doing a full cycle with (almost) no sex???

  • Thread starter Thread starter WeirdAl
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Since someone brought it up before (maybe a couple people), I don't think she's intimidated by the changes I've made to my body. I do know she has self confidence issues and stuff, and we've talked about them (just us, and with the therapist), and that certainly is some of our problem (her self image)... i.e. I get in trouble when I pay her a compliment - she either gets mad, or accuses me of trying to get something from her (same with doing things around the house, etc).
I don't really have enough experience to give advice, but it seems like you are both trying to make things work, and I hope it all works out for you.

Maybe you should get some viagria or something and slip it in her drink, I've heard it works for women too! :)
I did just see a new pill almost cleared by the FDA that is proved helpfull for Sexual repression in woman. Forget the name but you need to slip her some of those puppies. I feel for you bro, I know I've said it already but you are a damn good man, I don't know how truthfull I'd be to my marraige with that type of stress.
Any headway on the HOT sister or friend front???
Seriously, the best way to get your man to cheat on you is to not give him what he needs sexually. What pisses me off is that most, women don't give a shit and will all but dare us to either (1) find someone else or (2) get a divorce stemming from major sexual frustration. Then we leave the relationship with half of our stuff gone, and half of our paycheck going to alimony and child support while we have to move back in with Mom and Dad just to survive......try living in VA, women have it GOOD in this state.

Al, there is such thing as "Alienation of Affection". I would suggest that you introduce your wife to this concept and the fact that your lawyer could easily convince a judge that she drove you out of the relationship as a result.
I hope it works out for the both of you W-Al. If she's masturbating during this stressful time it sounds like she may have intimacy issues more so than just sexual drive issues.
Maybe explore massage therapy together or some form of pleasurable shared physical experience that isn't centered around just gettin a nut. From what I'm hearing you say,Intimacy and trust seem to be more of an issue for her than just sex.
If she wants to try new things here are some basics bro.

I would start with a massage and then go down town. Also go get some handcuffs. Don't even tell her, just cuff her to the bed one night and tease the shit out of her and then through it to her.

Good Luck!!!
do u ever make comments about women's great bodies in front of her?? MOst women masturbate becuase not enough time is taken to get them ready or worked up mentally (turned on) so they end up going through the actions to please their partner. They end up not caring anymore but still have the desire to have an orgasm. Certain angles are better than others after a woman has had babies so maybe if u tell her to ride, shell get back into it.

She might be afraid to get pregnant if youre using steriods to.

She also has a lot on her mind with trying to better herself but she has too much responsibilty on her shoulders to do it.
How much do u do around the house and how many times does she have to ask you to do things? I'm just grabbing at straws here.
Hope everything turns ok with you and your wife, maybe she have just a lot of stress from that job and the school thing....... good luck W-Al
sugaa said:
How much do u do around the house and how many times does she have to ask you to do things? I'm just grabbing at straws here.

It just bothers me that this is the start of foreplay for some wife included.
I think that has to do with being appreciated and feeling cared for.
Bro, I have an idea on where you're coming from. My last GF or 8 months didn't have sex with me ONE fucking time! I would always do shit to her and she loved it and she would give me head every now and then. After a while, I begin to not feel wanted in the relationship and the rest is history. I had plenty of chances to cheat on her and I actually thought about it. It's dumb that I actually thought that cheating on her would help 'us' out. With me taking my sex drive out on another girl that wanted to have sex, I may be level headed to keep the relationship going. I did come to my sense and realize that I have never and will never cheat on a girl. Two months later we broke up and now she acts like she doesn't give a shit about me. It's hard bro, cause I really loved her and would have done anything for her, but she didn't feel the same way about me. If you feel the need to vent, you're more than welcome to PM me.
Thanks everyone. Well, no relief for me in sight before the end the cycle.

The way I feel right now is like I'm more of a roommate with a friend than in a marriage. At least it seems like we are getting along well, I think we've worked a lot of issues out and stuff. I took my wife to the movies and dinner this weekend, without the kids, and stuff, and we went to a couple of low-key parties this weekend (first time we'd been out in awhile), and did stuff together, just no movement on the sex front.
'I get in trouble when I pay her a compliment - she either gets mad, or accuses me of trying to get something from her (same with doing things around the house, etc).'

