* EMERGENCY * : I need some fast help from everyone !!


New member
hi everybody,

ok - i know i've made a huge mistake, that could cost me alot of things. What I'm talking about is my tricep and my whole left arm.

I was doing QV Enanthat 250 + Deca 300 so I wanted to finish my cycle - but I didn't know how much was left in the bottles.. it looked like its not alot but it gave me an extra 2cc both of test and deca. Now, lets put it this way. I used the same syringe 23" guage 1.5 pin = MISTAKE ! and I had 4cc alltogether 2cc of test, 2cc of deca. Then I pierced my tricep and put the needle all the way left just like two or three millimeters..and then i started to inject slowly..so thats 4cc of oil in my tricep..one day passed i didnt feel any pain..the second day same..and the third day i felt a little swoleness and some pain..it got alot worse..I can't move my left arm, I can't do nothing..it turned all red and its swolen. Its like I injected 50cc's of synthol...I don't know whats wrong with all this. I have a meeting with my doc this Monday, if the pain doesn't go away should I tell him about my problem and that I'm using AS ?? and how can I avoid pain ?
your not going to loose your arm ....just tell him you were doing some yard work a bumped into a board with a nail sticking out ......( be sure to tell him it was a few days ago ) so he doesn't wonder why there's `not a puncture mark on your arm ....He will write a script for an anti-biotic .....This is the standard excuse used buy brothers that cycle and work in the building industry .......

you need the antibiotics........I had to take them 2 times this year for the same sort of thing....( My Ex works in Medicine so she just takes care of it for me)......
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I remember someone on the board (I think it was Mailboxkillr) who told the doc that he was working on his car and punctured himself with a sharp object that had some oil already on it.....just in case you have to have an abcess drained...........
Watch for streeking-If you start to get red lines streeking up your arm you need to go to the Emergency room-That is a sign that the infection has spread to your blood. That is Life threatening, be carful bro and follow the doc's advice all the way through.
the alcohol in the QV enanthate is probably what is giving you the pain I think. When I inject it about 2 days later I have extreme pain in that muscle. I can imagine 4cc's in one tricep would be almost crippling. Also you may not have injected that painful stuff deep enough. Diluting w/ deca does help, but 4cc's is alot and QV hurts like a bitch. My injections sites always swell up and get a hard lump from my QV test enanthate.
sounds...good..I think - again I might be day-dreaming but my arm is getting just a little bit better...I can bend it a little bit more now..however I'm having my full checkup this monday I will be testing my liver, lungs, heart, blood, chorestelor and everything along...if he finds something wrong with me..then I'll just come clean...there is something in my elbow that just showed up..looks like a small golf ball..and it hurts..
bigshug said:
I remember someone on the board (I think it was Mailboxkillr) who told the doc that he was working on his car and punctured himself with a sharp object that had some oil already on it.....just in case you have to have an abcess drained...........

Yep that be me that did that told her it was from a emergency brake cable they never work and are frayed. Soundds like good old cellouitis to me. Your arm may blow up so big that you won't see the knob of your elbow tetnous shot and antibiotics you'l be good to go. Scares the shit out of you though.
LordGlobus said:
sounds...good..I think - again I might be day-dreaming but my arm is getting just a little bit better...I can bend it a little bit more now..however I'm having my full checkup this monday I will be testing my liver, lungs, heart, blood, chorestelor and everything along...if he finds something wrong with me..then I'll just come clean...there is something in my elbow that just showed up..looks like a small golf ball..and it hurts..

