Duck Dynasty Controversy

Quite the opposite...he said that they love everyone and try to tell them about Jesus. He said it was God's job to sort them out, not his.
Now there is more. Now they are saying he offended African American's in the same interview.

The 67-year-old "Duck Dynasty" star was suspended by A&E Wednesday for calling homosexuality
sinful — and putting gay people in same category as terrorists. While those
quotes quickly went viral, it wasn't his only brow-raising statement in the
interview; he also implied that African Americans were happier living under Jim
Crow laws.

"I never, with my eyes, saw the
mistreatment of any black person. Not once," the reality star said of growing up
in pre-Civil-Rights-era Louisiana. "Where we lived was all farmers. The blacks
worked for the farmers. I hoed cotton with them. I'm with the blacks, because
we're white trash. We're going across the field ... They're singing and happy. I
never heard one of them, one black person, say, 'I tell you what: These doggone
white people' — not a word!"

Robertson continued, "Pre-entitlement,
pre-welfare, you say: Were they happy? They were godly; they were happy; no one
was singing the blues."
i think they have an adopted black kid in their family...saw an episode of all the grandkids and i think it is jase's son...
the thing is he was "baited" into it...he was asked a question and he gave his opinion...he didn't go out unsolicited and bash gays or anything...those who are asking for tolerance are so hypocritical and intolerant...they make the problems worse by constantly shoving it down our throats (gay-pun intended)

if they didn't want the answer, they shouldn't have asked the question...getting rid of him won't help A&E at dynasty will sign with CMT like Dog the Bounty Hunter did...A&E needs duck dynasty alot more than the robertson's need a&E

you pretty much hit the nail on the head, if you don't want his opinion don't ask the question

how many times has Kenye West giving his opinion and NOBODY SAYS SHIT- and if they do they are automatically racist

The thing about it was he did not bash gays. All he did was say he supported the Christian definition of marriage and stated a VERY valid reason why a man would want to sleep with a woman.

He said nothing derogatory, hateful or spiteful.

Very, Very, Very True....Support the Christians and be Crusified by a Liberal Ass-Backward ran political nation. Stand for immorality and out right blatant sin and become the nations leader. Very sad indeed....

BTW: Love the name CH3NO2,.....Nitromethane....Too Cool...:)
Never watched the show. But that is ridiculous to boot the main character for saying something of truth. I think even gay people know it's a sin. Lol.

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OK I didn't read all the input, but seriously, who gives a fuck-----unless you can tell me which of these is surprising
1) Rednecks want segregation
2) Rednecks don't like the gay community, or agree with it
3) Freedom of speech at the work place is nonexistent.

Which part of this is shocking?
Metal, Phil Robertson did not call for nor does he support segregation. His comments were nothing even close to that. As for not liking the gay community I think he specifically said it was not his job to judge. And as for Freedom of speech in the workplace, there was and has never been such a thing. The 1st amendment is not unlimited. I think all 3 of your bullet points do not fit the situation.

I actually support A&E's right to terminate him for his words. An employer should have the right to terminate your employment for any reason they see fit.
Metal, Phil Robertson did not call for nor does he support segregation. His comments were nothing even close to that. As for not liking the gay community I think he specifically said it was not his job to judge. And as for Freedom of speech in the workplace, there was and has never been such a thing. The 1st amendment is not unlimited. I think all 3 of your bullet points do not fit the situation.

I actually support A&E's right to terminate him for his words. An employer should have the right to terminate your employment for any reason they see fit.

He was saying how things were better (in his mind) when the jim crow laws were in effect, my understanding of jim crow laws were that of segregation, but maybe I remembered incorrectly.
Let's also remember Nate Diaz called another fighter a *** on twitter and got suspended from the UFC, no one defended him and the guy he called a *** wasn't gay, and it wasn't meant that way, and he wasn't at work.

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Metal, Phil Robertson did not call for nor does he support segregation. His comments were nothing even close to that. As for not liking the gay community I think he specifically said it was not his job to judge. And as for Freedom of speech in the workplace, there was and has never been such a thing. The 1st amendment is not unlimited. I think all 3 of your bullet points do not fit the situation.

I actually support A&E's right to terminate him for his words. An employer should have the right to terminate your employment for any reason they see fit.

He was saying how things were better (in his mind) when the jim crow laws were in effect, my understanding of jim crow laws were that of segregation, but maybe I remembered incorrectly.
Let's also remember Nate Diaz called another fighter a *** on twitter and got suspended from the UFC, no one defended him and the guy he called a *** wasn't gay, and it wasn't meant that way, and he wasn't at work.

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sorry for the double post I have been having trouble with this site and sometimes yahoo with loading quickly and posting
Metal, Phil Robertson did not call for nor does he support segregation. His comments were nothing even close to that. As for not liking the gay community I think he specifically said it was not his job to judge. And as for Freedom of speech in the workplace, there was and has never been such a thing. The 1st amendment is not unlimited. I think all 3 of your bullet points do not fit the situation.

I actually support A&E's right to terminate him for his words. An employer should have the right to terminate your employment for any reason they see fit.

That was one of the points I was making, I said which of those things were shocking to anyone. I know if I said something that went against my employer they would fire me, shit I can't even mention them on facebook, or any social site w/out repercussions
I think they ate in the driver seat if A&E cancels them they along with all their sponsor will just get picked up elsewhere assuming the family wants to continue the show.
I think they ate in the driver seat if A&E cancels them they along with all their sponsor will just get picked up elsewhere assuming the family wants to continue the show.

Yeah no doubt. I have never watched it but judging by how they are the top show, and merchandise every where they would most likely get picked up and make more money with a bigger network once the steam blows over. I bet Spike tv would pick them up in a second even if it didn't blow over
the backlash from the gay community and they're boycotts is as dumb as when they did it protesting didn't harm the business and in fact made them more money...
I dont have a job where I can say whatever the fuck I want..........not sure who does unless you work for yourself. Everyone can say what they want but shit he made a lot of cash should be happy it took them as far as it did.
yeah that's what I was saying, like it's not a surprise when you get canned for saying things like that at pretty much any job I have ever had, minus the construction types of jobs I have done
thing is I don't think they really needed the money and I even read something a while ago he was saying he didn't want to do the show much longer as it is.