Do you max out on bench on a regular basis?

hell no! I havent maxed in ages! I guestimate my max going by my last set of bench and how heavy it is, so i always have an idea
I used to do it once a month just to see, but then when I was powerlifting we basically pushed it every couple of weeks, but you use a bunch of 2 boards, 3 boards and shit like that. This is why I eventually broke my arm, a stress fracture from the weight and shit so I'd probably not recommend it lol
ive never really tested my 1 rep max before...

(recently while preping)
i incline 140's for 8-10
and flat press 130's for 10 maybe more

i stay away from straight bar since it seems to always hurt my my shoulders
ive never really tested my 1 rep max before...

(recently while preping)
i incline 140's for 8-10
and flat press 130's for 10 maybe more

i stay away from straight bar since it seems to always hurt my my shoulders

I used to do the same thing, then I started training with a powerlifter who taught me how to bench like a powerlifter and it took a lot of strain off of my shoulders. Before I met him, I never benched more than 205, but he had me benching over 275 within 5-6 months. It was amazing since I've torn both rotator cuffs, but I'm still a little timid
If it's a good day and I'm feelin it I'll max out but I usually just do a rep max with the differrent % I'm on. Also has anyone used the rep formula to calculate your 1RM?
Nope. I benched 405 for 5 reps last year but I can't remember the last time I did a 1 rep max. I would like to bench 500 one day but it's not some goal I'm pushing for. I am kinda of curious what my max would be though, may give it a go in the next couple of days........
i wish my shoulder would allow flat bb press......about 18 months ago i was able to do it for about 8 weeks and got back up to repping 295 for 6 (not alot compared to most of you but i'm under 200lbs) new goal is to be able to rep 275 on inlines....i can do it for 8 on the smith and can only rep 245 for 8 on inc bb.......
I thought my 300 for a single was good... you guys make me look like a girlie man! I can do 2 plates for 10 to 12, sorry to dissapoint, thats my best.... so far!
110's on the incline for 8, 300 on flat bb for a single. I cant even sit at the same table as most of you!
If it's a good day and I'm feelin it I'll max out but I usually just do a rep max with the differrent % I'm on. Also has anyone used the rep formula to calculate your 1RM?

dont know what that is?
dont know what that is?

Yes. And it deadly accurate


Works for any rep range but I like to aim for a weight I know I can do at least 6 times

I'm a power lifted at heart that why my biceps are crap but I hurt my self on my quest for 500 so now living at 90% 3 month later I stay well away from any 1rm and use this formula to track my progress
Yes. And it deadly accurate


Works for any rep range but I like to aim for a weight I know I can do at least 6 times

I'm a power lifted at heart that why my biceps are crap but I hurt my self on my quest for 500 so now living at 90% 3 month later I stay well away from any 1rm and use this formula to track my progress

Nope. You can't calculate how strong you are. You can either lift the weight or you can't. The 1RM calculator is for the guy who is too scared to get under the weight.........
Nope. You can't calculate how strong you are. You can either lift the weight or you can't. The 1RM calculator is for the guy who is too scared to get under the weight.........

Trust me i do both and the 1RM calulator is spot on thats how i know