Plan on comming clean then your liver values will probally be off depending on exactally what you where running BP and cholesteral might be up then you have to try and explain the 20+ lbs and being all jacked up. Just thought I'd prepare ya for the lectures and yada yada yada. I'd basically told my Dr. to pack it in her @ss. I'd rather go to a vet then the docs around this hick town.
not sure why you just do not tell the dr. you shit some as into your arm. big deal they can not tell anyone. they are there to help you and can only do that if they know everything. I went to a doc sometime ago. he asked why I was there and I say I am about to juice my ass off and want to get baseline vaules. I told him to check it all. I went back every 4 weeks. no big deal. I did know that he worked out at a local gym and knew some people I knew so I did pick him for that reason. I think he liked being able to see what juice does. he was surprised that really no serious problems came from it use. My liver values were high and my bp went up some but not much more than that. those went back to normal in not time. Best of luck bro. Oh, my two cent...just shoot into the ass sometimes the thigh but leave the rest of my muscle alone.

it the insurance problem..down the road.......keep your mouth shut inless you have to or your doc is hip to it.
? you mean trying to get insurance to pay for it. Ya, you do not want to use your insurance just pay for it yourself. If you can hide it from the doc and make it look like something else cool, but if you can not just tell him for your safety.

My doctor put it in my chart when he saw me, which really pissed me off. I thought it was an absess untill he started the surgery and it was all blood. I was doing test suspension injections into my bicep and could'nt extend my arms at all-it did'nt work like the tri-injections. My arms were three and a half inches bigger when injecting but I had to stop because the pain was so bad. I just did six cc's of eth and sus in my bi on monday and hit it again on Fri. My bi is sore but no redness. The begining of my cycle I hit delts with omnadren-delts got bigger but I had some major redness and spotting all over that arm and shoulder. I took augmenten just in case-went away in four days. By the way my insurence covered the surgery, When it was all done the whole thing cost me 500. without insurence it would have been over 4000. I had a drain in my tri for 4weeks. I woke up one morning and was covered in blood. I went to the hospital and my doc took the drain out-bad move because my tri filled back up and I was back in the hospital. This time he used no anastha(sp) it was'nt as filled as the first time, but he used an 18g to suck out the blood which was 33cc. Later
scary story .....I like you to write of a detailed account of your experence 605pm..........it will really help to hear the details ........I 'd like to archive it for the young one's .....
tenn0titan said:
not sure why you just do not tell the dr. you shit some as into your arm. big deal they can not tell anyone

tennOtitan bro that is not always true. Yes there is paticient confindentionality but when stuff is documented in your files the insuriance companys have a right to look at them and may not cover things because you are doing illegal things. They could even have the possibility to drop you because of that. Some employers even want you to sign a waiver giving them the right to access your medical records. Don't always beleive we live in the land of the free.
that insurance thing if fuc$## up.i asked my doctor if everything i told him was confidential.he says yea,but what about if u get cancer for example and pass on.life insurance co. will have access to all you files before they pay off a policy. i wish i had not told him any thing now.
as far as your arm bro,everything said above is true.although on fri. i put in 3cc of 500eneth/100prop in my glute.now one hip is bigger than the other and it hurts like hell when i sleep on that side or walk.i b profin helps with the swelling a bit and make it more bearable.just pay attention next time to what you r doing.
just think if you had made this mistake on slin?we probably wouldn't be having this conversation.take care bro,i think you'll be fine,qv hurts,thats just a fact.tell the doc something else like what the guys above said.(nail,wire,brake cable is a good one)
keep us posted
I'm only on the sixth week and I gained 36 pounds keeping my waist size at the same size at 35. I really want my waist at 31. I had it there two years ago at a weight of 252. I'm at 306pounds and feel like a sack of shit. I have to start the arobics and I'm going to switch to some different low adrogen stuff. Going back to the insurence issue it really differs from job to job and if the insurence people are jerks about it. My brother has insurence with our city and it covers implants and hair transplants along with electrolisis. As my insurence covers nothing cosmetic. As for archive somthing I'm not very good on this thing and I only use it when I'm at my fiance's. I watched a program on ABC that said your employee can get your medical records. Thats why a good doctor will not write it down-he'll write it as something else, my regular doctor does this. It's scarry not knowing who will blab your personnal shit. The nurses were all asking me how I got this blood clot-my response "I dunno know" , untill the doctor came in and told them. They said you lied-I said I did'nt want my info being blabbed at the nurses station. She said "Well that's what you get for doing those things" My response was whatever I do to my body is my bussiness as long as it's not effecting you-in fact you should be happy because it's job security right? were'nt they threatening layoff a couple months ago? Bull! Be safe people.