Do you drink Alcohol?

Do you drink Alcohoal?

  • Every weekend!

    Votes: 21 32.3%
  • Once in a while...

    Votes: 32 49.2%

    Votes: 12 18.5%

  • Total voters
I have a drink about once ever couple of weeks - vodka, sprite and lime seems to be my favorite the past couple of years. I don't get blasted anymore.
jaywooly said:
It's been every weekend and some weekdays, lol.. Changing my evil ways though.

HAHA HA, today is 12/11/2006. I'm quoting myself from 3 years and 1 day ago. Have I cahnged my evil ways like I said? Yes, but not as sudden as that post may have led anyone to believe. I've slowed down quite a bit. Now I drink about once a month. Then, it was weekends regularly. 24 now, 21 then.
Cyphon said:
A vodka protien shake is a cure all

aaah shit. ... i remember that talk 4 years ago.. we were trying to figure out best flavors and all... ... aaah those were the days..
I drink very seldom. And me being 20 it is hard to find a group of people to fit in with that don't drink. My dad was a big alcoholic and I hate it. I like to have a couple of beers once in a blue moon. I would much rather have a protien drink or tons of water! :)
i drink about once a week or once every other week depends im 22 and dont have any friends that dont really get plastered all the time so its hard to stay away from it. If im on then i stay away from everybody and just about everything i just keep to myself and hit the gym and eat. i think thats what i need to do year round but its so hard.
yeah I hate to admit it but I tend to look for fights when I drink. I hate the person I am when I drink so I pretty much refreain from it. It's good though once in a while.
as long as im drinkin beer and not whiskey im just there to have a good time unless shit gets started. Im a very relaxed drunk and just wanna have a good time and maybe get laid lol.
I drink every single day, have to so my blood will be thin enough that I don't get a stroke...
Arnie drank a 6 pack after he worked out everyday when he walked the beach :shocked:
I tore it up on vacation I must admit. Scottsdale is my new favorite place. I'm seriously considering applying to the University of Arizona just to live in Phoenix. That place is insane and the women are UN-BE-LIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
once in awhile, but from now on I only get drunk with the wife present...seems like I get a little out of hand when she's not around to control me. Other than that I might have a beer watching a game, but nothing other than that.
theres no amount of booze i would ever turn down. it flows constanly through my body. :puke:
NAIR said:
I tore it up on vacation I must admit. Scottsdale is my new favorite place. I'm seriously considering applying to the University of Arizona just to live in Phoenix. That place is insane and the women are UN-BE-LIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I live in NY and for some reason they are always advertising the scottsdale culinary institute out here. Makes no sense to me since there are about 20 of them, with one in Pennsylvania.

I also don't get why they advertise sonic up here so much. I think the closest one is in Virginia! LOL

and I don't reallty drink anymore, I just don't really like it anymore
i love it but am stopping for the most part maybe once a month and that wont be excessive. Damn we have sonics in every town here. I mean if there is a town on the map they may not even have a post office but damnit theres a sonic there you can bet on that.
It's really weird GS, there is a least one or two sonic commercials I see daily up here in NY and the closest one has to be over 700 miles away! It really makes no sense!
haha here in the city i live we have ruby tuesday commercials but the closest one to us is like 200 miles lol we have about 5 a day too. sucks cause i love that place.