
New member
I have been on a fina,150 eod with test cyn 1 g wkly now for 5 months--the first month I also did 6 wks of anandrol 50 mg ed.The addition of the anandrol really blew me up--incredable gains and size.With the test/fina/anandrol i went from 230 to 240 245,I,m 6 ' and for a long time my arms were stuck at 18 !/4"--after the anandol,I went up to 18 1/2"--anyways,that was the beginning of this current 5 month cycle--now I,m winding down--I am currently on 1 g test wkly and just last week added 50 mgs ed of d-bol.i have not been on the d bol that long to say anything except i do feel great pumps and a sense of calmness,un like anandrol--but i,m finally off fina and I,m looking forward to better sleeps at nite and ending the hot flashes--the d-bol will continue for 5 more weeks and then the wind down phase of the test--1 g to 600 to 300------for a 50 yr old man,gear has been so great for me,my mind,my libido,my body and my wife-----just felt like sharing--later.
well I am glad it worked for YOU! but I certainly hope NO ONE takes any ideas from this post on how to put together a cycle !

I hope your PCT is well planned bro
teekahty said:
well I am glad it worked for YOU! but I certainly hope NO ONE takes any ideas from this post on how to put together a cycle !

I hope your PCT is well planned bro

what do you mean? 5 months of fina is not common practice? lmao
Well i hope I didn,t start a thread where it gives oppurtunities for 'easy critiques'--but just to keep everyone happy,I did always take arimidex 1 mg ed and my blood levels were always checked--at times estro levels were high,liver levels were slightly elevated but all in all,very workable.
Hey bro .. I am not taking shots at you , at all . If you had asked me my opinion of that cycle before you did it . I would have edited it greatly .. but like I said I am happy it worked for you ... but I certainly do not want anyone to read this post and think these are dosages anddurations that are normal ... This cycle is extreme even for the pro's , and could potentially be dangerous . and I wanted to make sure that was expressed
I have been on test 1 g wkly---so in other words i have been want ing to f-ck everything in site!!
Ohh, when i was on fina i got like a boner a week if i was lucky. But this was a fina only cycle, since i had adverse effects to the prop

ya I just came off of 6 months of fina. the longest period between any two shots was 2 weeks. usually i did 150mg EOD, although some times it was a little higher for a couple days and sometimes it was only 75mg EOD. Also did anadrol for the first 4 weeks and then a couple more 2 week stunts just for a little boost. hit d-bol for 2-4 weeks a couple times. winny-v for 8 weeks on 4 weeks off at 50mg ED. GH when I could afford it always at 12 IU ED till it was gone. Test up to 3g. deca up to 1g. EQ at 2g for like two months. hmmm.... tried slin for a while. anavar at 100mg a day for 4 weeks prior to coming off. stopped cold turkey 3 weeks ago. no anti-E at all, during or after. started getting gyno a little, but already since stopping it's gone. I've put on 2 pounds and am still very hard since coming off. I think the GH is making me keep all my size gains. by the way I'm 296 at about 11%. I was 9% at 275 last time I got checked. I did clen and t-3 now and them whenever I wanted to lean out. usually took about 3 weeks to drop 6-7 pounds, abs would show good then back to bulking.

anyways, liver values elevated slightly, cholestrol and blood pressure normal throughout for some reason. I've done anadrol at 150mg a day and had high cholestrol anbd blood pressure, but not this time. ???


I thought I'd add a note about my libido. feels normal. I did a couple adult video shoots and didn't have any problems. usually I have a hard time keeping my cock hard for more than 2 hours but the last 6 months wasn't a problem. last year I did 2g of deca with loads of anadrol and winstrol w/ 2g test and couldn't even get hard. the GH helps alot for erections I think.

just so you know I like to go hard for a long time, then take a good solid break NO BRIDGING for about 8-12 weeks. then hit several 4 week on 4 week off cycles before hitting it hard again.

teekahty said:
well I am glad it worked for YOU! but I certainly hope NO ONE takes any ideas from this post on how to put together a cycle !

I hope your PCT is well planned bro
Oops, too late!
LA said:
Yet no one batted an eye when I said I was coming off 46 weeks.....

Where's the love?

I just got here brah .. Or I would have been right there for you .. ..... telling you to suck it up and stay on year round . you little nancy!!! :D
tugs, are you satisifed with the results? What would you do differently next time?

Fina, it's not for 6 weeks anymore, lol