For some one like me ,libido is really big--it sorta of embodies my entire mentallity--not that I,m 24/7 obsessed with it,but to know it's always there is pretty cool,especialy when your 50 and your body is rock hard.i think the whole libido thing is underplayed--so having said that i would definitly not change the 1g test wkly.
The fina gave me consisitent strentgh and allowed me to slowly increase the weight I was using over a long period--also the fina allowed me to sneak on my diet--ice cream,and oreo's are always around,especially when you have 5 kids,but I was still able to maintain a flat stomach--abs I,ll never have--too much work-and I,m having too much fun getting big (18 1/2'arms)
The anandrol allowed me to go intense on big lifts like deads,which I,ve done wkly,which by doing deads wkly changed the mentality of my bodys growing process and made me really big.
So to anwser your question,i liked the past cycle--I,m sure I,ll learn more and maybe tweak it up alittle,but shit,i feel awesome!
tugs said:
For some one like me ,libido is really big--it sorta of embodies my entire mentallity--not that I,m 24/7 obsessed with it,but to know it's always there is pretty cool,especialy when your 50 and your body is rock hard.i think the whole libido thing is underplayed--so having said that i would definitly not change the 1g test wkly.
The fina gave me consisitent strentgh and allowed me to slowly increase the weight I was using over a long period--also the fina allowed me to sneak on my diet--ice cream,and oreo's are always around,especially when you have 5 kids,but I was still able to maintain a flat stomach--abs I,ll never have--too much work-and I,m having too much fun getting big (18 1/2'arms)
The anandrol allowed me to go intense on big lifts like deads,which I,ve done wkly,which by doing deads wkly changed the mentality of my bodys growing process and made me really big.
So to anwser your question,i liked the past cycle--I,m sure I,ll learn more and maybe tweak it up alittle,but shit,i feel awesome!
Gotcha, so this whole time you approached it as a gradual muscle accumulation, rather than a traditional bulk the entire time?
I guess you can say that--2 yrs ago,even though I was always into surfing and basketball,i never lifted a weight in my life.My waist was 40' and arms were 15" etc. the most i could bench was 180 1 or 2 x.i sorta fell into this whole bb and gear thing by accident--a progressive md turned me on to a oxandrine script for 2 months and then I found this and another board and have been at it since.I,m now 245,34'waist and i,m benching 300 2 sets 6 reps ea.I also hooked up with someone into low volume but heavy weight and he helped alot.Just a yr ago i only discovered that i needed to drink 300 to 350 grms of protein ed and so it really is a gradual growth thing for me --if there is such a phrase-
MOOOOO! It never bothers my liver enzymes either. I'm on 100 anadrol ed, 50 mcg IFG-1R ed, 600 test cyp, 150 fina, 100 test prop weekly. Feel pretty good! I get checked every couple of weeks.
Squatter, I can't tell if your cycle description is mocking Tug's cycle or if you are serious. Jesus, for how long the both of you guys have been on Fina I am surprised that you both haven't started to sprout horns and hooves.

Squatter, unless I read your post incorrectly, I can't see how you have only gained two pounds when shooting thousands of milligrams of test, deca, and fina. On top of that, you are also using anadrol here and there. Something with this equation doesn't seem right.

I'm totally serious bro. you're flaming me a little but I understand why. bro, I don't gain weight because I'm nearly peaked . even w/ massive amounts of gear I can barely grow any more. I've basicly been on since I was 19. you try going over 300 with abs ;)
