Dorian Yates Steroid Cycles

[h=3]Dorian Yates Steroids[/h]Oh Boy, I am doing an article on Dorian Yates Steroids. I often say at the bottom if you’d like to see me do an article about anyone in particular send me in a request and I’ll do it. I’ve got a mass amount of requests about Dorian Yates. I was interested in doing one on him anyway, but the main question again was did he use steroids… I’m sorry but what!? Obviously, he did. Surely you don’t need me to do an article on why I think he used steroids? Have you seen the size of this guy?Any way to make this easier for you all he has admitted to using anabolic steroids now anyway.First Steroid Cycle
Dorian said that his first cycle was used as a tool to maintain muscle mass while dieting. This is what he usedwks 1-4 Daily 20mg of Dianabol
wks 5-8 Daily 15mgs of Anavar and
Weekly 100mgs of Primobolan
He started at 8 wks out weighing 205. He competed at 210-212lbs. Since he lost BF% it is safe to say that he added a decent amount of Muscle mass.


This was his first ever cycle and to be honest it’s quite mild, isn’t it? That is if he’s telling the truth? 20mg of dianabol!? And only 15mg of anavar, I don’t really believe him completely. I think it’s more likely he used 50mg of dianabol and 100mg of anavar but who knows.Dorian also touched on these subjects
Steroids do not create Champions
What are Steroids
Who uses Steroids
How Dangerous are Steroids, and Can they be used Safely ( here he made the comment that nobody has ever died from swallowing a whole bottle of Dianabol but I guarantee you that if you swallow an entire bottle of Aspirin, you wont live to see tomorrow.)The Mr. Olympia Cycle
Test prop 300mgs
Parabolan 152mgs
Primobolan 500mgs
Anavar 50mgs
Growth Hormone 8iu

Off Season Stack (was usually 3 8wk cycles)
Testosterone 750mgs
Deca-Durabolin 500mgs
Dianabol 50mgs
From the age of 21-35 Dorian didn’t have more than 10 glasses of wine or alcohol. Only was up after 11:30 a few times and never was more than 5-10 minutes late for a meal. There is much more to being a champion than how much steroids or other drugs you use. Some will never get there no matter how many AAS they use.This was an interview he recently did for muscle magazine in which he spoke about his steroid cycles. Unfortunately I don’t believe most of what he said it seems a bit “under-dosed” doesn’t it?We know he was very intelligent with his training too, using a 4 second eccentric portion of the lift followed quickly by a 2 second concentric.He obviously focuses on all the heavy compounds and was a huge fan of rack pulls for developing a huge back. He focused extensively on taking in as many calories as humanly possible but made sure they came from “Healthy sources” Such as fruits, nuts, animal and fish fats, proteins etc. He avoided alcohol and smoking entirely. Overall, I have a lot of respect for Dorian Yates Steroids. He is one of the most educated bodybuilders out there. He’s more honest than most out there and an inspiration for any young bodybuilder.
Great read. Dorian is one of my favorites. I find it interesting to know what AAS that the old school guys did.
Dorian is my favorite. But I don't believe those doses.
More like 300 mgs parabolan, and 1g primo. Test I believe but not the anabolics. And the gh was at least 15iu per day with 100iu+ insulin.
Orals I believe but were probably in the range of 100mg and up dbol or anadrol.
His size and condition can't be made by using just ametuere doses. No way. Anabolics I can see being I. The 3-4 gram total range per week plus the gh and slin. Look how much bigger he is compared to the other guy that is an inch shorter than him. And the darker fella is huge. Mega doses my friends.
I know a few Pro's and guys that were top Amateurs. They ALL did 3 times this and said they did about half of what Dorian is saying. We all know you need superior genetics, but to try to say Dorians are THAT superior is an insult to every chemically enhanced bodybuilder's intelligence. I don't give a shit what time he woke up in the morning Lol!!
Actually, I am curious, too. I completely agree that he was on a lot more than that.
this is probably the 5th supposed cycle that Dorian has claimed to have used...

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nobody has genetics that good
I heard The Dude at one point hung out a few times with Dexter Jackson, Bobby Habib, Chris Cook, Marcus Haley, and a couple others that don't immediately come to mind.. While they were definately able to gain muscle quickly after a weekend of being ate up on X, Caps, booger sugar, etc, a lot of times they were the first to buy up and use ANYTHING they could get their hands on... A couple of these guys would literally pour pills into their hands, no counting, and swallow them. Another sprinkled some on a pizza... Yes they were messed up, but it wasn't anything that they didn't do on a couple occasions.
I have to say I was not impressed with Dexter in person. Very smug, not really as "big" as I expected, and a total mooch. Wasn't even slick about it. Total beggar
Honestly the most impressive to me was Bobby Habib. The guy was a total mess. Total drug addict, constantly broke, partied every chance he got, worked manual labor, etc. On a 1cc shot of test roughly each week this dude smoked me. Big, shredded, just crazy looking. As long as he ate something, slept somewhere, and went to the gym a couple times he would explode! Of course I saw him go from a shredded 260lbs to a cracked out 170lbs in a few months too. Insane genetics
Then there was the Figure Competitor that turned Pro about a month after we separated. Of course she claimed to be a lifelong natural competitor...
good stuff Dude. And as far as the OP, who wrote this and how the hell would he know unless Dorian himself wrote it out for him, which I dont think happened. And yes Dexter and his girl/wife are a poor excuse for human beings. I seen it first hand at Nationals.
That original post was from steroidjunkie. Here is a guy who summed up some points Dorian made at a Russian seminar a few years back.

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I spoke with a pro that wasn't even top level in Dorians day...2grams of test was norm + anabolics...GH was for the top guys that could afford it then
I spoke with a pro that wasn't even top level in Dorians day...2grams of test was norm + anabolics...GH was for the top guys that could afford it then

So basically NOT many then! lol, its a shame how little these guys earn!
if you want some real DY cycle info look up Paul Boresson...he was the steroid guru in the UK back then who they all went to
so post up some of his cycle plans brutha, i would like to see for myself

1g Sustanon/day for first 10 days
days 11-20, 800mg Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - /day, 400mg Primobolan - methenolone - /day, 600mg testosterone propionate/day
days 21-30 400mg testosterone propionate/day, 200mg Winstrol - stanozolol/day, 4 capsules of T3, dnp - dinitrophenol - , oral insulin/day (his own concoction) and 30-IS insulin after each meal