It's also really hard to give advice when you're not living it, but I have older siblings & each of their marriages are different..
What I've noticed {I'm not suggesting this may be your problem & I know everyone's gonna hate me} is that the guys who help at home & aren't relying on their wives to get things done, who does things with the kids without viewing it as 'babysitting'.. get sex regularly and it's because their wives feel as though they're in a balanced relationship and their husbands make them FEEL beautiful.
Lemme give you a personal observation..
Last year, my stepsis had to have surgery.
Her husband is always complaining about how he doesn't 'get it' enough.
They have 3 kids & she was stressing out because she couldn't leave the kids with him. So, I went out & stayed with them and I can understand why she's holding out on him. Her life would be happier without him, but she can't bring herself to take the kids away from their Dad. She feels trapped.
I'm not even to going to pretend that it was a piece of cake taking care of those kids. One minute you're giving attention to one. All of a sudden you notice one is missing and they've managed to make their way up to the bathroom & is cleaning the grout between the expensive italian tile with everyone's toothbrushes & deep blue toothpaste.
Then the 11 year old comes home with homework that needs explaining, the other two begin bickering & dinner hasn't even been started.
I could go on with 'chores', but I think you understand what I mean. The day never goes as planned & you're always picking up or cleaning..
Her husband was useless. He sat on his ass when he came home from work, answered the phone & flicked through channels.
Get this.. he leaves me a note one morning to drop his blue suit at the cleaners.
When he came home & asked if I dropped it off, I said no, I didn't get chance to.. he gives me a pffrff and shakes his head in a very condescending way.
My first thought was to say &%$#@ you but, I took the kids out for dinner the next night & didn't have anything on the stove for him instead :D
The next night when he came home from work, he changed the sheets on beds & did the dishes.. which surprised the hell outta the kids. That's really sad.
Now, I was only there for a couple of days before the head games started. I couldn't imagine having to live every day like that.
He may see himself as this mighty bread winner, but he's lost his wife on an emotional level.
She's also a very sexual person, but his touch turns her off because the only time she gets compliments or affectionate touches.. is after he's watched his shows staring beautiful actress who have aroused him and he's ready to bang.
I guess what I'm saying is that actions speak louder than words.
You apparently love your wife & your family life very much if you're making attempts to better your relationship and keep it together, rather than hitting some bar fly.
It's not going to be easy & you're gonna feel as though you're the only one showing any effort..

Try giving her a compliment & touching her every day.
Even if she snears a lil *lol* do it anyway & pretend you don't notice she's mad because you should move off quickly. Point out something positive.. but, say it when things are hectic & she can't react negatively to it.
Example, she's juggling a couple things to get the girls ready. You could point out something as simple as how easy she makes it look.

Just don't make sexual advances for awhile, but slip your arm around her for a quickie hug when the opportunity presents itself.. such as if something funny is happening & you're both laughing about it. Give her a quick squeeze & then take your arm away quick & move off to do something, anything.
Someone suggested flowers.. great thought.
Something as simple as the lil bunches you can get at the grocery store is thought enough & you could even have the girls give them to her.. it's the thought that counts.
Lil simple thoughts are what melts the heart~
Kiss her on the cheek if you're standing next to her & she has her hands in the sink.. then move off. Affectionately stroke her hair as you pass her chair & she's reading a book.. ya know?
If she questions your actions, just shrug & say that she makes you happy..
If she accuses you of trying to get something from her, just shrug & say nah.. I'm on my way out to check the tires on the car.
Do the things you did to get her to fall in love with you & get her to focus her sexual desires on you, rather than whateva guy gave her the fantisizing material to inspire her to masturbate.

You hafta turn back into a tease.. *grrr baby*
Okay WeirdAl,

I have plenty of advice because I have ruined a few relationships(faster) over sex. The fact is two of the relationships that I ruined would have fell apart by itself, but the other one was a true love that I wish I could back step a bit a try to re-work. She's still a very good friend and we talk all the time, but when we were dating sexually things started to fall apart. That led to other parts of the relationship failing -communication, bickering, feeling undesirable. Most of these have to do with our own self-esteem. A lot of it was my falt for pressuring her to do things she didn't want to do, Now I realize that I made her feel like I didn't care about her - just the sex. We all know that we aren't trying to make them feel like that, but it just happens sometimes because we are frustrated.

Times like these you need to back off and give her some space. Wait until she comes around and wants to talk. If you keep pressuring her to talk she wont want to...its kind of like when you feel pressured to do something, you don't really want to do it, you know?....

Every time and again do something nice for her...give her a backrub, pour her a bath, compliment her on non sexual things such as her hard work in school - tell her that you believe in her or any simple thing that she does for you. A simple "Thank you honey...I'm lucky to have someone like you" does wonders for someone's self-esteem. Nice creative things are great and don't make someone feel obligated to re-pay you sexually if you do it the right way...and let it be known that even if she offers as a "guilt reward" you shouldn't take it as its like bait...if you know what I mean...

Make sure you don't just do the old movie and dinner thing all the time. Often times people lose interest because the relationship is predictable. Surprise something different. That should liven up her life a and happy = fun and happy sex life...shoot fun and happy life overall.

The most important part of this is you have to be sincere. You seem like a sincere guy so I'm sure you'll do just fine there. Well...sorry for the rant. I hope some of this might help you out...I'm still learning the ways of life being fairly young(20 :p ), but its just a few things I've picked up so far.