a cholesterol and triglyceride issue in my entire life was when I ran a 6 month cycle of accutane.At that point I was 2-3x the max, which accutane is known to do, and went away within 30 days of coming off.
OK. DMZ, started one cap in the morning for a week now. Havent felt anything. I am trying to lean back out from
the 10 lbs I put on (mostly in my gut - lol) the past 2 months from eating like crap. Also fighting a cold this week.
Cut calories and cleaned up diet the past few days and droped about 2 or 3 lbs. Havent weighed myself in a couple
of days but figured I droped a couple more lbs. (and been feeling like shit the past week)
Well, hit the gym this morning, started with bench. Weights felt LIGHT. Had a great workout, heavier and threw
in a few more exercises. Got awsome pump. Figured it had to be the DMZ. I then weighed myself. I gained
4 or 5 lbs. How the hell did that happen with me cutting calories. lol lets see how it goes from here.
OK. DMZ, started one cap in the morning for a week now. Havent felt anything. I am trying to lean back out from
the 10 lbs I put on (mostly in my gut - lol) the past 2 months from eating like crap. Also fighting a cold this week.
Cut calories and cleaned up diet the past few days and droped about 2 or 3 lbs. Havent weighed myself in a couple
of days but figured I droped a couple more lbs. (and been feeling like shit the past week)
Well, hit the gym this morning, started with bench. Weights felt LIGHT. Had a great workout, heavier and threw
in a few more exercises. Got awsome pump. Figured it had to be the DMZ. I then weighed myself. I gained
4 or 5 lbs. How the hell did that happen with me cutting calories. lol lets see how it goes from here.

keep us updated.
keep us updated.

I will. Forgot to weigh myself today but got great pump. Funny, my pump started as I was walking
to the gym from my car. (really, lol) I am interested to see how my leaning out works on this stuff.

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keep us updated.

I will. Forgot to weigh myself today but got great pump. Funny, my pump started as I was walking
to the gym from my car. (really, lol) I am interested to see how my leaning out works on this stuff.